Source code for cmp.stages.functional.functionalMRI

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license ModifFied BSD.

"""Definition of config and stage classes for the extra functional preprocessing stage."""

# General imports
import os

from traits.api import *

# Nipype imports
import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces.base import isdefined
import nipype.interfaces.utility as util
from nipype.interfaces import afni

# Own imports
from cmp.stages.common import Stage
from cmtklib.functionalMRI import Scrubbing, Detrending, Nuisance_regression

[docs]class FunctionalMRIConfig(HasTraits): """Class used to store configuration parameters of a :class:`~cmp.stages.functional.functional.FunctionalMRIStage` object. Attributes ---------- global_nuisance : traits.Bool Perform global nuisance regression (Default: False) csf : traits.Bool Perform CSF nuisance regression (Default: True) wm : traits.Bool Perform White-Matter nuisance regression (Default: True) motion : traits.Bool Perform motion nuisance regression (Default: True) detrending = Bool Perform detrending (Default: True) detrending_mode = Enum("linear", "quadratic") Detrending mode (Default: "Linear") lowpass_filter = Float Lowpass filter frequency (Default: 0.01) highpass_filter = Float Highpass filter frequency (Default: 0.1) scrubbing = Bool Perform scrubbing (Default: True) See Also -------- cmp.stages.functional.functionalMRI.FunctionalMRIStage """ smoothing = Float(0.0) discard_n_volumes = Int(5) # Nuisance factors global_nuisance = Bool(False) csf = Bool(True) wm = Bool(True) motion = Bool(True) detrending = Bool(True) detrending_mode = Enum("linear", "quadratic") lowpass_filter = Float(0.01) highpass_filter = Float(0.1) scrubbing = Bool(True)
[docs]class FunctionalMRIStage(Stage): """Class that represents the post-registration preprocessing stage of the `fMRIPipeline`. Methods ------- create_workflow() Create the workflow of the `FunctionalMRIStage` See Also -------- cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline cmp.stages.functional.functionalMRI.FunctionalMRIConfig """ def __init__(self, bids_dir, output_dir): """Constructor of a :class:`~cmp.stages.functional.functionalMRI.FunctionalMRIStage` instance.""" = "functional_stage" self.bids_dir = bids_dir self.output_dir = output_dir self.config = FunctionalMRIConfig() self.inputs = [ "preproc_file", "motion_par_file", "registered_roi_volumes", "registered_wm", "eroded_wm", "eroded_csf", "eroded_brain", ] self.outputs = ["func_file", "FD", "DVARS"]
[docs] def create_workflow(self, flow, inputnode, outputnode): """Create the stage worflow. Parameters ---------- flow : nipype.pipeline.engine.Workflow The nipype.pipeline.engine.Workflow instance of the fMRI pipeline inputnode : nipype.interfaces.utility.IdentityInterface Identity interface describing the inputs of the stage outputnode : nipype.interfaces.utility.IdentityInterface Identity interface describing the outputs of the stage """ if self.config.scrubbing and isdefined(inputnode.inputs.motion_par_file): scrubbing = pe.Node(interface=Scrubbing(), name="scrubbing") # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (inputnode, scrubbing, [("preproc_file", "in_file")]), (inputnode, scrubbing, [("registered_wm", "wm_mask")]), (inputnode, scrubbing, [("registered_roi_volumes", "gm_file")]), (inputnode, scrubbing, [("motion_par_file", "motion_parameters")]), (scrubbing, outputnode, [("fd_npy", "FD")]), (scrubbing, outputnode, [("dvars_npy", "DVARS")]), ] ) # fmt:on detrending_output = pe.Node( interface=util.IdentityInterface(fields=["detrending_output"]), name="detrending_output", ) if self.config.detrending: detrending = pe.Node(interface=Detrending(), name="detrending") detrending.inputs.mode = self.config.detrending_mode # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (inputnode, detrending, [("preproc_file", "in_file")]), (inputnode, detrending, [("registered_roi_volumes", "gm_file")]), (detrending, detrending_output, [("out_file", "detrending_output")],), ] ) # fmt:on else: # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (inputnode, detrending_output, [("preproc_file", "detrending_output")],) ] ) # fmt:on nuisance_output = pe.Node( interface=util.IdentityInterface(fields=["nuisance_output"]), name="nuisance_output", ) if ( self.config.wm or self.config.global_nuisance or self.config.csf or self.config.motion ): nuisance = pe.Node( interface=Nuisance_regression(), name="nuisance_regression" ) nuisance.inputs.global_nuisance = self.config.global_nuisance nuisance.inputs.csf_nuisance = self.config.csf nuisance.inputs.wm_nuisance = self.config.wm nuisance.inputs.motion_nuisance = self.config.motion nuisance.inputs.n_discard = self.config.discard_n_volumes # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (detrending_output, nuisance, [("detrending_output", "in_file")]), (inputnode, nuisance, [("eroded_brain", "brainfile")]), (inputnode, nuisance, [("eroded_csf", "csf_file")]), (inputnode, nuisance, [("registered_wm", "wm_file")]), (inputnode, nuisance, [("motion_par_file", "motion_file")]), (inputnode, nuisance, [("registered_roi_volumes", "gm_file")]), (nuisance, nuisance_output, [("out_file", "nuisance_output")]), ] ) # fmt:on else: # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (detrending_output, nuisance_output, [("detrending_output", "nuisance_output")],) ] ) # fmt:on filter_output = pe.Node( interface=util.IdentityInterface(fields=["filter_output"]), name="filter_output", ) if self.config.lowpass_filter > 0 or self.config.highpass_filter > 0: from cmtklib.interfaces.afni import Bandpass filtering = pe.Node(interface=Bandpass(), name="temporal_filter") # filtering = pe.Node(interface=afni.Bandpass(),name='temporal_filter') converter = pe.Node( interface=afni.AFNItoNIFTI(out_file="fMRI_bandpass.nii.gz"), name="converter", ) # FIXME: Seems that lowpass and highpass inputs of the nipype 3DBandPass interface swaped low and high frequencies filtering.inputs.lowpass = self.config.highpass_filter filtering.inputs.highpass = self.config.lowpass_filter # if self.config.detrending: # filtering.inputs.no_detrend = True filtering.inputs.no_detrend = True # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (nuisance_output, filtering, [("nuisance_output", "in_file")]), # (filtering,filter_output,[("out_file","filter_output")]) (filtering, converter, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (converter, filter_output, [("out_file", "filter_output")]), ] ) # fmt:on else: # fmt:off flow.connect( [ (nuisance_output, filter_output, [("nuisance_output", "filter_output")],) ] ) # fmt:on # fmt:off flow.connect([(filter_output, outputnode, [("filter_output", "func_file")])])
# fmt:on
[docs] def define_inspect_outputs(self): """Update the `inspect_outputs` class attribute. It contains a dictionary of stage outputs with corresponding commands for visual inspection. """ if ( self.config.wm or self.config.global_nuisance or self.config.csf or self.config.motion ): res_dir = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, "nuisance_regression") nuis = os.path.join(res_dir, "fMRI_nuisance.nii.gz") if os.path.exists(nuis): self.inspect_outputs_dict["Regression output"] = [ "fsleyes", "-sdefault", nuis, ] if self.config.detrending: res_dir = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, "detrending") detrend = os.path.join(res_dir, "fMRI_detrending.nii.gz") if os.path.exists(detrend): self.inspect_outputs_dict["Detrending output"] = [ "fsleyes", "-sdefault", detrend, "-cm", "brain_colours_blackbdy_iso", ] if self.config.lowpass_filter > 0 or self.config.highpass_filter > 0: res_dir = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, "converter") filt = os.path.join(res_dir, "fMRI_bandpass.nii.gz") if os.path.exists(filt): self.inspect_outputs_dict["Filter output"] = [ "fsleyes", "-sdefault", filt, "-cm", "brain_colours_blackbdy_iso", ] self.inspect_outputs = sorted( [key for key in list(self.inspect_outputs_dict.keys())], key=str.lower )
[docs] def has_run(self): """Function that returns `True` if the stage has been run successfully. Returns ------- `True` if the stage has been run successfully """ if self.config.lowpass_filter > 0 or self.config.highpass_filter > 0: return os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.stage_dir, "temporal_filter", "result_temporal_filter.pklz" ) ) elif self.config.detrending: return os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.stage_dir, "detrending", "result_detrending.pklz") ) elif ( self.config.wm or self.config.global_nuisance or self.config.csf or self.config.motion ): return os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.stage_dir, "nuisance_regression", "result_nuisance_regression.pklz", ) ) elif self.config.smoothing > 0.0: return os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.stage_dir, "smoothing", "result_smoothing.pklz") ) else: return True