Source code for cmtklib.bids.utils

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""This modules provides CMTK Utility functions to handle BIDS datasets."""

import os
import json

[docs]def write_derivative_description(bids_dir, deriv_dir, pipeline_name): """Write a dataset_description.json in each type of CMP derivatives. Parameters ---------- bids_dir : string BIDS root directory deriv_dir : string Output/derivatives directory pipeline_name : string Type of derivatives (`['cmp', 'freesurfer', 'nipype']`) """ from import __version__, __url__, DOCKER_HUB bids_dir = os.path.abspath(bids_dir) deriv_dir = os.path.abspath(deriv_dir) if pipeline_name == 'cmp': desc = { 'Name': 'CMP3 Outputs', 'BIDSVersion': '1.4.0', 'DatasetType': 'derivatives', 'GeneratedBy': { 'Name': pipeline_name, 'Version': __version__, 'Container': { 'Type': 'docker', 'Tag': '{}:{}'.format(DOCKER_HUB, __version__) }, 'CodeURL': __url__ }, 'HowToAcknowledge': 'Please cite ... ', } elif pipeline_name == 'freesurfer': desc = { 'Name': 'Freesurfer Outputs of CMP3 ({})'.format(__version__), 'BIDSVersion': '1.4.0', 'DatasetType': 'derivatives', 'GeneratedBy': { 'Name': 'freesurfer', 'Version': '6.0.1', 'Container': { 'Type': 'docker', 'Tag': '{}:{}'.format(DOCKER_HUB, __version__) }, 'CodeURL': __url__ }, 'HowToAcknowledge': 'Please cite ... ' } elif pipeline_name == 'nipype': from nipype import __version__ as nipype_version desc = { 'Name': 'Nipype Outputs of CMP3 ({})'.format(__version__), 'BIDSVersion': '1.4.0', 'DatasetType': 'derivatives', 'GeneratedBy': { 'Name': pipeline_name, 'Version': nipype_version, 'Container': { 'Type': 'docker', 'Tag': '{}:{}'.format(DOCKER_HUB, __version__) }, 'CodeURL': __url__ }, 'HowToAcknowledge': 'Please cite ... ' } # Keys that can only be set by environment # if 'CMP_DOCKER_TAG' in os.environ: # desc['DockerHubContainerTag'] = os.environ['CMP_DOCKER_TAG'] # if 'CMP_SINGULARITY_URL' in os.environ: # singularity_url = os.environ['CMP_SINGULARITY_URL'] # desc['SingularityContainerURL'] = singularity_url # singularity_md5 = _get_shub_version(singularity_url) # if singularity_md5 and singularity_md5 is not NotImplemented: # desc['SingularityContainerMD5'] = _get_shub_version( # singularity_url) # Keys deriving from source dataset orig_desc = {} fname = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'dataset_description.json') if os.access(fname, os.R_OK): with open(fname, 'r') as fobj: orig_desc = json.load(fobj) if 'DatasetDOI' in orig_desc: desc['SourceDatasets']: [ { 'DOI': orig_desc['DatasetDOI'], 'URL': '{}'.format(orig_desc['DatasetDOI']), 'Version': 'TODO: To be updated' } ] else: desc['SourceDatasets']: [ { 'DOI': 'TODO: To be updated', 'URL': 'TODO: To be updated', 'Version': 'TODO: To be updated' } ] desc['License'] = 'TODO: To be updated (See' with open(os.path.join(deriv_dir, pipeline_name, 'dataset_description.json'), 'w') as fobj: json.dump(desc, fobj, indent=4)
def _get_shub_version(singularity_url): """Get singularity_md5 from URL. .. note:: Not implemented yet Parameters ---------- singularity_url : url URL to image on singularity hub """ return NotImplemented