Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2005, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in enthought/LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!
#  Author: David C. Morrill
#  Date:   12/19/2004

""" Defines the standard menu bar for use with Traits UI windows and panels,
    and standard actions and buttons.

#  Imports:

from __future__ import absolute_import

from traits.api import Str

# Import and rename the needed PyFace elements:
from pyface.action.api import ToolBarManager as ToolBar
from pyface.action.api import MenuBarManager as MenuBar
from pyface.action.api import MenuManager as Menu
from pyface.action.api import Group as ActionGroup
from pyface.action.api import Action as PyFaceAction

#  'Action' class (extends the core pyface Action class):

class Action(PyFaceAction):
    """ An action on a menu bar in a Traits UI window or panel.

    #  Trait definitions:

    #: Pre-condition for showing the action. If the expression evaluates to False,
    #: the action is not visible (and disappears if it was previously visible).
    #: If the value evaluates to True, the action becomes visible. All
    #: **visible_when** conditions are checked each time that any trait value
    #: is edited in the display. Therefore, you can use **visible_when**
    #: conditions to hide or show actions in response to user input.
    visible_when = Str

    #: Pre-condition for enabling the action. If the expression evaluates to
    #: False, the action is disabled, that is, it cannot be selected. All
    #: **enabled_when** conditions are checked each time that any trait value
    #: is edited in the display. Therefore, you can use **enabled_when**
    #: conditions to enable or disable actions in response to user input.
    enabled_when = Str

    #: Boolean expression indicating when the action is displayed with a check
    #: mark beside it. This attribute applies only to actions that are included
    #: in menus.
    checked_when = Str

    #: Pre-condition for including the action in the menu bar or toolbar. If the
    #: expression evaluates to False, the action is not defined in the display.
    #: Conditions for **defined_when** are evaluated only once, when the display
    #: is first constructed.
    defined_when = Str

    #: The method to call to perform the action, on the Handler for the window.
    #: The method must accept a single parameter, which is a UIInfo object.
    #: Because Actions are associated with Views rather than Handlers, you must
    #: ensure that the Handler object for a particular window has a method with
    #: the correct name, for each Action defined on the View for that window.
    action = Str

#  Standard actions and menu bar definitions:

#: Menu separator
Separator = ActionGroup

#: The standard "close window" action
CloseAction = Action(

#: The standard "undo last change" action
UndoAction = Action(
    defined_when='ui.history is not None',

#: The standard "redo last undo" action
RedoAction = Action(
    defined_when='ui.history is not None',

#: The standard "revert all changes" action
RevertAction = Action(
    defined_when='ui.history is not None',

#: The standard "show help" action
HelpAction = Action(

#: The standard Traits UI menu bar
StandardMenuBar = MenuBar(

#  Standard buttons (i.e. actions):

NoButton = Action(name='')

#: Appears as two buttons: **Undo** and **Redo**. When **Undo** is clicked, the
#: most recent change to the data is cancelled, restoring the previous value.
#: **Redo** cancels the most recent "undo" operation.
UndoButton = Action(name='Undo')

#: When the user clicks the **Revert** button, all changes made in the window are
#: cancelled and the original values are restored. If the changes have been
#: applied to the model (because the user clicked **Apply** or because the window
#: is live), the model data is restored as well. The window remains open.
RevertButton = Action(name='Revert')

#: When the user clicks the **Apply** button, all changes made in the window are
#: applied to the model. This option is meaningful only for modal windows.
ApplyButton = Action(name='Apply')

#: When the user clicks the **OK** button, all changes made in the window are
#: applied to the model, and the window is closed.
OKButton = Action(name='OK')

#: When the user clicks the **Cancel** button, all changes made in the window
#: are discarded; if the window is live, the model is restored to the values it
#: held before the window was opened. The window is then closed.
CancelButton = Action(name='Cancel')

#: When the user clicks the **Help** button, the current help handler is
#: invoked. If the default help handler is used, a pop-up window is displayed,
#: which contains the **help** text for the top-level Group (if any), and for
#: the items in the view. If the default help handler has been overridden,
#: the action is determined by the custom help handler. See
#: ****.
HelpButton = Action(name='Help')

OKCancelButtons = [OKButton, CancelButton]
ModalButtons = [ApplyButton, RevertButton, OKButton, CancelButton, HelpButton]
LiveButtons = [UndoButton, RevertButton, OKButton, CancelButton, HelpButton]

#: The window has no command buttons
NoButtons = [NoButton]