Source code for cmp.bidsappmanager.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical

# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Anatomical pipeline UI Class definition."""

import datetime
import os
import glob

import shutil

from traits.api import *
from traitsui.api import *
from traitsui.qt4.extra.qt_view import QtView
from pyface.ui.qt4.image_resource import ImageResource

from pyface.qt.QtCore import *
from pyface.qt.QtGui import *

from bids import BIDSLayout

# Own import
from cmp.bidsappmanager.stages.segmentation.segmentation import SegmentationStageUI
from cmp.bidsappmanager.stages.parcellation.parcellation import ParcellationStageUI

from cmp.pipelines.common import Pipeline
from cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical import Global_Configuration, Check_Input_Notification, AnatomicalPipeline
from cmtklib.util import return_button_style_sheet

[docs]class Check_Input_NotificationUI(Check_Input_Notification): traits_view = View(Item('message', style='readonly', show_label=False), Item('diffusion_imaging_model_message', visible_when='len(diffusion_imaging_model_options)>1', style='readonly', show_label=False), Item('diffusion_imaging_model', editor=EnumEditor(name='diffusion_imaging_model_options'), visible_when='len(diffusion_imaging_model_options)>1'), kind='modal', buttons=['OK'], title="Check inputs")
[docs]class AnatomicalPipelineUI(AnatomicalPipeline): """Class that extends the :class:`~cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline` with graphical components. Attributes ---------- segmentation : traits.ui.Button Button to open the window for configuration or quality inspection of the segmentation stage depending on the ``view_mode`` parcellation : traits.ui.Button Button to open the window for configuration or quality inspection of the segmentation stage depending on the ``view_mode`` view_mode : ['config_view', 'inspect_outputs_view'] Variable used to control the display of either (1) the configuration or (2) the quality inspection of stage of the pipeline pipeline_group : traitsUI panel Panel defining the layout of the buttons of the stages with corresponding images traits_view : QtView QtView that includes the ``pipeline_group`` panel See also --------- cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline """ segmentation = Button() parcellation = Button() view_mode = Enum('config_view', ['config_view', 'inspect_outputs_view']) pipeline_group = VGroup( HGroup(spring, UItem('segmentation', style='custom', width=222, height=129, resizable=False, style_sheet=return_button_style_sheet(ImageResource('segmentation').absolute_path, 222)), spring, show_labels=False, label=""), # Item('parcellation',editor=CustomEditor(image=ImageResource('parcellation'))),show_labels=False), HGroup(spring, UItem('parcellation', style='custom', width=222, height=129, resizable=False, style_sheet=return_button_style_sheet(ImageResource('parcellation').absolute_path, 222)), spring, show_labels=False, label=""), spring, springy=True ) traits_view = QtView(Include('pipeline_group')) def __init__(self, project_info): """Constructor of the AnatomicalPipelineUI class. Parameters ----------- project_info : cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info CMP_Project_Info object that stores general information such as the BIDS root and output directories (see :class_`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` for more details) See also --------- cmp.pipelines.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline.__init__ """ AnatomicalPipeline.__init__(self, project_info) self.stages = {'Segmentation': SegmentationStageUI(bids_dir=project_info.base_directory, output_dir=project_info.output_directory), 'Parcellation': ParcellationStageUI(pipeline_mode="Diffusion", bids_dir=project_info.base_directory, output_dir=project_info.output_directory)} for stage in list(self.stages.keys()): if project_info.subject_session != '': self.stages[stage].stage_dir = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "derivatives", 'nipype', self.subject, project_info.subject_session, self.pipeline_name, self.stages[stage].name) else: self.stages[stage].stage_dir = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "derivatives", 'nipype', self.subject, self.pipeline_name, self.stages[stage].name) def _segmentation_fired(self, info): """Method that displays the window for the segmentation stage. The window changed accordingly to the value of ``view_mode`` to be in configuration or quality inspection mode. Parameters ----------- info : traits.ui.Button The segmentation button object """ self.stages['Segmentation'].configure_traits(view=self.view_mode) def _parcellation_fired(self, info): """Method that displays the window for the parcellation stage. The window changed accordingly to the value of ``view_mode`` to be in configuration or quality inspection mode. Parameters ----------- info : traits.ui.Button The parcellation button object """ self.stages['Parcellation'].configure_traits(view=self.view_mode)
[docs] def check_input(self, layout, gui=True): """Method that checks if inputs of the anatomical pipeline are available in the datasets. Parameters ----------- layout : bids.BIDSLayout BIDSLayout object used to query gui : Boolean If `True` display messages and errors in graphical window Returns ------- valid_inputs : bool True in all inputs of the anatomical pipeline are available """ print('**** Check Inputs ****') t1_available = False valid_inputs = False types = layout.get_modalities() if self.global_conf.subject_session == '': T1_file = os.path.join( self.subject_directory, 'anat', self.subject + '_T1w.nii.gz') else: subjid = self.subject.split("-")[1] sessid = self.global_conf.subject_session.split("-")[1] files = layout.get(subject=subjid, suffix='T1w', extensions='.nii.gz', session=sessid) if len(files) > 0: T1_file = files[0].filename print(T1_file) else: error(message="T1w image not found for subject %s, session %s." % ( subjid, self.global_conf.subject_session), title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) return print("Looking in %s for...." % self.base_directory) print("T1_file : %s" % T1_file) for typ in types: if typ == 'T1w' and os.path.isfile(T1_file): print("%s available" % typ) t1_available = True if t1_available: # Copy diffusion data to derivatives / cmp / subject / dwi if self.global_conf.subject_session == '': out_T1_file = os.path.join(self.derivatives_directory, 'cmp', self.subject, 'anat', self.subject + '_T1w.nii.gz') else: out_T1_file = os.path.join(self.derivatives_directory, 'cmp', self.subject, self.global_conf.subject_session, 'anat', self.subject + '_' + self.global_conf.subject_session + '_T1w.nii.gz') if not os.path.isfile(out_T1_file): shutil.copy(src=T1_file, dst=out_T1_file) valid_inputs = True input_message = 'Inputs check finished successfully. \nOnly anatomical data (T1) available.' else: input_message = 'Error during inputs check. No anatomical data available in folder ' + os.path.join( self.base_directory, self.subject) + '/anat/!' # diffusion_imaging_model = diffusion_imaging_model[0] if gui: # input_notification = Check_Input_Notification(message=input_message, # diffusion_imaging_model_options=diffusion_imaging_model, # diffusion_imaging_model=diffusion_imaging_model) # input_notification.configure_traits() print(input_message) else: print(input_message) if t1_available: valid_inputs = True else: print("Missing required inputs.") error(message="Missing required inputs. Please see documentation for more details.", title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) for stage in list(self.stages.values()): if stage.enabled: print( print(stage.stage_dir) # self.fill_stages_outputs() return valid_inputs
[docs] def check_output(self): """Method that checks if outputs of the anatomical pipeline are available. Returns -------- valid_output : bool True is all outputs are found error_message : string Message in case there is an error """ t1_available = False brain_available = False brainmask_available = False wm_available = False roivs_available = False valid_output = False subject = self.subject if self.global_conf.subject_session == '': anat_deriv_subject_directory = os.path.join( self.base_directory, "derivatives", "cmp", self.subject, 'anat') else: if self.global_conf.subject_session not in subject: anat_deriv_subject_directory = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "derivatives", "cmp", subject, self.global_conf.subject_session, 'anat') subject = "_".join((subject, self.global_conf.subject_session)) else: anat_deriv_subject_directory = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "derivatives", "cmp", subject.split( "_")[0], self.global_conf.subject_session, 'anat') T1_file = os.path.join(anat_deriv_subject_directory, subject + '_T1w_head.nii.gz') brain_file = os.path.join( anat_deriv_subject_directory, subject + '_T1w_brain.nii.gz') brainmask_file = os.path.join( anat_deriv_subject_directory, subject + '_T1w_brainmask.nii.gz') wm_mask_file = os.path.join( anat_deriv_subject_directory, subject + '_T1w_class-WM.nii.gz') roiv_files = glob.glob( anat_deriv_subject_directory + "/" + subject + "_T1w_parc_scale*.nii.gz") error_message = '' if os.path.isfile(T1_file): t1_available = True else: error_message = "Missing anatomical output file %s . Please re-run the anatomical pipeline" % T1_file print(error_message) error(message=error_message, title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) if os.path.isfile(brain_file): brain_available = True else: error_message = "Missing anatomical output file %s . Please re-run the anatomical pipeline" % brain_file print(error_message) error(message=error_message, title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) if os.path.isfile(brainmask_file): brainmask_available = True else: error_message = "Missing anatomical output file %s . Please re-run the anatomical pipeline" % brainmask_file print(error_message) error(message=error_message, title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) if os.path.isfile(wm_mask_file): wm_available = True else: error_message = "Missing anatomical output file %s . Please re-run the anatomical pipeline" % wm_mask_file print(error_message) error(message=error_message, title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) cnt1 = 0 cnt2 = 0 for roiv_file in roiv_files: cnt1 = cnt1 + 1 if os.path.isfile(roiv_file): cnt2 = cnt2 + 1 if cnt1 == cnt2: roivs_available = True else: error_message = "Missing %g/%g anatomical parcellation output files. Please re-run the anatomical pipeline" % ( cnt1 - cnt2, cnt1) print(error_message) error(message=error_message, title="Error", buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], parent=None) if t1_available is True and brain_available is True and brainmask_available is True and wm_available is True and roivs_available is True: print("valid deriv/anat output") valid_output = True return valid_output, error_message