Source code for cmp.stages.connectome.fmri_connectome

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Definition of config and stage classes for building functional connectivity matrices."""

# Global imports
import os

from traits.api import *

# import pickle
# import gzip

# Nipype imports
import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces.base import isdefined

# from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename

# Own imports
import cmtklib.connectome

# import cmtklib as cmtk
from cmp.stages.common import Stage
from cmtklib.util import get_pipeline_dictionary_outputs

[docs]class ConnectomeConfig(HasTraits): """Class used to store configuration parameters of a :class:`~cmp.stages.connectome.fmri_connectome.ConnectomeStage` instance. Attributes ---------- apply_scrubbing : traits.Bool Apply scrubbing before mapping the functional connectome if True (Default: False) FD_thr : traits.Float Framewise displacement threshold (Default: 0.2) DVARS_thr : traits.Float DVARS (RMS of variance over voxels) threshold (Default: 4.0) output_types : ['gPickle', 'mat', 'cff', 'graphml'] Output connectome format log_visualization : traits.Bool Log visualization that might be obsolete as this has been detached after creation of the bidsappmanager (Default: True) circular_layout : traits.Bool Visualization of the connectivity matrix using a circular layout that might be obsolete as this has been detached after creation of the bidsappmanager (Default: False) subject : traits.Str BIDS subject ID (in the form ``sub-XX``) See Also -------- cmp.stages.connectome.fmri_connectome.ConnectomeStage """ apply_scrubbing = Bool(False) FD_thr = Float(0.2) DVARS_thr = Float(4.0) output_types = List(["gPickle", "mat", "cff", "graphml"]) log_visualization = Bool(True) circular_layout = Bool(False) subject = Str()
[docs]class ConnectomeStage(Stage): """Class that represents the connectome building stage of a :class:`~cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline`. Methods ------- create_workflow() Create the workflow of the fMRI `ConnectomeStage` See Also -------- cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline cmp.stages.connectome.fmri_connectome.ConnectomeConfig """ def __init__(self, bids_dir, output_dir): """Constructor of a :class:`~cmp.stages.connectome.fmri_connectome.Connectome` instance.""" = "connectome_stage" self.bids_dir = bids_dir self.output_dir = output_dir self.config = ConnectomeConfig() self.inputs = [ "roi_volumes_registered", "func_file", "FD", "DVARS", "parcellation_scheme", "atlas_info", "roi_graphMLs", ] self.outputs = ["connectivity_matrices", "avg_timeseries"]
[docs] def create_workflow(self, flow, inputnode, outputnode): """Create the stage worflow. Parameters ---------- flow : nipype.pipeline.engine.Workflow The nipype.pipeline.engine.Workflow instance of the fMRI pipeline inputnode : nipype.interfaces.utility.IdentityInterface Identity interface describing the inputs of the stage outputnode : nipype.interfaces.utility.IdentityInterface Identity interface describing the outputs of the stage """ cmtk_cmat = pe.Node( interface=cmtklib.connectome.CMTK_rsfmri_cmat(), name="compute_matrice" ) cmtk_cmat.inputs.output_types = self.config.output_types cmtk_cmat.inputs.apply_scrubbing = self.config.apply_scrubbing cmtk_cmat.inputs.FD_th = self.config.FD_thr cmtk_cmat.inputs.DVARS_th = self.config.DVARS_thr if not isdefined(inputnode.inputs.FD) or not isdefined(inputnode.inputs.DVARS): cmtk_cmat.inputs.apply_scrubbing = False # fmt: off flow.connect( [ (inputnode,cmtk_cmat, [("func_file", "func_file"), ("FD", "FD"), ("DVARS", "DVARS"), ("parcellation_scheme", "parcellation_scheme"), ("atlas_info", "atlas_info"), ("roi_volumes_registered", "roi_volumes"), ("roi_graphMLs", "roi_graphmls"),],), (cmtk_cmat, outputnode, [("connectivity_matrices", "connectivity_matrices"), ("avg_timeseries", "avg_timeseries"),],), ] )
# fmt: on
[docs] def define_inspect_outputs(self): """Update the `inspect_outputs` class attribute. It contains a dictionary of stage outputs with corresponding commands for visual inspection. """ func_sinker_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_dir), "bold_sinker") func_sinker_report = os.path.join(func_sinker_dir, "_report", "report.rst") if os.path.exists(func_sinker_report): func_outputs = get_pipeline_dictionary_outputs( func_sinker_report, self.output_dir ) map_scale = "default" if self.config.log_visualization: map_scale = "log" if self.config.circular_layout: layout = "circular" else: layout = "matrix" mat = func_outputs["func.@connectivity_matrices"] if isinstance(mat, str): if "gpickle" in mat: con_name = os.path.basename(mat).split(".")[0].split("_")[-1] if os.path.exists(mat): self.inspect_outputs_dict[ "ROI-average time-series correlation - Connectome %s" % os.path.basename(mat) ] = [ "showmatrix_gpickle", layout, mat, "corr", "False", self.config.subject + " - " + con_name + " - Correlation", map_scale, ] else: for mat in func_outputs["func.@connectivity_matrices"]: if "gpickle" in mat: con_name = os.path.basename(mat).split(".")[0].split("_")[-1] if os.path.exists(mat): self.inspect_outputs_dict[ "ROI-average time-series correlation - Connectome %s" % con_name ] = [ "showmatrix_gpickle", layout, mat, "corr", "False", self.config.subject + " - " + con_name + " - Correlation", map_scale, ] self.inspect_outputs = sorted( [key for key in list(self.inspect_outputs_dict.keys())], key=str.lower )
[docs] def has_run(self): """Function that returns `True` if the stage has been run successfully. Returns ------- `True` if the stage has been run successfully """ return os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.stage_dir, "compute_matrice", "result_compute_matrice.pklz" ) )