Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Module that defines CMTK utility functions for retrieving Lausanne parcellation files."""

import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import pandas as pd

[docs]def get_lausanne2018_parcellation_mni_coords(scale='scale1'): """Return label regions cut coordinates in MNI space (mm). Parameters ---------- scale : {'scale1', 'scale2', 'scale3', 'scale4', 'scale5'} Lausanne 2018 parcellation scale Returns ------- coords : numpy.array Label regions cut coordinates in MNI space (mm) """ query_csv_file = resource_filename( "cmtklib", os.path.join("data", "parcellation", "lausanne2018", "mni-space", f'atlas-L2018_res-{scale}_coords.csv') ) return pd.read_csv(query_csv_file, index_col=0).to_numpy()
[docs]def get_lausanne2018_parcellation_annot(scale='scale1', hemi='lh'): """Return the path of the Freesurfer ``.annot`` file corresponding to a specific scale and hemisphere. Parameters ---------- scale : {'scale1', 'scale2', 'scale3', 'scale4', 'scale5'} Lausanne 2018 parcellation scale hemi : {'lh', 'rh'} Brain hemisphere Returns ------- annot_file_path : string Absolute path to the queried ``.annot`` file """ query_annot_file = resource_filename( "cmtklib", os.path.join("data", "parcellation", "lausanne2018", f'{hemi}.lausanne2018.{scale}.annot') ) return query_annot_file