Source code for cmp.viz.reports

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Definitions of classes and functions for building Connectome Mapper reports


Based on fMRIprep v1.3.2 report builder.

    from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
    print('Error: missing pathlib')

import json
import re

import jinja2
from nipype.utils.filemanip import copyfile
from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf

# from niworkflows.utils.misc import read_crashfile

[docs]class Element(object): """ Just a basic component of a report """ def __init__(self, name, title=None): = name self.title = title
[docs]class Reportlet(Element): """ A reportlet has title, description and a list of graphical components """ def __init__(self, name, file_pattern=None, title=None, description=None, raw=False): = name self.file_pattern = re.compile(file_pattern) self.title = title self.description = description self.source_files = [] self.contents = [] self.raw = raw
[docs]class SubReport(Element): """ SubReports are sections within a Report """ def __init__(self, name, reportlets=None, title=''): = name self.title = title self.reportlets = [] if reportlets: self.reportlets += reportlets self.isnested = False
[docs]class Report(object): """ The full report object """ def __init__(self, path, config, out_dir, run_uuid, out_filename='report.html', sentry_sdk=None): self.root = path self.sections = [] self.errors = [] self.out_dir = Path(out_dir) self.out_filename = out_filename self.run_uuid = run_uuid self.sentry_sdk = sentry_sdk self._load_config(config) def _load_config(self, config): with open(config, 'r') as configfh: config = json.load(configfh) self.index(config['sections'])
[docs] def index(self, config): """ Parameters ---------- config """ fig_dir = 'figures' subject_dir = self.root.split('/')[-1] subject = '^(?P<subject_id>sub-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$', subject_dir).group() svg_dir = self.out_dir / 'cmp' / subject / fig_dir svg_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) reportlet_list = list( sorted([str(f) for f in Path(self.root).glob('**/*.*')])) for subrep_cfg in config: reportlets = [] for reportlet_cfg in subrep_cfg['reportlets']: rlet = Reportlet(**reportlet_cfg) for src in reportlet_list: ext = src.split('.')[-1] if contents = None if ext == 'html': with open(src) as fp: contents = elif ext == 'svg': fbase = Path(src).name copyfile(src, str(svg_dir / fbase), copy=True, use_hardlink=True) contents = str(Path(subject) / fig_dir / fbase) if contents: rlet.source_files.append(src) rlet.contents.append(contents) if rlet.source_files: reportlets.append(rlet) if reportlets: sub_report = SubReport( subrep_cfg['name'], reportlets=reportlets, title=subrep_cfg.get('title')) self.sections.append(order_by_run(sub_report)) error_dir = self.out_dir / "nipype" / subject / 'log' / self.run_uuid if error_dir.is_dir(): self.index_error_dir(error_dir)
[docs] def index_error_dir(self, error_dir): """ Crawl subjects crash directory for the corresponding run, report to sentry, and populate self.errors. """ for crashfile in error_dir.glob('crash*.*'): crash_info = read_crashfile(str(crashfile)) if self.sentry_sdk: with self.sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope: node_name = crash_info['node'].split('.')[-1] # last line is probably most informative summary gist = crash_info['traceback'].split('\n')[-1] exception_text_start = 1 for line in crash_info['traceback'].split('\n')[1:]: if not line[0].isspace(): break exception_text_start += 1 exception_text = '\n'.join(crash_info['traceback'].split('\n')[ exception_text_start:]) scope.set_tag("node_name", node_name) chunk_size = 16384 for k, v in list(crash_info.items()): if k == 'inputs': scope.set_extra(k, dict(v)) elif isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > chunk_size: chunks = [v[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(v), chunk_size)] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): scope.set_extra('%s_%02d' % (k, i), chunk) else: scope.set_extra(k, v) scope.level = 'fatal' # Group common events with pre specified fingerprints fingerprint_dict = {'permission-denied': [ "PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied"], 'memory-error': ["MemoryError", "Cannot allocate memory"], 'reconall-already-running': [ "ERROR: it appears that recon-all is already running"], 'no-disk-space': [ "OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device", "[Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded"], 'sigkill': ["Return code: 137"], 'keyboard-interrupt': ["KeyboardInterrupt"]} fingerprint = '' issue_title = node_name + ': ' + gist for new_fingerprint, error_snippets in list(fingerprint_dict.items()): for error_snippet in error_snippets: if error_snippet in crash_info['traceback']: fingerprint = new_fingerprint issue_title = new_fingerprint break if fingerprint: break message = issue_title + '\n\n' message += exception_text[-(8192 - len(message)):] if fingerprint: self.sentry_sdk.add_breadcrumb( message=fingerprint, level='fatal') else: # remove file paths fingerprint = re.sub(r"(/[^/ ]*)+/?", '', message) # remove words containing numbers fingerprint = re.sub( r"([a-zA-Z]*[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]*)+", '', fingerprint) # adding the return code if it exists for line in message.split('\n'): if line.startswith("Return code"): fingerprint += line break scope.fingerprint = [fingerprint] self.sentry_sdk.capture_message(message, 'fatal') self.errors.append(crash_info)
[docs] def generate_report(self): """ Returns ------- """ logs_path = self.out_dir / 'cmp' / 'logs' boilerplate = [] boiler_idx = 0 if (logs_path / 'CITATION.html').exists(): text = (logs_path / 'CITATION.html').read_text(encoding='UTF-8') text = '<div class="boiler-html">%s</div>' % re.compile( '<body>(.*?)</body>', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(text)[0].strip() boilerplate.append((boiler_idx, 'HTML', text)) boiler_idx += 1 if (logs_path / '').exists(): text = '<pre>%s</pre>\n' % (logs_path / '').read_text(encoding='UTF-8') boilerplate.append((boiler_idx, 'Markdown', text)) boiler_idx += 1 if (logs_path / 'CITATION.tex').exists(): text = (logs_path / 'CITATION.tex').read_text(encoding='UTF-8') text = re.compile( r'\\begin{document}(.*?)\\end{document}', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(text)[0].strip() text = '<pre>%s</pre>\n' % text text += '<h3>Bibliography</h3>\n' text += '<pre>%s</pre>\n' % Path( pkgrf('cmp', 'data/boilerplate.bib')).read_text(encoding='UTF-8') boilerplate.append((boiler_idx, 'LaTeX', text)) boiler_idx += 1 searchpath = pkgrf('cmp', '/') env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=searchpath), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) report_tpl = env.get_template('viz/report.tpl') report_render = report_tpl.render(sections=self.sections, errors=self.errors, boilerplate=boilerplate) # Write out report (self.out_dir / 'cmp' / self.out_filename).write_text(report_render, encoding='UTF-8') return len(self.errors)
[docs]def order_by_run(subreport): """ Parameters ---------- subreport Returns ------- """ ordered = [] run_reps = {} for element in subreport.reportlets: if len(element.source_files) == 1 and element.source_files[0]: ordered.append(element) continue for filename, file_contents in zip(element.source_files, element.contents): name, title = generate_name_title(filename) if not filename or not name: continue new_element = Reportlet(, title=element.title, file_pattern=element.file_pattern, description=element.description, raw=element.raw) new_element.contents.append(file_contents) new_element.source_files.append(filename) if name not in run_reps: run_reps[name] = SubReport(name, title=title) run_reps[name].reportlets.append(new_element) if run_reps: keys = list(sorted(run_reps.keys())) for key in keys: ordered.append(run_reps[key]) subreport.isnested = True subreport.reportlets = ordered return subreport
[docs]def generate_name_title(filename): """ Parameters ---------- filename Returns ------- """ fname = Path(filename).name expr = re.compile('^sub-(?P<subject_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(_ses-(?P<session_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?' '(_task-(?P<task_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?(_acq-(?P<acq_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?' '(_rec-(?P<rec_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?(_run-(?P<run_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?') outputs = if outputs: outputs = outputs.groupdict() else: return None, None name = '{session}{task}{acq}{rec}{run}'.format( session="_ses-" + outputs['session_id'] if outputs['session_id'] else '', task="_task-" + outputs['task_id'] if outputs['task_id'] else '', acq="_acq-" + outputs['acq_id'] if outputs['acq_id'] else '', rec="_rec-" + outputs['rec_id'] if outputs['rec_id'] else '', run="_run-" + outputs['run_id'] if outputs['run_id'] else '' ) title = '{session}{task}{acq}{rec}{run}'.format( session=" Session: " + outputs['session_id'] if outputs['session_id'] else '', task=" Task: " + outputs['task_id'] if outputs['task_id'] else '', acq=" Acquisition: " + outputs['acq_id'] if outputs['acq_id'] else '', rec=" Reconstruction: " + outputs['rec_id'] if outputs['rec_id'] else '', run=" Run: " + outputs['run_id'] if outputs['run_id'] else '' ) return name.strip('_'), title
[docs]def run_reports(reportlets_dir, out_dir, subject_label, run_uuid, sentry_sdk=None): """ Runs the reports >>> import os >>> from shutil import copytree >>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory >>> filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) >>> test_data_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(filepath, ... '../data/tests/work')) >>> curdir = os.getcwd() >>> tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() >>> os.chdir( >>> data_dir = copytree(test_data_path, os.path.abspath('work')) >>> os.makedirs('out/fmriprep', exist_ok=True) >>> run_reports(os.path.abspath('work/reportlets'), ... os.path.abspath('out'), ... '01', 'madeoutuuid') 0 >>> os.chdir(curdir) >>> tmpdir.cleanup() """ reportlet_path = str(Path(reportlets_dir) / 'cmp' / ("sub-%s" % subject_label)) config = pkgrf('cmp', 'viz/config.json') out_filename = 'sub-{}.html'.format(subject_label) report = Report(reportlet_path, config, out_dir, run_uuid, out_filename, sentry_sdk=sentry_sdk) return report.generate_report()
[docs]def generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid, sentry_sdk=None): """ A wrapper to run_reports on a given ``subject_list`` """ reports_dir = str(Path(work_dir) / 'reportlets') report_errors = [ run_reports(reports_dir, output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid, sentry_sdk=sentry_sdk) for subject_label in subject_list ] errno = sum(report_errors) if errno: import logging logger = logging.getLogger('cli') error_list = ', '.join('%s (%d)' % (subid, err) for subid, err in zip(subject_list, report_errors) if err) logger.error('Preprocessing did not finish successfully. Errors occurred while processing ' 'data from participants: %s. Check the HTML reports for details.' % error_list) return errno