Source code for cmp.bidsappmanager.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Definition of EEG connectome config and stage UI classes."""

# Global imports
import subprocess

from traits.api import *
from traitsui.api import *

# Own imports
from cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome import (
    EEGConnectomeConfig, EEGConnectomeStage

[docs]class EEGConnectomeConfigUI(EEGConnectomeConfig): """Class that extends the :class:`cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome.EEGConnectomeConfig` with graphical components. Attributes ---------- output_types : list of string A list of ``output_types``. Valid ``output_types`` are 'gpickle', 'mat', 'cff', 'graphml' connectivity_metrics : list of string A list of time/frequency connectivity metrics to stored. Valid ``connectivity_metrics`` are 'coh', 'cohy', 'imcoh', 'plv', 'ciplv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'wpli', and 'wpli2_debiased' traits_view : traits.ui.View TraitsUI view that displays the Attributes of this class See also --------- cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome.EEGConnectomeConfig """ output_types = List( ["gpickle"], editor=CheckListEditor(values=["gpickle", "mat", "cff", "graphml"], cols=4), ) connectivity_metrics = List( [ 'coh', 'cohy', 'imcoh', 'plv', 'ciplv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'wpli', 'wpli2_debiased' ], editor=CheckListEditor( values=[ 'coh', 'cohy', 'imcoh', 'plv', 'ciplv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'wpli', 'wpli2_debiased' ], cols=4, ), ) traits_view = View( Item("output_types", style="custom"), Group( Item("connectivity_metrics", label="Metrics", style="custom"), label="Connectivity matrix", show_border=True, ), )
[docs]class EEGConnectomeStageUI(EEGConnectomeStage): """Class that extends the :class:`cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome.EEGConnectomeStage` with graphical components. Attributes ---------- log_visualization : traits.Bool Log visualization that might be obsolete as this has been detached after creation of the bidsappmanager (Default: True) circular_layout : traits.Bool Visualization of the connectivity matrix using a circular layout that might be obsolete as this has been detached after creation of the bidsappmanager (Default: False) inspect_output_button : traits.ui.Button Button that displays the selected connectivity matrix in the graphical component for quality inspection inspect_outputs_view : traits.ui.View TraitsUI view that displays the quality inspection window of this stage config_view : traits.ui.View TraitsUI view that displays the configuration window of this stage See also --------- cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome.EEGConnectomeStage """ log_visualization = Bool(True) circular_layout = Bool(False) inspect_output_button = Button("View") inspect_outputs_view = View( Group( Item("name", editor=TitleEditor(), show_label=False), Group( Item("log_visualization", label="Log scale"), Item("circular_layout", label="Circular layout"), label="Visualization", show_border=True, ), Group( Item("inspect_outputs_enum", show_label=False), Item( "inspect_output_button", enabled_when='inspect_outputs_enum!="Outputs not available"', show_label=False, ), label="View outputs", show_border=True, ), ), scrollable=True, resizable=True, kind="livemodal", title="Inspect stage outputs", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) config_view = View( Group( Item("name", editor=TitleEditor(), show_label=False), Group( Item("config", style="custom", show_label=False), label="Configuration", show_border=True, ), ), scrollable=True, resizable=True, height=270, width=670, kind="livemodal", title="Edit stage configuration", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) def __init__(self, subject, session, bids_dir, output_dir): """Constructor of the EEGConnectomeStageUI class. Parameters ---------- subject : str Subject label session : str Session label bids_dir : traits.Directory BIDS root directory output_dir : traits.Directory Output directory See also --------- cmp.stages.connectome.eeg_connectome.EEGConnectomeStage.__init__ """ EEGConnectomeStage.__init__(self, bids_dir, output_dir, subject, session) self.config = EEGConnectomeConfigUI() def _log_visualization_changed(self, new): """Update the value of log_visualization in the config. Parameters ---------- new : traits.Bool New value """ self.define_inspect_outputs( log_visualization=new, circular_layout=self.circular_layout ) def _circular_layout_changed(self, new): """Update the value of circular_layout in the config. Parameters ---------- new : traits.Bool New value """ self.define_inspect_outputs( log_visualization=self.log_visualization, circular_layout=new ) def _inspect_output_button_fired(self, info): """Display the selected output when ``inspect_output_button`` is clicked. Parameters ---------- info : traits.ui.Button Button object """ subprocess.Popen(self.inspect_outputs_dict[self.inspect_outputs_enum])