Source code for cmp.cli.connectomemapper3_docker

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""This module defines the `` script that wraps calls to the Docker BIDS APP image."""

# General imports
import sys

# Own imports
from cmp.parser import get_docker_wrapper_parser
from cmtklib.util import check_directory_exists
from cmtklib.process import run

[docs]def create_docker_cmd(args): """Function that creates and returns the BIDS App docker run command. Parameters ---------- args : dict Dictionary of parsed input argument in the form:: { 'bids_dir': "/path/to/bids/dataset/directory", 'output_dir': "/path/to/output/directory", 'analysis_level': "participant", 'participant_label': ['01', '02', '03'], 'anat_pipeline_config': "/path/to/ref_anatomical_config.json", 'dwi_pipeline_config': "/path/to/ref_diffusion_config.json", 'func_pipeline_config': "/path/to/ref_fMRI_config.json", ('number_of_threads': 1,) ('number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel': 1,) ('mrtrix_random_seed': 1234,) ('ants_random_seed': 1234,) ('ants_number_of_threads': 2,) ('fs_license': "/path/to/license.txt",) ('notrack': True) } Returns ------- cmd : string String containing the command to be run via `` """ # Docker run command prelude cmd = 'docker run -t --rm ' cmd += '-u $(id -u):$(id -g) ' if args.coverage: cmd += '--entrypoint /app/ ' cmd += f'-v {args.bids_dir}:/bids_dir ' cmd += f'-v {args.output_dir}:/output_dir ' if args.config_dir: cmd += f'-v {args.config_dir}:/config ' else: cmd += f'-v {args.bids_dir}/code:/config ' if args.fs_license: cmd += f'-v {args.fs_license}:/bids_dir/code/license.txt ' cmd += f'{args.docker_image} ' # Standard BIDS App inputs cmd += '/bids_dir ' cmd += '/output_dir ' cmd += f'{args.analysis_level} ' if args.participant_label: cmd += '--participant_label ' for label in args.participant_label: cmd += f'{label} ' if args.session_label: cmd += '--session_label ' for label in args.session_label: cmd += f'{label} ' if args.anat_pipeline_config: cmd += f'--anat_pipeline_config /config/{args.anat_pipeline_config} ' if args.dwi_pipeline_config: cmd += f'--dwi_pipeline_config /config/{args.dwi_pipeline_config} ' if args.func_pipeline_config: cmd += f'--func_pipeline_config /config/{args.func_pipeline_config} ' cmd += f'--fs_license /bids_dir/code/license.txt ' optional_single_args = ( "number_of_threads", "number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel", "mrtrix_random_seed", "ants_random_seed", "ants_number_of_threads", ) for arg_name in optional_single_args: argument_value = getattr(args, arg_name) if argument_value: cmd += f'--{arg_name} {argument_value} ' if args.notrack: cmd += "--notrack " if args.coverage: cmd += "--coverage" return cmd
[docs]def main(): """Main function that creates and executes the BIDS App docker command. Returns ------- exit_code : {0, 1} An exit code given to `sys.exit()` that can be: * '0' in case of successful completion * '1' in case of an error """ # Create and parse arguments parser = get_docker_wrapper_parser() args = parser.parse_args() check_directory_exists(args.bids_dir) # Create the docker run command cmd = create_docker_cmd(args) # Execute the docker run command try: print(f'... cmd: {cmd}') run(cmd) exit_code = 0 except Exception as e: print('Failed') print(e) exit_code = 1 return exit_code
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())