Source code for cmtklib.parcellation

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Module that defines CMTK utility functions and Nipype interfaces for anatomical parcellation."""

# Common libraries import
import os
from time import localtime, strftime
import os.path as op
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
import subprocess
import shutil
import math

import nibabel as ni
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

    from scipy import ndimage
    import scipy.ndimage.morphology as nd
except ImportError:
    raise Exception(
        'Need scipy for binary erosion of white matter and CSF masks')

# Nipype imports
from nipype.interfaces.base import traits, BaseInterfaceInputSpec, TraitedSpec, BaseInterface, Directory, File, \
    InputMultiPath, OutputMultiPath
from nipype.utils.logger import logging

iflogger = logging.getLogger('nipype.interface')

class ComputeParcellationRoiVolumesInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    """This is a class for the definition of inputs of the `ComputeParcellationRoiVolumes` Nipype interface.

    roi_volumes (files): list
        ROI volumes registered to diffusion space

    parcellation_scheme (files): list
        Parcellation scheme being used (only Lausanne2018)

    roi_graphMLs (files): list
        GraphML description of ROI volumes (Lausanne2018)
    roi_volumes = InputMultiPath(File(
        exists=True), desc='ROI volumes registered to diffusion space', mandatory=True)

    parcellation_scheme = traits.Enum(
            ['NativeFreesurfer', 'Lausanne2018', 'Custom'],
            usedefault=True, mandatory=True,
            desc="Parcellation scheme")

    roi_graphMLs = InputMultiPath(File(exists=True),
                                  desc='GraphML description of ROI volumes (Lausanne2018)',

class ComputeParcellationRoiVolumesOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    """This is a class for the definition of outputs of the `ComputeParcellationRoiVolumes` Nipype interface.

    roi_volumes_stats (files): list
        TSV files with volumes of ROIs for each scale
    roi_volumes_stats = OutputMultiPath(File(), desc="TSV files with computed parcellation ROI volumes")

class ComputeParcellationRoiVolumes(BaseInterface):
    """Computes the volumes of each ROI for each parcellation scale.

    >>> compute_vol = ComputeParcellationRoiVolumes()
    >>> compute_vol.inputs.roi_volumes = ['/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.nii.gz',
    >>>                                   '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.nii.gz',
    >>>                                   '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.nii.gz',
    >>>                                   '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.nii.gz',
    >>>                                   '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.nii.gz']
    >>> compute_vol.inputs.roi_graphmls = ['/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.graphml',
    >>>                             '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.graphml',
    >>>                             '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.graphml',
    >>>                             '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.graphml',
    >>>                             '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.graphml']
    >>> compute_vol.inputs.parcellation_scheme = ['Lausanne2018']
    >>>  # doctest: +SKIP


    input_spec = ComputeParcellationRoiVolumesInputSpec
    output_spec = ComputeParcellationRoiVolumesOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):

        if "Custom" in self.inputs.parcellation_scheme:
            resolutions = get_parcellation(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme)

            for parkey, _ in list(resolutions.items()):

                for roi in self.inputs.roi_volumes:
                    if parkey in roi:
                        roi_fname = roi

                for graphml in self.inputs.roi_graphMLs:
                    if parkey in graphml:
                        roi_info_graphml = graphml

                    "Processing {} parcellation - {}".format(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme, parkey))
                self._compute_and_save_volumetry(roi_fname, roi_info_graphml, parkey)'  [Done]')

        return runtime

    def _compute_and_save_volumetry(self, roi_fname, roi_info_graphml, parkey):"  > Load {}...".format(roi_fname))
        roiImg = ni.load(roi_fname)
        roiData = roiImg.get_data()

        # Compute the volume of the voxel
        voxel_dimX, voxel_dimY, voxel_dimZ = roiImg.header.get_zooms()
        voxel_volume = voxel_dimX * voxel_dimY * voxel_dimZ"    ... Voxel volume = {} mm3".format(voxel_volume))

        # Initialize the TSV file used to store the parcellation volumetry resulty
        volumetry_file = op.abspath('{}_roi_stats.tsv'.format(parkey))
        f_volumetry = open(volumetry_file, 'w+')
            "  > Create Volumetry TSV file as {}".format(volumetry_file)

        # Format the TSV file according to BIDS Extension Proposal 11 (BEP011):
        # The structural preprocessing derivatives.
        hdr_lines = [
            '{:<4}, {:<55}, {:<10}, {:>10} \n'.format("index", "name", "type", "volume-mm3")

        del hdr_lines

        # add node information from parcellation"  > Load {}...".format(roi_info_graphml))
        gp = nx.read_graphml(roi_info_graphml)
        n_nodes = len(gp)"  > Processing parcels...")
        # variables used by the percent counter
        pc = -1
        cnt = -1
        # Loop over each parcel/ROI
        for _, d in gp.nodes(data=True):
            # Percent counter
            cnt += 1
            pcN = int(round(float(100 * cnt) / n_nodes))
            if pcN > pc and pcN % 10 == 0:
                pc = pcN
      '%4.0f%%' % pc)

            # Get the label number
            if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme in ["Custom", "Lausanne2018"]:
                parcel_label = d["dn_multiscaleID"]
                parcel_label = d["dn_correspondence_id"]

            # Get if the parcel is cortical or subcortical
            parcel_type = d["dn_region"]

            # Get the name of the parcel
            parcel_name = d["dn_name"]

            # Compute the parcel/ROI volume
            parcel_volumetry = np.sum(roiData == int(
                    parcel_label)) * voxel_volume

                    '{:<4}, {:<55}, {:<10}, {:>10} \n'.format(parcel_label, parcel_name, parcel_type, parcel_volumetry))


    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = self._outputs().get()
        if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme == "Custom":
            outputs['roi_volumes_stats'] = 'custom_roi_stats.tsv'
            outputs['roi_volumes_stats'] = self._gen_outfilenames('roi_stats', '.tsv')

        return outputs

    def _gen_outfilenames(self, basename, posfix):
        filepaths = []
        for scale in list(get_parcellation(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme).keys()):
        return filepaths

[docs]def erode_mask(fsdir, mask_file): """Erodes the mask and saves it the Freesurfer subject directory. Parameters ---------- fsdir : string Freesurfer subject directory mask_file : string Path to mask file """ # Define erosion mask imerode = nd.binary_erosion se = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) se[1, :, 1] = 1 se[:, 1, 1] = 1 se[1, 1, :] = 1 # Erode mask print(' > Load mask {}'.format(mask_file)) img = ni.load(mask_file) mask = img.get_data() # Circumvent a casting issue for csf_mask which did not have element exactly equal to 1 (instead 0.999998....) mask[mask > 0] = 1 mask = mask.astype(np.uint32) er_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape) idx = np.where((mask == 1)) er_mask[idx] = 1 print(er_mask.sum()) er_mask = imerode(er_mask, se) print(er_mask.sum()) er_mask = imerode(er_mask, se) print(er_mask.sum()) img = ni.Nifti1Image(er_mask, img.get_affine(), img.get_header()) out_fname = os.path.join(fsdir, 'mri', '{}_eroded.nii.gz'.format(os.path.splitext(op.splitext(op.basename(mask_file))[0])[0])) print(' > Save eroded mask to: {}'.format(out_fname)), out_fname) del img
class ParcellateHippocampalSubfieldsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): subjects_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc='Freesurfer main directory') subject_id = traits.Str(mandatory=True, desc='Subject ID') class ParcellateHippocampalSubfieldsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): lh_hipposubfields = File(desc='Left hemisphere hippocampal subfields file') rh_hipposubfields = File( desc='Right hemisphere hippocampal subfields file') class ParcellateHippocampalSubfields(BaseInterface): """Parcellates the hippocampal subfields using Freesurfer [Iglesias2015Hippo]_. References ---------- .. [Iglesias2015Hippo] Iglesias et al., Neuroimage, 115, July 2015, 117-137. <> Examples -------- >>> parc_hippo = ParcellateHippocampalSubfields() >>> parc_hippo.inputs.subjects_dir = '/path/to/derivatives/freesurfer' >>> parc_hippo.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-01' >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = ParcellateHippocampalSubfieldsInputSpec output_spec = ParcellateHippocampalSubfieldsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime):"Parcellation of hippocampal subfields (FreeSurfer)")"=============================================") lh_hipposubfields_mgz = os.path.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'lh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz') if os.access(lh_hipposubfields_mgz, os.F_OK):'Warning: file {} is existing and being removed'.format( lh_hipposubfields_mgz)) os.remove(lh_hipposubfields_mgz) rh_hipposubfields_mgz = os.path.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'rh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz') if os.access(rh_hipposubfields_mgz, os.F_OK):'Warning: file {} is existing and being removed'.format( rh_hipposubfields_mgz)) os.remove(rh_hipposubfields_mgz) fs_string = 'export SUBJECTS_DIR=' + self.inputs.subjects_dir '- New FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.subjects_dir)) reconall_cmd = fs_string + '; recon-all -no-isrunning -s "%s" -hippocampal-subfields-T1 ' % ( self.inputs.subject_id) # reconall_cmd = [fs_string , ";" , "recon-all" , "-no-isrunning" , "-s" , "%s"% (self.inputs.subject_id) , "-hippocampal-subfields-T1" ]'Processing cmd: %s' % reconall_cmd) process = subprocess.Popen( reconall_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() # subprocess.check_call(reconall_cmd) # cmd = ['recon-all', '-s', self.inputs.subject_id, '-hippocampal-subfields-T1'] # subprocess.check_call(cmd) mov = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'lh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz') targ = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'orig/001.mgz') out = op.abspath('lh_subFields.nii.gz') cmd = fs_string + '; mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % ( mov, targ, out) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() mov = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'rh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz') targ = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'orig/001.mgz') out = op.abspath('rh_subFields.nii.gz') cmd = fs_string + '; mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % ( mov, targ, out) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip()'Done') return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs['lh_hipposubfields'] = op.abspath('lh_subFields.nii.gz') outputs['rh_hipposubfields'] = op.abspath('rh_subFields.nii.gz') return outputs class ParcellateBrainstemStructuresInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): subjects_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc='Freesurfer main directory') subject_id = traits.String(mandatory=True, desc='Subject ID') class ParcellateBrainstemStructuresOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): brainstem_structures = File(desc='Parcellated brainstem structures file') class ParcellateBrainstemStructures(BaseInterface): """Parcellates the brainstem sub-structures using Freesurfer [Iglesias2015Brainstem]_. References ---------- .. [Iglesias2015Brainstem] Iglesias et al., NeuroImage, 113, June 2015, 184-195. <> Examples -------- >>> parc_bstem = ParcellateBrainstemStructures() >>> parc_bstem.inputs.subjects_dir = '/path/to/derivatives/freesurfer' >>> parc_bstem.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-01' >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = ParcellateBrainstemStructuresInputSpec output_spec = ParcellateBrainstemStructuresOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime):"Parcellation of brainstem structures (FreeSurfer)")"=============================================") fs_string = 'export SUBJECTS_DIR=' + self.inputs.subjects_dir '- New FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.subjects_dir)) reconall_cmd = fs_string + \ '; recon-all -no-isrunning -s "%s" -brainstem-structures ' % ( self.inputs.subject_id) # reconall_cmd = [fs_string , ";" , "recon-all" , "-no-isrunning" , "-s" , "%s"% (self.inputs.subject_id) , "-hippocampal-subfields-T1" ]'Processing cmd: %s' % reconall_cmd) process = subprocess.Popen( reconall_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() mov = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'brainstemSsLabels.v10.mgz') targ = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'orig/001.mgz') out = op.abspath('brainstem.nii.gz') cmd = fs_string + '; mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % ( mov, targ, out) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip()'Done') return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs['brainstem_structures'] = op.abspath('brainstem.nii.gz') return outputs class CombineParcellationsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): input_rois = InputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="Input parcellation files") lh_hippocampal_subfields = File(' ', desc="Input hippocampal subfields file for left hemisphere") rh_hippocampal_subfields = File(' ', desc="Input hippocampal subfields file for right hemisphere") brainstem_structures = File(' ', desc="Brainstem segmentation file") thalamus_nuclei = File(' ', desc="Thalamic nuclei segmentation file") create_colorLUT = traits.Bool(True, desc="If `True`, create the color lookup table in Freesurfer format") create_graphml = traits.Bool(True, desc="If `True`, create the parcellation node description files in `graphml` format") subjects_dir = Directory(desc='Freesurfer subjects dir') subject_id = traits.Str(desc='Freesurfer subject id') verbose_level = traits.Enum( 1, 2, desc='verbose level (1: partial (default) / 2: full)') class CombineParcellationsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): aparc_aseg = File(desc="Modified Freesurfer aparc+aseg file") output_rois = OutputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="Output parcellation with all structures combined") colorLUT_files = OutputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="Color lookup table files in Freesurfer format") graphML_files = OutputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="Parcellation node description files in `graphml` format") class CombineParcellations(BaseInterface): """Creates the final parcellation. It combines the original cortico sub-cortical parcellation with the following extra segmented structures: * Segmentation of the 8 thalamic nuclei per hemisphere * Segmentation of 14 hippocampal subfields per hemisphere * Segmentation of 3 brainstem sub-structures It also generates by defaults the corresponding (1) description of the nodes in `graphml` format and (2) color lookup tables in FreeSurfer format that can be displayed in `freeview`. Examples -------- >>> parc_combine = CombineParcellations() >>> parc_combine.inputs.input_rois = ['/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.nii.gz'] >>> parc_combine.inputs.lh_hippocampal_subfields = '/path/to/lh_hippocampal_subfields.nii.gz' >>> parc_combine.inputs.rh_hippocampal_subfields = '/path/to/rh_hippocampal_subfields.nii.gz' >>> parc_combine.inputs.brainstem_structures = '/path/to/brainstem_structures.nii.gz' >>> parc_combine.inputs.thalamus_nuclei = '/path/to/thalamus_nuclei.nii.gz' >>> parc_combine.inputs.create_colorLUT = True >>> parc_combine.inputs.create_graphml = True >>> parc_combine.inputs.subjects_dir = '/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer') >>> parc_combine.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-01' >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = CombineParcellationsInputSpec output_spec = CombineParcellationsOutputSpec
[docs] def ismember(a, b): bind = {} for i, elt in enumerate(b): if elt not in bind: bind[elt] = i # None can be replaced by any other "not in b" value return [bind.get(itm, None) for itm in a]
def _run_interface(self, runtime):"Start running CombineParcellations interface...") # Freesurfer subject dir fs_dir = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id) print("Freesurfer subject directory: {}".format(fs_dir)) # Freesurfer IDs for subcortical structures left_subc_ids = np.array([10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 18, 17]) left_subc_ids_2018_colors_r = np.array([0, 122, 236, 12, 255, 103, 220]) left_subc_ids_2018_colors_g = np.array([118, 186, 13, 48, 165, 255, 216]) left_subc_ids_2018_colors_b = np.array([14, 220, 176, 255, 0, 255, 20]) left_subcort_names = ["Left-Thalamus_Proper", "Left-Caudate", "Left-Putamen", "Left-Pallidum", "Left-Accumbens_area", "Left-Amygdala", "Left-Hippocampus"] right_subc_ids = np.array([49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 54, 53]) right_subc_ids_2018_colors_r = np.array([0, 122, 236, 12, 255, 103, 220]) right_subc_ids_2018_colors_g = np.array([118, 186, 13, 48, 165, 255, 216]) right_subc_ids_2018_colors_b = np.array([14, 220, 176, 255, 0, 255, 20]) right_subcort_names = ["Right-Thalamus_Proper", "Right-Caudate", "Right-Putamen", "Right-Pallidum", "Right-Accumbens_area", "Right-Amygdala", "Right-Hippocampus"] # Amygdala and hippocampus swapped between Lausanne2008 and Lausanne2018 left_subc_ids_2008 = np.array([10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 17, 18]) # left_subc_ids_2008_colors_r = np.array([0, 122, 236, 12, 255, 220, 103]) # left_subc_ids_2008_colors_g = np.array([118, 186, 13, 48, 165, 216, 255]) # left_subc_ids_2008_colors_b = np.array([14, 220, 176, 255, 0, 20, 255]) left_subcort_2008_names = ["Left-Thalamus_Proper", "Left-Caudate", "Left-Putamen", "Left-Pallidum", "Left-Accumbens_area", "Left-Hippocampus", "Left-Amygdala"] right_subc_ids_2008 = np.array([49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 53, 54]) # right_subc_ids_2008_colors_r = np.array([0, 122, 236, 12, 255, 220, 103]) # right_subc_ids_2008_colors_g = np.array([118, 186, 13, 48, 165, 216, 255]) # right_subc_ids_2008_colors_b = np.array([14, 220, 176, 255, 0, 20, 255]) right_subcort_2008_names = ["Right-Thalamus_Proper", "Right-Caudate", "Right-Putamen", "Right-Pallidum", "Right-Accumbens_area", "Right-Hippocampus", "Right-Amygdala"] # Thalamic Nuclei left_thalNuclei = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) left_thalNuclei_colors_r = np.array([255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0]) left_thalNuclei_colors_g = np.array([0, 255, 255, 123, 255, 0, 0]) left_thalNuclei_colors_b = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255]) left_thalNuclei_names = ["Left-Pulvinar", "Left-Anterior", "Left-Medio_Dorsal", "Left-Ventral_Latero_Dorsal", "Left-Central_Lateral-Lateral_Posterior-Medial_Pulvinar", "Left-Ventral_Anterior", "Left-Ventral_Latero_Ventral"] right_thalNuclei = np.array([8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) right_thalNuclei_colors_r = np.array([255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0]) right_thalNuclei_colors_g = np.array([0, 255, 255, 123, 255, 0, 0]) right_thalNuclei_colors_b = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255]) right_thalNuclei_names = ["Right-Pulvinar", "Right-Anterior", "Right-Medio_Dorsal", "Right-Ventral_Latero_Dorsal", "Right-Central_Lateral-Lateral_Posterior-Medial_Pulvinar", "Right-Ventral_Anterior", "Right-Ventral_Latero_Ventral"] # Hippocampus subfields hippo_subf = np.array([203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 226]) hippo_subf_colors_r = np.array([255, 64, 0, 255, 0, 196, 32, 128, 204, 128, 128, 170]) hippo_subf_colors_g = np.array([255, 0, 0, 0, 128, 160, 200, 255, 153, 0, 32, 170]) hippo_subf_colors_b = np.array([0, 64, 255, 0, 0, 128, 255, 128, 204, 0, 255, 255]) left_hippo_subf_names = ["Left-Hippocampus_Parasubiculum", "Left-Hippocampus_Presubiculum", "Left-Hippocampus_Subiculum", "Left-Hippocampus_CA1", "Left-Hippocampus_CA3", "Left-Hippocampus_CA4", "Left-Hippocampus_GCDG", "Left-Hippocampus_HATA", "Left-Hippocampus_Fimbria", "Left-Hippocampus_Molecular_layer_HP", "Left-Hippocampus_Hippocampal_fissure", "Left-Hippocampus_Tail"] right_hippo_subf_names = ["Right-Hippocampus_Parasubiculum", "Right-Hippocampus_Presubiculum", "Right-Hippocampus_Subiculum", "Right-Hippocampus_CA1", "Right-Hippocampus_CA3", "Right-Hippocampus_CA4", "Right-Hippocampus_GCDG", "Right-Hippocampus_HATA", "Right-Hippocampus_Fimbria", "Right-Hippocampus_Molecular_layer_HP", "Right-Hippocampus_Hippocampal_fissure", "Right-Hippocampus_Tail"] # Left Ventral Diencephalon left_ventral = 28 left_ventral_colors_r = 165 left_ventral_colors_g = 42 left_ventral_colors_b = 42 left_ventral_names = ["Left-VentralDC"] # Right Ventral Diencephalon right_ventral = 60 right_ventral_colors_r = 165 right_ventral_colors_g = 42 right_ventral_colors_b = 42 right_ventral_names = ["Right-VentralDC"] # Third Ventricle ventricle3 = 14 # Hypothalamus hypothal_colors_r = 204 hypothal_colors_g = 182 hypothal_colors_b = 142 left_hypothal_names = ["Left-Hypothalamus"] right_hypothal_names = ["Right-Hypothalamus"] # BrainStem Parcellation brainstem = np.array([173, 174, 175, 178]) brainstem_colors_r = np.array([242, 206, 119, 142]) brainstem_colors_g = np.array([104, 195, 159, 182]) brainstem_colors_b = np.array([76, 58, 176, 0]) brainstem_names = ["Brain_Stem-Midbrain", "Brain_Stem-Pons", "Brain_Stem-Medulla", "Brain_Stem-SCP"] lh_subfield_defined = False # Reading Subfields Images try: img_sublh = ni.load(self.inputs.lh_hippocampal_subfields) img_data_sublh = img_sublh.get_data() lh_subfield_defined = True except TypeError: print('Subfields image (Left hemisphere) not provided') rh_subfield_defined = False try: img_subrh = ni.load(self.inputs.rh_hippocampal_subfields) img_data_subrh = img_subrh.get_data() rh_subfield_defined = True except TypeError: print('Subfields image (Right hemisphere) not provided') thalamus_nuclei_defined = False # Reading Nuclei try: Vthal = ni.load(self.inputs.thalamus_nuclei) img_data_thal = Vthal.get_data() thalamus_nuclei_defined = True except TypeError: print('Thalamic nuclei image not provided') brainstem_defined = False # Reading Stem Image try: img_stem = ni.load(self.inputs.brainstem_structures) img_data_stem = img_stem.get_data() indstem = np.where(img_data_stem > 0) brainstem_defined = True except TypeError: print('Brain stem image not provided') if not (thalamus_nuclei_defined and brainstem_defined and (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined)): left_subc_labels = left_subc_ids_2008 left_subcort_names = left_subcort_2008_names right_subc_labels = right_subc_ids_2008 right_subcort_names = right_subcort_2008_names elif thalamus_nuclei_defined: left_subc_labels = left_subc_ids[1:] left_subcort_names = left_subcort_names[1:] right_subc_labels = right_subc_ids[1:] right_subcort_names = right_subcort_names[1:] else: left_subc_labels = left_subc_ids right_subc_labels = right_subc_ids # Get the first parcellation scale for ventricule image roi1_fname = None for roi_fname in self.inputs.input_rois: if 'scale1' in roi_fname: roi1_fname = roi_fname break # Dilate third ventricle and intersect with right and left ventral DC # to get voxels of left and right hypothalamus" > Create ventricule image") img_v = ni.load(roi1_fname) img_data = img_v.get_data() tmp = np.zeros(img_data.shape) ind_v = np.where(img_data == ventricle3) tmp[ind_v] = 1 third_vent_fn = op.abspath('ventricle3.nii.gz') hdr = img_v.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.int16)" ... Image saved to {}".format(third_vent_fn)) img = ni.Nifti1Image(tmp, img_v.get_affine(), hdr2), third_vent_fn) del img" > Dilate (modal) the ventricule image") third_vent_dil = op.abspath('ventricle3_dil.nii.gz') cmd = f'fslmaths -dt char {third_vent_fn} -mas {third_vent_fn} -kernel sphere 5 -dilD {third_vent_dil}'" ... Command: {}".format(cmd)) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: print(proc_stdout) tmp = ni.load(third_vent_dil) indrhypothal = np.where((tmp == 1) & (img_data == right_ventral)) indlhypothal = np.where((tmp == 1) & (img_data == left_ventral)) del tmp f_color_lut = None f_graphml = None print("create color look up table : ", self.inputs.create_colorLUT) for _, roi in enumerate(self.inputs.input_rois): # colorLUT creation if enabled if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] color_lut_file = op.abspath( '{}_FreeSurferColorLUT.txt'.format(outprefix_name)) print("Create colorLUT file as %s" % color_lut_file) f_color_lut = open(color_lut_file, 'w+') time_now = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) hdr_lines = ['#$Id: {}_FreeSurferColorLUT.txt {} \n \n'.format(outprefix_name, time_now), '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {} \n \n'.format("#No.", "Label Name:", "R", "G", "B", "A")] f_color_lut.writelines(hdr_lines) del hdr_lines # Create GraphML if enabled if self.inputs.create_graphml: outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] graphml_file = op.abspath('{}.graphml'.format(outprefix_name)) print("Create graphml_file as %s" % graphml_file) f_graphml = open(graphml_file, 'w+') hdr_lines = ['{} \n'.format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'), '{} \n'.format( '<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" ' 'xsi:schemaLocation="">'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_region" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d0" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_fsname" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d1" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_hemisphere" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d2" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_multiscaleID" attr.type="int" for="node" id="d3" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_name" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d4" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_fsID" attr.type="int" for="node" id="d5" />'), '{} \n'.format(' <graph edgedefault="undirected" id="">'), ] f_graphml.writelines(hdr_lines) del hdr_lines # Reading Cortical Parcellation img_v = ni.load(roi) img_data = img_v.get_data() # Replacing the brain stem (Stem is replaced by its own parcellation. # Mismatch between both global volumes, mainly due to partial volume # effect in the global stem parcellation) indrep = np.where(img_data == 16) img_data[indrep] = 0 for _, roi in sorted(enumerate(self.inputs.input_rois)): # colorLUT creation if enabled if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] color_lut_file = op.abspath( '{}_FreeSurferColorLUT.txt'.format(outprefix_name))" > Create colorLUT file as %s" % color_lut_file) f_color_lut = open(color_lut_file, 'w+') time_now = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) hdr_lines = ['#$Id: {}_FreeSurferColorLUT.txt {} \n \n'.format(outprefix_name, time_now), '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} {} \n \n'.format("#No.", "Label Name:", "R", "G", "B", "A")] f_color_lut.writelines(hdr_lines) del hdr_lines # Create GraphML if enabled if self.inputs.create_graphml: outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] graphml_file = op.abspath('{}.graphml'.format(outprefix_name)) " > Create graphml_file as {}".format(graphml_file)) f_graphml = open(graphml_file, 'w+') hdr_lines = ['{} \n'.format('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'), '{} \n'.format( '<graphml xmlns="" ' 'xmlns:xsi="" ' 'xsi:schemaLocation=" ' '">'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_region" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d0" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_fsname" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d1" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_hemisphere" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d2" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_multiscaleID" attr.type="int" for="node" id="d3" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_name" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d4" />'), '{} \n'.format( ' <key"dn_fsID" attr.type="int" for="node" id="d5" />'), '{} \n'.format(' <graph edgedefault="undirected" id="">'), ] f_graphml.writelines(hdr_lines) del hdr_lines # Reading Cortical Parcellation img_v = ni.load(roi) img_data = img_v.get_data() # Replacing the brain stem (Stem is replaced by its own parcellation. # Mismatch between both global volumes, mainly due to partial volume # effect in the global stem parcellation) indrep = np.where(img_data == 16) img_data[indrep] = 0 # Processing Right Hemisphere # Relabelling Right hemisphere img_data_out = np.zeros(img_data.shape, dtype=np.int16) ind = np.where((img_data >= 2000) & (img_data < 3000)) img_data_out[ind] = (img_data[ind] - 2000) nlabel = img_data_out.max() # ColorLUT (cortical) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT or self.inputs.create_graphml: f_color_lut.write("# Right Hemisphere. Cortical Structures \n") outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] for elem in outprefix_name.split("_"): if "scale" in elem: scale = elem rh_annot_file = 'rh.lausanne2008.%s.annot' % scale" > Load {}".format(rh_annot_file)) rh_annot = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'label', rh_annot_file)) rgb_table = rh_annot[1][1:, 0:3] roi_names = rh_annot[2][1:] # roi_labels = rh_annot[0][1:] for label, name in enumerate(roi_names): name = 'ctx-rh-{}'.format(name.decode()) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = rgb_table[label, 0] g = rgb_table[label, 1] b = rgb_table[label, 2] if label == 0: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 f_color_lut.write('{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format( label + 1, name, r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (label + 1)), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "cortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % name), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (label + 1)), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % name), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(label + 2000 + 1))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Thalamic Nuclei if thalamus_nuclei_defined: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Right Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures (Thalamic Nuclei) \n") new_labels = np.arange( nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + right_thalNuclei.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in right_thalNuclei: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update right thalamic nucleus label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = right_thalNuclei_colors_r[i] g = right_thalNuclei_colors_g[i] b = right_thalNuclei_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), right_thalNuclei_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "thalamus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (right_thalNuclei_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(49))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data_thal == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Subcortical Structures if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Right Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures \n") new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + left_subc_labels.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in right_subc_labels: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update right subcortical label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = right_subc_ids_2018_colors_r[i] g = right_subc_ids_2018_colors_g[i] b = right_subc_ids_2018_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), right_subcort_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (right_subcort_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Subfields if rh_subfield_defined: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Right Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures (Hippocampal Subfields) \n") new_labels = np.arange( nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + hippo_subf.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in hippo_subf: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update right hippo subfield label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: # if len(ind) > 0: r = hippo_subf_colors_r[i] g = hippo_subf_colors_g[i] b = hippo_subf_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), right_hippo_subf_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "hippocampus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (right_hippo_subf_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data_subrh == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") if thalamus_nuclei_defined or brainstem_defined or (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined): # Relabelling Right VentralDC new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 2) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update right ventral DC label ({} -> {})".format(right_ventral, new_labels[0])) ind = np.where(img_data == right_ventral) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[0] nlabel = img_data_out.max() # ColorLUT (right ventral DC) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Right Hemisphere. Ventral Diencephalon \n") r = right_ventral_colors_r g = right_ventral_colors_g b = right_ventral_colors_b f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[0]), right_ventral_names[0], r, g, b)) f_color_lut.write("\n") if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "ventral-diencephalon"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (right_ventral_names[0])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(right_ventral))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) if thalamus_nuclei_defined or brainstem_defined or (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined): # Relabelling Right Hypothalamus new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 2) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update right hypothalamus label ({} -> {})".format(right_ventral, new_labels[0])) img_data_out[indrhypothal] = new_labels[0] nlabel = img_data_out.max() # ColorLUT (right hypothalamus) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("# Right Hemisphere. Hypothalamus \n") r = hypothal_colors_r g = hypothal_colors_g b = hypothal_colors_b f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[0]), right_hypothal_names[0], r, g, b)) f_color_lut.write("\n") if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "hypothalamus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "right"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (right_hypothal_names[0])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (-1)), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) # Processing Left Hemisphere # Relabelling Left hemisphere ind = np.where((img_data > 1000) & (img_data < 2000)) img_data_out[ind] = (img_data[ind] - 1000 + nlabel) old_nlabel = nlabel nlabel = img_data_out.max() # ColorLUT (cortical) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT or self.inputs.create_graphml: f_color_lut.write("# Left Hemisphere. Cortical Structures \n") outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] for elem in outprefix_name.split("_"): if "scale" in elem: scale = elem lh_annot_file = 'lh.lausanne2008.%s.annot' % scale" > Load {}".format(lh_annot_file)) lh_annot = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'label', lh_annot_file)) rgb_table = lh_annot[1][1:, 0:3] roi_names = lh_annot[2][1:] for label, name in enumerate(roi_names): name = 'ctx-lh-{}'.format(name.decode()) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = rgb_table[label, 0] g = rgb_table[label, 1] b = rgb_table[label, 2] if label == 0: r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(label + old_nlabel + 1), name, r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(label + old_nlabel + 1))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "cortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % name), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(label + old_nlabel + 1))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % name), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(label + 1000 - old_nlabel))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Thalamic Nuclei if thalamus_nuclei_defined: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Left Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures (Thalamic Nuclei) \n") new_labels = np.arange( nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + left_thalNuclei.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in left_thalNuclei: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update left thalamic nucleus label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = left_thalNuclei_colors_r[i] g = left_thalNuclei_colors_g[i] b = left_thalNuclei_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), left_thalNuclei_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "thalamus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (left_thalNuclei_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(10))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data_thal == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Subcortical Structures if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Left Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures \n") new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + left_subc_labels.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in left_subc_labels: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update left subcortical label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = left_subc_ids_2018_colors_r[i] g = left_subc_ids_2018_colors_g[i] b = left_subc_ids_2018_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), left_subcort_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (left_subcort_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Relabelling Subfields if lh_subfield_defined: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Left Hemisphere. Subcortical Structures (Hippocampal Subfields) \n") new_labels = np.arange( nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + hippo_subf.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in hippo_subf: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update left hippo subfield label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = hippo_subf_colors_r[i] g = hippo_subf_colors_g[i] b = hippo_subf_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), left_hippo_subf_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "hippocampus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (left_hippo_subf_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data_sublh == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 nlabel = img_data_out.max() # newIds_LH_subFields = new_labels if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") if thalamus_nuclei_defined or brainstem_defined or (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined): # Relabelling Left VentralDC new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 2) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update left ventral DC label ({} -> {})".format(left_ventral, new_labels[0])) ind = np.where(img_data == left_ventral) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[0] nlabel = img_data_out.max() # newIds_LH_ventralDC = new_labels # ColorLUT (left ventral DC) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write( "# Left Hemisphere. Ventral Diencephalon \n") r = left_ventral_colors_r g = left_ventral_colors_g b = left_ventral_colors_b f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[0]), left_ventral_names[0], r, g, b)) f_color_lut.write("\n") if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "ventral-diencephalon"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (left_ventral_names[0])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(left_ventral))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) if thalamus_nuclei_defined or brainstem_defined or (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined): # Relabelling Left Hypothalamus new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 2) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update left hypothalamus label ({} -> {})".format(-1, new_labels[0])) img_data_out[indlhypothal] = new_labels[0] nlabel = img_data_out.max() # ColorLUT (right hypothalamus) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("# Left Hemisphere. Hypothalamus \n") r = hypothal_colors_r g = hypothal_colors_g b = hypothal_colors_b f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[0]), left_hypothal_names[0], r, g, b)) f_color_lut.write("\n") if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "hypothalamus"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "left"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (left_hypothal_names[0])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (-1)), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) # Relabelling Brain Stem if brainstem_defined: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("# Brain Stem Structures \n") new_labels = np.arange( nlabel + 1, nlabel + 1 + brainstem.shape[0]) i = 0 for lab in brainstem: if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update brainstem parcellation label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[i])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = brainstem_colors_r[i] g = brainstem_colors_g[i] b = brainstem_colors_b[i] f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[i]), brainstem_names[i], r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "brainstem"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "central"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[i]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % (brainstem_names[i])), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) ind = np.where(img_data_stem == lab) img_data_out[ind] = new_labels[i] i += 1 # nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") else: if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("# Brain Stem \n") new_labels = np.arange(nlabel + 1, nlabel + 2) img_data_out[indrep] = new_labels[0] if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: " > Update brainstem parcellation label ({} -> {})".format(lab, new_labels[0])) if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: r = 119 g = 159 b = 176 f_color_lut.write( '{:<4} {:<55} {:>3} {:>3} {:>3} 0 \n'.format(int(new_labels[0]), 'brainstem', r, g, b)) if self.inputs.create_graphml: node_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' <node id="%i">' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d0">%s</data>' % "subcortical"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d1">%s</data>' % "brainstem"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d2">%s</data>' % "central"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d3">%i</data>' % (int(new_labels[0]))), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d4">%s</data>' % "brainstem"), '{} \n'.format( ' <data key="d5">%i</data>' % (int(lab))), '{} \n'.format(' </node>')] f_graphml.writelines(node_lines) # nlabel = img_data_out.max() if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.write("\n") # Fix negative values img_data_out[img_data_out < 0] = 0 # Saving the new parcellation outprefix_name = Path(roi).name.split(".")[0] output_roi = op.abspath('{}_final.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) hdr = img_v.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.int16)" > Save output image to {}".format(output_roi)) img = ni.Nifti1Image(img_data_out, img_v.get_affine(), hdr2), output_roi) del img if self.inputs.create_colorLUT: f_color_lut.close() if self.inputs.create_graphml: bottom_lines = ['{} \n'.format(' </graph>'), '{} \n'.format('</graphml>'), ] f_graphml.writelines(bottom_lines) f_graphml.close() orig = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'rawavg.mgz') aparcaseg_fs = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz') tmp_aparcaseg_fs = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.mgz') aparcaseg_native = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.native.nii.gz')" ... Copy aparc+aseg to {}".format(tmp_aparcaseg_fs)) shutil.copyfile(aparcaseg_fs, tmp_aparcaseg_fs) # Redirect ouput if low verbose fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')" ... Transform to native space") cmd = 'mri_vol2vol --mov "{}" --targ "{}" --regheader --o "{}" --no-save-reg --interp nearest'.format( aparcaseg_fs, orig, aparcaseg_native)" Command: {}".format(cmd)) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: status =, shell=True) else: status = cmd, shell=True, stdout=fnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if self.inputs.verbose_level == 2: print(status) img_aparcaseg = ni.load(aparcaseg_native) img_data_aparcaseg = img_aparcaseg.get_data() # Refine aparc+aseg.mgz with new subcortical and/or structures (if any) if thalamus_nuclei_defined or brainstem_defined or (lh_subfield_defined and rh_subfield_defined): " > Correct and save Freesurfer-generated aparc+aseg.mgz in native space...") img_data_aparcaseg_new = img_data_aparcaseg.astype(np.int32) # Thalamus (aparc+aseg labels: 10 and 49) if thalamus_nuclei_defined: ind = np.where(img_data_aparcaseg == 10) mask_aparc_lh = np.zeros(img_data_aparcaseg.shape) mask_aparc_lh[ind] = 1 ind = np.where(img_data_aparcaseg == 49) mask_aparc_rh = np.zeros(img_data_aparcaseg.shape) mask_aparc_rh[ind] = 1 mask_thal_lh = np.zeros(img_data_aparcaseg.shape) for lab in left_thalNuclei: ind = np.where(img_data_thal == lab) mask_thal_lh[ind] = 1 # Identify voxels not included by thalamic Nuclei - should set to 2 (Gm) or 0 tmp = mask_aparc_lh - mask_thal_lh ind = np.where(tmp > 0) img_data_aparcaseg_new[ind] = 2 # Identify voxels not included by freesurfer thalamic mask tmp = mask_aparc_lh - mask_thal_lh ind = np.where(tmp < 0) img_data_aparcaseg_new[ind] = 10 out_tmp = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc-thal.lh.native.nii.gz')" ... Save tmp image to {}".format(out_tmp)) img_tmp = ni.Nifti1Image( tmp, img_aparcaseg.get_affine(), img_aparcaseg.get_header()), out_tmp) mask_thal_rh = np.zeros(img_data_aparcaseg.shape) for lab in right_thalNuclei: ind = np.where(img_data_thal == lab) mask_thal_rh[ind] = 1 # Identify voxels not included by thalamic Nuclei - should set to 41 (Gm) or 0 tmp = mask_aparc_rh - mask_thal_rh ind = np.where(tmp > 0) img_data_aparcaseg_new[ind] = 41 # Identify voxels not included by freesurfer thalamic mask tmp = mask_aparc_rh - mask_thal_rh ind = np.where(tmp < 0) img_data_aparcaseg_new[ind] = 49 out_tmp = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc-thal.rh.native.nii.gz')" ... Save tmp image to {}".format(out_tmp)) img_tmp = ni.Nifti1Image( tmp, img_aparcaseg.get_affine(), img_aparcaseg.get_header()), out_tmp) # Brainstem (aparc+aseg labels: 16) if brainstem_defined: ind = np.where(img_data_aparcaseg == 16) img_data_aparcaseg_new[ind] = 0 img_data_aparcaseg_new[indstem] = 16 # new_aparcaseg_native = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.Lausanne2018.native.nii.gz') new_aparcaseg_native = op.join( fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.Lausanne2018.native.nii.gz')" ... Save relabeled image to {}".format( new_aparcaseg_native)) img = ni.Nifti1Image( img_data_aparcaseg_new, img_aparcaseg.get_affine(), img_aparcaseg.get_header()), new_aparcaseg_native) del img else: " > Save Freesurfer-generated aparc+aseg.mgz in native space...") aparcaseg_native = op.join( fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.Lausanne2018.native.nii.gz') " ... Save relabeled image to {}".format(aparcaseg_native)) img = ni.Nifti1Image( img_data_aparcaseg, img_aparcaseg.get_affine(), img_aparcaseg.get_header()), aparcaseg_native) del img return runtime def _list_outputs(self): fs_dir = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id) outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs['aparc_aseg'] = op.join( fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.Lausanne2018.native.nii.gz') outputs['output_rois'] = self._gen_outfilenames( 'ROIv_Lausanne2018', '_final.nii.gz') outputs['colorLUT_files'] = self._gen_outfilenames( 'ROIv_Lausanne2018', '_FreeSurferColorLUT.txt') outputs['graphML_files'] = self._gen_outfilenames( 'ROIv_Lausanne2018', '.graphml') return outputs def _gen_outfilenames(self, basename, posfix): filepaths = [] for scale in list(get_parcellation('Lausanne2018').keys()): filepaths.append(op.abspath(basename + '_' + scale + posfix)) return filepaths class ParcellateThalamusInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): T1w_image = File(mandatory=True, desc='T1w image to be parcellated') bids_dir = Directory(desc='BIDS root directory') subject = traits.Str(desc='Subject id') session = traits.Str('', desc='Session id') template_image = File(mandatory=True, desc='Template T1w') thalamic_nuclei_maps = File( mandatory=True, desc='Probability maps of thalamic nuclei (4D image) in template space') subjects_dir = Directory(mandatory=True, desc='Freesurfer main directory') subject_id = traits.String(mandatory=True, desc='Subject ID') ants_precision_type = traits.Enum(['double', 'float'], desc="Precision type used during computation") class ParcellateThalamusOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): warped_image = File(desc='Template registered to T1w image (native)') inverse_warped_image = File(desc='Inverse warped template') max_prob_registered = File(desc='Max probability label image (native)') prob_maps_registered = File( desc='Probabilistic map of thalamus nuclei (native)') transform_file = File(desc='Transform file') warp_file = File(desc='Deformation file') thalamus_mask = File(desc='Thalamus mask') class ParcellateThalamus(BaseInterface): """Parcellates the thalamus into 8 nuclei using an atlas-based method [Najdenovska18]_. References ---------- .. [Najdenovska18] Najdenovska et al., Sci Data 5, 180270 (2018). <> Examples -------- >>> parc_thal = ParcellateThalamus() >>> parc_thal.inputs.T1w_image = File(mandatory=True, desc='T1w image to be parcellated') >>> parc_thal.inputs.bids_dir = Directory(desc='BIDS root directory') >>> parc_thal.inputs.subject = '01' >>> parc_thal.inputs.template_image = '/path/to/atlas/T1w.nii.gz' >>> parc_thal.inputs.thalamic_nuclei_maps = '/path/to/atlas/nuclei/probability/map.nii.gz' >>> parc_thal.inputs.subjects_dir = '/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer' >>> parc_thal.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-01' >>> parc_thal.inputs.ants_precision_type = 'float' >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = ParcellateThalamusInputSpec output_spec = ParcellateThalamusOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime):"Parcellation of Thalamic Nuclei")"=============================================") # fs_string = 'export ANTSPATH=/usr/lib/ants/' # fs_string = '' '- Input T1w image:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.T1w_image)) '- Template image:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.template_image)) '- Thalamic nuclei maps:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.thalamic_nuclei_maps)) # Moving aparc+aseg.mgz back to its original space for thalamic parcellation mov = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz') targ = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'mri', 'orig/001.mgz') out = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.nii.gz') # cmd = fs_string + '; mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % (mov,targ,out) cmd = 'mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % (mov, targ, out) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() # Load aparc+aseg file in native space atlas_fn = out img_atlas = ni.load(atlas_fn) img_data_atlas = img_atlas.get_data() hdr = img_atlas.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) outprefix_name = Path(self.inputs.T1w_image).name.split(".")[0] outprefix_name = op.abspath('{}_Ind2temp'.format(outprefix_name)) # Register the template image image to the subject T1w image # cmd = fs_string + # '; -d 3 -f "%s" -m "%s" -t s -n "%i" -o "%s"' % (self.inputs.T1w_image,self.inputs.template_image,12,outprefix_name) if self.inputs.ants_precision_type == 'float': precision_type = 'f' else: precision_type = 'd' cmd = ' -p {} -d 3 -f {} -m {} -t s -n {} -o {}'.format(precision_type, self.inputs.T1w_image, self.inputs.template_image, 12, outprefix_name)'Processing cmd: %s' % cmd) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() outprefix_name = Path(self.inputs.T1w_image).name.split(".")[0] transform_file = op.abspath( '{}_Ind2temp0GenericAffine.mat'.format(outprefix_name)) warp_file = op.abspath('{}_Ind2temp1Warp.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) # transform_file = '/home/localadmin/~/Desktop/parcellation_tests/sub-A006_ses-20160520161029_T1w_brain_Ind2temp0GenericAffine.mat' # warp_file = '/home/localadmin/~/Desktop/parcellation_tests/sub-A006_ses-20160520161029_T1w_brain_Ind2temp1Warp.nii.gz' output_maps = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_probtissue.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) jacobian_file = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_probtissue_jacobian.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) # Compute and save jacobian # cmd = fs_string + '; CreateJacobianDeterminantImage 3 "%s" "%s" ' % (warp_file,jacobian_file) cmd = 'CreateJacobianDeterminantImage 3 "%s" "%s" ' % ( warp_file, jacobian_file)'Processing cmd: %s' % cmd) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() # Propagate nuclei probability maps to subject T1w space using estimated transforms and deformation # cmd = fs_string + # '; antsApplyTransforms --float -d 3 -e 3 -i "%s" -o "%s" -r "%s" -t "%s" -t "%s" -n BSpline[3]' % # (self.inputs.thalamic_nuclei_maps,output_maps,self.inputs.T1w_image,warp_file,transform_file) cmd = 'antsApplyTransforms --float -d 3 -e 3 -i "%s" -o "%s" -r "%s" -t "%s" -t "%s" -n BSpline[3]' % ( self.inputs.thalamic_nuclei_maps, output_maps, self.inputs.T1w_image, warp_file, transform_file)'Processing cmd: %s' % cmd) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip()'Correcting the volumes after the interpolation ') # Load jacobian file img_data_jacob = ni.load(jacobian_file).get_data() # numpy.ndarray # Load probability maps in native space after applying estimated transform and deformation img_spams = ni.load(output_maps) img_data_vspams = img_spams.get_data() # numpy.ndarray img_data_vspams[img_data_vspams < 0] = 0 img_data_vspams[img_data_vspams > 1] = 1 thresh = 0.05 # Creating max_prob img_data_spams = img_data_vspams.copy() img_data_spams[img_data_spams < thresh] = 0 ind = np.where(np.sum(img_data_spams, axis=3) == 0) max_prob = img_data_spams.argmax(axis=3) + 1 max_prob[ind] = 0 # ?max_prob = imfill(max_prob,'holes'); del img_data_spams debug_file = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_dtissue_after_ants.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) print("Save output image to %s" % debug_file) img = ni.Nifti1Image(max_prob, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2), debug_file) del img # Take into account jacobian to correct the probability maps after interpolation img_data_spams = np.zeros(img_data_vspams.shape) for nuc in np.arange(img_data_vspams.shape[3]): temp_image = img_data_vspams[:, :, :, nuc] t = np.multiply(temp_image, img_data_jacob) img_data_spams[:, :, :, nuc] = t / t.max() del temp_image, t, img_data_vspams, img_data_jacob # Creating max_prob img_data_spams[img_data_spams < thresh] = 0 ind = np.where(np.sum(img_data_spams, axis=3) == 0) max_prob = img_data_spams.argmax(axis=3) + 1 max_prob[ind] = 0 # ?max_prob = imfill(max_prob,'holes'); debug_file = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_dtissue_after_jacobiancorr.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) print("Save output image to %s" % debug_file) img = ni.Nifti1Image(max_prob, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2), debug_file) del img'Creating Thalamus mask from FreeSurfer aparc+aseg ') # fs_string = 'export SUBJECTS_DIR=' + self.inputs.subjects_dir'- New FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR:\n {}\n'.format(self.inputs.subjects_dir)) # Extract indices of left/right thalamus mask from aparc+aseg volume indl = np.where(img_data_atlas == 10) indr = np.where(img_data_atlas == 49) def filter_isolated_cells(array, struct): """ Return array with completely isolated single cells removed :param array: Array with completely isolated single cells :param struct: Structure array for generating unique regions :return: Array with minimum region size > 1 """ filtered_array = np.copy(array) id_regions, num_ids = ndimage.label( filtered_array, structure=struct) id_sizes = np.array(ndimage.sum( array, id_regions, list(range(num_ids + 1)))) area_mask = (id_sizes == 1) filtered_array[area_mask[id_regions]] = 0 return filtered_array remove_isolated_points = True if remove_isolated_points: struct = np.ones((3, 3, 3)) # struct = np.zeros((3,3,3)) # struct[1,1,1] = 1 # Left Hemisphere # Removing isolated points temp_i = np.zeros(img_data_atlas.shape) temp_i[indl] = 1 temp_i = filter_isolated_cells(temp_i, struct=struct) indl = np.where(temp_i == 1) # Right Hemisphere # Removing isolated points temp_i = np.zeros(img_data_atlas.shape) temp_i[indr] = 1 temp_i = filter_isolated_cells(temp_i, struct=struct) indr = np.where(temp_i == 1) del struct, temp_i # Creating Thalamic Mask (1: Left, 2:Right) img_data_thal = np.zeros(img_data_atlas.shape) img_data_thal[indl] = 1 img_data_thal[indr] = 2 del indl, indr # TODO: Masking according to csf # unzip_nifti([freesDir filesep subjId filesep 'tmp' filesep 'T1native.nii.gz']); # Outfiles = Extract_brain([freesDir filesep subjId filesep 'tmp' filesep 'T1native.nii'], # [freesDir filesep subjId filesep 'tmp' filesep 'T1native.nii']); # # csfFilename = deblank(Outfiles(4,:)); # Vcsf = spm_vol_gzip(csfFilename); # Icsf = spm_read_vols_gzip(Vcsf); # ind = find(Icsf > csfThresh); # img_data_thal(ind) = 0; # update the header and save thalamus mask thalamus_mask = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_dtissue.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) hdr = img_atlas.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print("Save output image to %s" % thalamus_mask) img_thal = ni.Nifti1Image(img_data_thal, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2), thalamus_mask) del hdr, hdr2, img_thal nb_spams = img_data_spams.shape[3] thresh = 0.05 use_thalamus_mask = True if use_thalamus_mask: img_data_thal_lh = np.zeros(img_data_thal.shape) indl = np.where(img_data_thal == 1) img_data_thal_lh[indl] = 1 del indl img_data_thal_rh = np.zeros(img_data_thal.shape) indr = np.where(img_data_thal == 2) img_data_thal_rh[indr] = 1 del img_data_thal # Mask probability maps using the left-hemisphere thalamus mask tmp_thal_lh = np.zeros( (img_data_thal_lh.shape[0], img_data_thal_lh.shape[1], img_data_thal_lh.shape[2], 1)) tmp_thal_lh[:, :, :, 0] = img_data_thal_lh temp_m = np.repeat(tmp_thal_lh, int(nb_spams / 2), axis=3) del tmp_thal_lh img_data_spam_lh = np.multiply(img_data_spams[:, :, :, 0:int(nb_spams / 2)], temp_m) # print('img_data_spam_lh shape:', img_data_spam_lh.shape) del temp_m # Creating max_prob img_data_spam_lh[img_data_spam_lh < thresh] = 0 ind = np.where(np.sum(img_data_spam_lh, axis=3) == 0) # max_prob_l = img_data_spam_lh.max(axis=3) max_prob_l = np.argmax(img_data_spam_lh, axis=3) + 1 max_prob_l[ind] = 0 # max_prob_l[ind] = 0 # ?max_prob_l = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(max_prob_l) # ?max_prob_l = Atlas_Corr(img_data_thal_lh,max_prob_l) # Mask probability maps using the right-hemisphere thalamus mask tmp_thal_rh = np.zeros( (img_data_thal_rh.shape[0], img_data_thal_rh.shape[1], img_data_thal_rh.shape[2], 1)) tmp_thal_rh[:, :, :, 0] = img_data_thal_rh temp_m = np.repeat(tmp_thal_rh, int(nb_spams / 2), axis=3) del tmp_thal_rh img_data_spam_rh = np.multiply(img_data_spams[:, :, :, int(nb_spams / 2):int(nb_spams)], temp_m) # print('img_data_spam_rh shape:', img_data_spam_rh.shape) del temp_m # Creating max_prob img_data_spam_rh[img_data_spam_rh < thresh] = 0 ind = np.where(np.sum(img_data_spam_rh, axis=3) == 0) # max_prob_r = img_data_spam_rh.max(axis=3) max_prob_r = np.argmax(img_data_spam_rh, axis=3) + 1 # ?max_prob_r = imfill(max_prob_r,'holes'); # ?max_prob_r = Atlas_Corr(img_data_thal_rh,max_prob_r); max_prob_r[indr] = max_prob_r[indr] + int(nb_spams / 2) max_prob_r[ind] = 0 del indr img_data_spams[:, :, :, 0:int(nb_spams / 2)] = img_data_spam_lh img_data_spams[:, :, :, int(nb_spams / 2):nb_spams] = img_data_spam_rh # Save corrected probability maps of thalamic nuclei # update the header hdr = img_spams.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print("Save output image to %s" % output_maps) img = ni.Nifti1Image(img_data_spams, img_spams.get_affine(), hdr2), output_maps) del hdr, img, img_spams # Save Maxprob # update the header max_prob_fn = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_probtissue_maxprob.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) hdr = img_atlas.get_header() hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) if use_thalamus_mask: max_prob = max_prob_l + max_prob_r else: # Creating max_prob img_data_spams[img_data_spams < thresh] = 0 ind = np.where(np.sum(img_data_spams, axis=3) == 0) max_prob = img_data_spams.argmax(axis=3) + 1 max_prob[ind] = 0 # ?max_prob = imfill(max_prob,'holes'); del img_data_spams # debug_file = '/home/localadmin/~/Desktop/parcellation_tests/sub-A006_ses-20160520161029_T1w_brain_class-thalamus_maxprobL.nii.gz' # print("Save output image to %s" % debug_file) # img = ni.Nifti1Image(max_prob_l, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2) #, debug_file) # # debug_file = '/home/localadmin/~/Desktop/parcellation_tests/sub-A006_ses-20160520161029_T1w_brain_class-thalamus_maxprobR.nii.gz' # print("Save output image to %s" % debug_file) # img = ni.Nifti1Image(max_prob_r, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2) #, debug_file) print("Save output image to %s" % max_prob) img = ni.Nifti1Image(max_prob, img_atlas.get_affine(), hdr2), max_prob_fn) del hdr2, img, max_prob'Done') return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outprefix_name = Path(self.inputs.T1w_image).name.split(".")[0] outputs['prob_maps_registered'] = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_probtissue.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['max_prob_registered'] = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_probtissue_maxprob.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['thalamus_mask'] = op.abspath('{}_class-thalamus_dtissue.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) outprefix_name = op.abspath('{}_Ind2temp'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['warped_image'] = op.abspath('{}Warped.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['inverse_warped_image'] = op.abspath('{}InverseWarped.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['transform_file'] = op.abspath('{}0GenericAffine.mat'.format(outprefix_name)) outputs['warp_file'] = op.abspath('{}1Warp.nii.gz'.format(outprefix_name)) # outputs['lh_hipposubfields'] = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir,self.inputs.subject_id,'tmp','lh_subFields.nii.gz') # outputs['rh_hipposubfields'] = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir,self.inputs.subject_id,'tmp','rh_subFields.nii.gz') return outputs class ParcellateInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): subjects_dir = Directory(desc='Freesurfer main directory') subject_id = traits.String(mandatory=True, desc='Subject ID') parcellation_scheme = traits.Enum('Lausanne2018', ['Lausanne2018', 'NativeFreesurfer'], desc="Parcellation scheme", usedefault=True) erode_masks = traits.Bool(False, desc="If `True` erode the masks") class ParcellateOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): # roi_files = OutputMultiPath(File(exists=True),desc='Region of Interest files for connectivity mapping') white_matter_mask_file = File(desc='White matter (WM) mask file') gray_matter_mask_file = File(desc='Cortical gray matter (GM) mask file') csf_mask_file = File(desc='Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) mask file') # cc_unknown_file = File(desc='Image file with regions labelled as unknown cortical structures', # exists=True) ribbon_file = File(desc='Image file detailing the cortical ribbon', exists=True) # aseg_file = File(desc='Automated segmentation file converted from Freesurfer "subjects" directory', # exists=True) wm_eroded = File(desc="Eroded wm file in original space") csf_eroded = File(desc="Eroded csf file in original space") brain_eroded = File(desc="Eroded brain file in original space") roi_files_in_structural_space = OutputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc='ROI image resliced to the dimensions of the original structural image' ) T1 = File(desc="T1 image file") brain = File(desc="Brain-masked T1 image file") brain_mask = File(desc="Brain mask file") aseg = File(desc="ASeg image file (in native space)") aparc_aseg = File(desc="APArc+ASeg image file (in native space)") class Parcellate(BaseInterface): """Subdivides segmented ROI file into smaller subregions. This interface interfaces with the CMTK parcellation functions available in `cmtklib.parcellation` module for all parcellation resolutions of a given scheme. Example ------- >>> from cmtklib.parcellation import Parcellate >>> parcellate = Parcellate() >>> parcellate.inputs.subjects_dir = '/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer' >>> parcellate.inputs.subject_id = 'sub-01' >>> parcellate.inputs.parcellation_scheme = 'Lausanne2018' >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = ParcellateInputSpec output_spec = ParcellateOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): # if self.inputs.subjects_dir: # os.environ.update({'SUBJECTS_DIR': self.inputs.subjects_dir})"ROI_HR_th.nii.gz / fsmask_1mm.nii.gz CREATION")"=============================================") fsdir = op.join(self.inputs.subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id) if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme == "Lausanne2018": print("Parcellation scheme : Lausanne2018") create_T1_and_Brain(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) # create_annot_label(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) create_roi(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) create_wm_mask(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) if self.inputs.erode_masks: erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz')) erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz')) erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')) crop_and_move_datasets(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) elif self.inputs.parcellation_scheme == "NativeFreesurfer": print("Parcellation scheme : NativeFreesurfer") create_T1_and_Brain(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) generate_WM_and_GM_mask(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) if self.inputs.erode_masks: erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz')) erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz')) erode_mask(fsdir, op.join(fsdir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')) crop_and_move_WM_and_GM(self.inputs.subject_id, self.inputs.subjects_dir) return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs['T1'] = op.abspath('T1.nii.gz') outputs['brain'] = op.abspath('brain.nii.gz') outputs['brain_mask'] = op.abspath('brain_mask.nii.gz') outputs['aseg'] = op.abspath('aseg.nii.gz') outputs['aparc_aseg'] = op.abspath('aparc+aseg.native.nii.gz') outputs['csf_mask_file'] = op.abspath('csf_mask.nii.gz') outputs['white_matter_mask_file'] = op.abspath('fsmask_1mm.nii.gz') # outputs['cc_unknown_file'] = op.abspath('cc_unknown.nii.gz') outputs['ribbon_file'] = op.abspath('ribbon.nii.gz') # outputs['aseg_file'] = op.abspath('aseg.nii.gz') # outputs['roi_files'] = self._gen_outfilenames('ROI_HR_th') if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme == "Lausanne2018": outputs['gray_matter_mask_file'] = op.abspath( 'T1w_class-GM.nii.gz') outputs['roi_files_in_structural_space'] = self._gen_outfilenames( 'ROIv_Lausanne2018') else: # Native Freesurfer outputs['gray_matter_mask_file'] = op.abspath('gmmask.nii.gz') outputs['roi_files_in_structural_space'] = self._gen_outfilenames( 'ROIv_HR_th') if self.inputs.erode_masks: outputs['wm_eroded'] = op.abspath('wm_eroded.nii.gz') outputs['csf_eroded'] = op.abspath('csf_eroded.nii.gz') outputs['brain_eroded'] = op.abspath('brain_eroded.nii.gz') return outputs def _gen_outfilenames(self, basename): filepaths = [] for scale in list(get_parcellation(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme).keys()): filepaths.append(op.abspath(basename + '_' + scale + '.nii.gz')) return filepaths
[docs]def get_parcellation(parcel="NativeFreesurfer"): """Returns a dictionary containing atlas information. .. note:: `atlas_info` often used in the code refers to such a dictionary. Parameters ---------- parcel : parcellation scheme It can be: 'NativeFreesurfer' or 'Lausanne2018' """ if parcel == "Lausanne2018": return { 'scale1': {'number_of_regions': 95, # 83, 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', 'resolution1', 'resolution1.graphml')), # NOTE that all the node-wise information is stored in a dedicated graphml file 'surface_parcellation': None, 'volume_parcellation': None, 'fs_label_subdir_name': 'regenerated_%s_1', 'subtract_from_wm_mask': 1, 'annotation': 'myaparc_1'}, 'scale2': {'number_of_regions': 141, # 129, 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', 'resolution2', 'resolution2.graphml')), 'surface_parcellation': None, 'volume_parcellation': None, 'fs_label_subdir_name': 'regenerated_%s_2', 'subtract_from_wm_mask': 1, 'annotation': 'myaparc_2'}, 'scale3': {'number_of_regions': 246, # 234, 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', 'resolution3', 'resolution3.graphml')), 'surface_parcellation': None, 'volume_parcellation': None, 'fs_label_subdir_name': 'regenerated_%s_3', 'subtract_from_wm_mask': 1, 'annotation': 'myaparc_3'}, 'scale4': {'number_of_regions': 475, # 463, 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', 'resolution4', 'resolution4.graphml')), 'surface_parcellation': None, 'volume_parcellation': None, 'fs_label_subdir_name': 'regenerated_%s_4', 'subtract_from_wm_mask': 1, 'annotation': 'myaparc_4'}, 'scale5': {'number_of_regions': 1027, # 1015, 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', 'resolution5', 'resolution5.graphml')), 'surface_parcellation': None, 'volume_parcellation': None, 'fs_label_subdir_name': 'regenerated_%s_5', 'subtract_from_wm_mask': 1, 'annotation': ['myaparc_5_P1_16', 'myaparc_5_P17_28', 'myaparc_5_P29_36']} } else: return {'freesurferaparc': {'number_of_regions': 83, # freesurferaparc; contains name, url, color, freesurfer_label, etc. used for connection matrix 'node_information_graphml': pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'nativefreesurfer', 'freesurferaparc', 'freesurferaparc.graphml')), # scalar node values on fsaverage? or atlas? 'surface_parcellation': None, # scalar node values in fsaverage volume? 'volume_parcellation': None, } }
[docs]def extract(Z, shape, position, fill): """ Extract voxel neighbourhood. Parameters ---------- Z: numpy.array The original data shape: tuple Tuple containing neighbourhood dimensions position: tuple Tuple containing central point indexes fill: value Value for the padding of Z Returns ------- R: numpy.array The output neighbourhood of the specified point in Z """ # initialize output block to the fill value R = np.ones(shape, dtype=Z.dtype) * fill # position coordinates(numpy array) P = np.array(list(position)).astype(int) # output block dimensions (numpy array) Rs = np.array(list(R.shape)).astype(int) # original volume dimensions (numpy array) Zs = np.array(list(Z.shape)).astype(int) R_start = np.zeros(len(shape)).astype(int) R_stop = np.array(list(shape)).astype(int) Z_start = (P - Rs // 2) Z_start_cor = (np.maximum(Z_start, 0)).tolist() # handle borders R_start = R_start + (Z_start_cor - Z_start) Z_stop = (P + Rs // 2) + Rs % 2 Z_stop_cor = (np.minimum(Z_stop, Zs)).tolist() # handle borders R_stop = R_stop - (Z_stop - Z_stop_cor) R[R_start[0]:R_stop[0], R_start[1]:R_stop[1], R_start[2]:R_stop[2]] = Z[Z_start_cor[0]:Z_stop_cor[0], Z_start_cor[1]:Z_stop_cor[1], Z_start_cor[2]:Z_stop_cor[2]] return R
[docs]def create_T1_and_Brain(subject_id, subjects_dir): """Generates T1, T1 masked and aseg+aparc Freesurfer images in NIFTI format. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) """ fs_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id) # Convert T1 image mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'T1.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'T1.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) # Convert Brain_masked T1 image mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brain.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brain.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) # Convert ASeg image mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) # Moving aparc+aseg.mgz back to its original space for ACT mov = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz') targ = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'rawavg.mgz') out = op.join(fs_dir, 'tmp', 'aparc+aseg.native.nii.gz') print("Create aparc+aseg.nii.gz in native space as %s" % out) cmd = 'mri_vol2vol --mov "%s" --targ "%s" --regheader --o "%s" --no-save-reg --interp nearest' % ( mov, targ, out) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_stdout = process.communicate()[0].strip() print("[DONE]")
[docs]def create_roi(subject_id, subjects_dir, v=True): """Iteratively creates the ROI_%s.nii.gz files using the given Lausanne2018 parcellation information from networks. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) v : Boolean Verbose mode """ freesurfer_subj = os.path.abspath(subjects_dir) subject_dir = os.path.join(freesurfer_subj, subject_id) if not (os.access(freesurfer_subj, os.F_OK)): print('ERROR: FreeSurfer subjects directory ($SUBJECTS_DIR) does not exist') else: if v: print( '- FreeSurfer subjects directory ($SUBJECTS_DIR):\n {}\n'.format(freesurfer_subj)) if not (os.access(os.path.join(freesurfer_subj, 'fsaverage'), os.F_OK)): print('- FreeSurfer subjects directory ($SUBJECTS_DIR) DOES NOT contain \'fsaverage\'') src = os.path.join( os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'], 'subjects', 'fsaverage') dst = os.path.join(freesurfer_subj, 'fsaverage') if os.path.isdir(dst): shutil.rmtree(dst, ignore_errors=True) print(' -> Copy fsaverage') shutil.copytree(src, dst) else: if v: print( '- FreeSurfer subjects directory ($SUBJECTS_DIR) DOES contain \'fsaverage\'\n') if not (os.access(subject_dir, os.F_OK)): print('ERROR: No input subject directory was found in FreeSurfer $SUBJECTS_DIR') else: if v: print('- Freesurfer subject id:\n {}\n'.format(subject_id)) print('- Freesurfer subject directory:\n {}\n'.format(subject_dir)) # Number of scales in multiscale parcellation nscales = 5 # # load aseg volume aseg = ni.load(op.join(subject_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz')) asegd = aseg.get_data() # numpy.ndarray # identify cortical voxels, right (3) and left (42) hemispheres idxr = np.where(asegd == 3) idxl = np.where(asegd == 42) xx = np.concatenate((idxr[0], idxl[0])) yy = np.concatenate((idxr[1], idxl[1])) zz = np.concatenate((idxr[2], idxl[2])) # initialize variables necessary for cortical ROIs dilation # dimensions of the neighbourhood for rois labels assignment (choose odd dimensions!) shape = (25, 25, 25) center = np.array(shape) // 2 # dist: distances from the center of the neighbourhood dist = np.zeros(shape, dtype='float32') for x in range(shape[0]): for y in range(shape[1]): for z in range(shape[2]): distxyz = center - [x, y, z] dist[x, y, z] = math.sqrt( np.sum(np.multiply(distxyz, distxyz))) # Check existence of tmp folder in input subject folder this_dir = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'tmp') if not (os.path.isdir(this_dir)): os.makedirs(this_dir) # Loop over parcellation scales if v: print('Generate MULTISCALE PARCELLATION for input subject') fs_string = 'export SUBJECTS_DIR=' + freesurfer_subj # Multiscale parcellation - define annotation and segmentation variables rh_annot_files = ['rh.lausanne2008.scale1.annot', 'rh.lausanne2008.scale2.annot', 'rh.lausanne2008.scale3.annot', 'rh.lausanne2008.scale4.annot', 'rh.lausanne2008.scale5.annot'] lh_annot_files = ['lh.lausanne2008.scale1.annot', 'lh.lausanne2008.scale2.annot', 'lh.lausanne2008.scale3.annot', 'lh.lausanne2008.scale4.annot', 'lh.lausanne2008.scale5.annot'] annot = ['lausanne2008.scale1', 'lausanne2008.scale2', 'lausanne2008.scale3', 'lausanne2008.scale4', 'lausanne2008.scale5'] rois_output = ['ROI_scale1_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROI_scale2_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROI_scale3_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROI_scale4_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROI_scale5_Lausanne2018.nii.gz'] roivs_output = ['ROIv_scale1_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROIv_scale2_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROIv_scale3_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROIv_scale4_Lausanne2018.nii.gz', 'ROIv_scale5_Lausanne2018.nii.gz'] FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') for i in reversed(list(range(0, nscales))): if v: print(' ... working on multiscale parcellation, SCALE {}'.format(i + 1)) # 1. Resample fsaverage CorticalSurface onto SUBJECT_ID CorticalSurface and map annotation for current scale # Left hemisphere if v: print( ' > resample fsaverage CorticalSurface to individual CorticalSurface') mri_cmd = fs_string + '; mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage --trgsubject %s --hemi lh --sval-annot %s --tval %s' % ( subject_id, pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', lh_annot_files[i])), os.path.join(subject_dir, 'label', lh_annot_files[i])) if v == 2: _ =, shell=True) else: _ = mri_cmd, shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # Right hemisphere mri_cmd = fs_string + '; mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage --trgsubject %s --hemi rh --sval-annot %s --tval %s' % ( subject_id, pkg_resources.resource_filename('cmtklib', op.join('data', 'parcellation', 'lausanne2018', rh_annot_files[i])), os.path.join(subject_dir, 'label', rh_annot_files[i])) if v == 2: status =, shell=True) else: status = mri_cmd, shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # 2. Generate Nifti volume from annotation # Note: change here --wmparc-dmax (FS default 5mm) to dilate cortical regions toward the WM if v: print(' > generate Nifti volume from annotation') mri_cmd = fs_string + '; mri_aparc2aseg --s %s --annot %s --wmparc-dmax 0 --labelwm --hypo-as-wm --new-ribbon --o %s' % ( subject_id, annot[i], os.path.join(subject_dir, 'tmp', rois_output[i])) if v == 2:, shell=True) else:, shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # 3. Update numerical IDs of cortical and subcortical regions # Load Nifti volume if v: print( ' > relabel cortical and subcortical regions for consistency between resolutions') this_nifti = ni.load(os.path.join(subject_dir, 'tmp', rois_output[i])) vol = this_nifti.get_data() # numpy.ndarray hdr = this_nifti.header # Initialize output hdr2 = hdr.copy() hdr2.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) newrois = vol.copy() # store scale5 volume for correction on multi-resolution consistency if i == (nscales - 1): print(" ... storing ROIs volume maximal resolution") roisMax = vol.copy() idxMax = np.where(roisMax > 0) xxMax = idxMax[0] yyMax = idxMax[1] zzMax = idxMax[2] # correct cortical surfaces using as reference the roisMax volume (for consistency between resolutions) else: print(" > adapt cortical surfaces") # adaptstart = time() idxRois = np.where(vol > 0) xxRois = idxRois[0] yyRois = idxRois[1] zzRois = idxRois[2] # correct voxels labeled in current resolution, but not labeled in highest resolution for j in range(xxRois.size): if roisMax[xxRois[j], yyRois[j], zzRois[j]] == 0: newrois[xxRois[j], yyRois[j], zzRois[j]] = 0 # correct voxels not labeled in current resolution, but labeled in highest resolution for j in range(xxMax.size): if newrois[xxMax[j], yyMax[j], zzMax[j]] == 0: local = extract(vol, shape, position=( xxMax[j], yyMax[j], zzMax[j]), fill=0) mask = local.copy() mask[np.nonzero(local > 0)] = 1 thisdist = np.multiply(dist, mask) thisdist[np.nonzero(thisdist == 0)] = np.amax(thisdist) value = np.int_( local[np.nonzero(thisdist == np.amin(thisdist))]) if value.size > 1: counts = np.bincount(value) value = np.argmax(counts) newrois[xxMax[j], yyMax[j], zzMax[j]] = value # print("Cortical ROIs adaptation took %s seconds to process." % (time()-adaptstart)) if v: print(' ... save output volumes') this_out = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'mri', rois_output[i]) img = ni.Nifti1Image(newrois, this_nifti.affine, hdr2), this_out) del img # 4. Dilate cortical regions if v: print(" > dilating cortical regions") # dilatestart = time() # loop throughout all the voxels belonging to the aseg GM volume for j in range(xx.size): if newrois[xx[j], yy[j], zz[j]] == 0: local = extract(vol, shape, position=( xx[j], yy[j], zz[j]), fill=0) mask = local.copy() mask[np.nonzero(local > 0)] = 1 thisdist = np.multiply(dist, mask) thisdist[np.nonzero(thisdist == 0)] = np.amax(thisdist) value = np.int_( local[np.nonzero(thisdist == np.amin(thisdist))]) if value.size > 1: counts = np.bincount(value) value = np.argmax(counts) newrois[xx[j], yy[j], zz[j]] = value # 5. Save Nifti and mgz volumes if v: print(' ... save output volumes ') this_out = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'mri', roivs_output[i]) img = ni.Nifti1Image(newrois, this_nifti.affine, hdr2), this_out) del img mri_cmd = fs_string + '; mri_convert -i %s -o %s' % ( this_out, os.path.join(subject_dir, 'mri', roivs_output[i][0:-4] + '.mgz')) if v == 2: status =, shell=True) else: status = mri_cmd, shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # os.remove(os.path.join(subject_dir, 'tmp', rois_output[i])) # Create Gray Matter mask if i == 0: print(" ... Creating gray matter mask from SCALE {}...".format(i + 1)) gmMask = newrois.copy() gmMask[newrois == newrois.max()] = 0 gmMask[gmMask > 0] = 1 out_mask = op.join(subject_dir, 'label', 'T1w_class-GM.nii.gz') print(" Save gray matter mask to %s" % out_mask) img = ni.Nifti1Image(gmMask, this_nifti.affine, hdr2), out_mask) del img mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(subject_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.mgz'), '-o', op.join(subject_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) print("[ DONE ]")
[docs]def create_wm_mask(subject_id, subjects_dir, v=True): """Creates the white-matter mask using the Freesurfer ribbon as basis in the Lausanne2018 framework. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) v : Boolean Verbose mode """ if v:" > Create white matter mask") fs_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id) if v:" ... FreeSurfer dir: %s" % fs_dir) # load ribbon as basis for white matter mask if v:" > load ribbon") fsmask = ni.load(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.nii.gz')) fsmaskd = fsmask.get_data() wmmask = np.zeros(fsmask.get_data().shape) # these data is stored and could be extracted from fs_dir/stats/aseg.txt # FIXME understand when ribbon file has default value or has "aseg" value # extract right and left white matter if v:" > Extract right and left wm") # Ribbon labels by default if fsmaskd.max() == 120: idx_lh = np.where(fsmaskd == 120) idx_rh = np.where(fsmaskd == 20) # Ribbon label w.r.t aseg label else: idx_lh = np.where(fsmaskd == 41) idx_rh = np.where(fsmaskd == 2) # extract right and left wmmask[idx_lh] = 1 wmmask[idx_rh] = 1 # remove subcortical nuclei from white matter mask if v:" > Load aseg") aseg = ni.load(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz')) asegd = aseg.get_data() try: import scipy.ndimage.morphology as nd except ImportError: raise Exception( ' ... ERROR: Need scipy for binary erosion of white matter mask') # need binary erosion function imerode = nd.binary_erosion # ventricle erosion" > Ventricle erosion") csfA = np.zeros(asegd.shape) csfB = np.zeros(asegd.shape) # structuring elements for erosion se1 = np.zeros((3, 3, 5)) se1[1, :, 2] = 1 se1[:, 1, 2] = 1 se1[1, 1, :] = 1 se = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) se[1, :, 1] = 1 se[:, 1, 1] = 1 se[1, 1, :] = 1 # lateral ventricles, thalamus proper and caudate # the latter two removed for better erosion, but put back afterwards idx = np.where((asegd == 4) | (asegd == 43) | (asegd == 11) | (asegd == 50) | (asegd == 31) | (asegd == 63) | (asegd == 10) | (asegd == 49)) csfA[idx] = 1 if v:" > Save CSF mask") img = ni.Nifti1Image(csfA, aseg.get_affine(), aseg.get_header()), op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz')) del img csfA = imerode(imerode(csfA, se1), se) # thalmus proper and cuadate are put back because they are not lateral ventricles idx = np.where((asegd == 11) | (asegd == 50) | (asegd == 10) | (asegd == 49)) csfA[idx] = 0 # REST CSF, IE 3RD AND 4TH VENTRICULE AND EXTRACEREBRAL CSF idx = np.where((asegd == 5) | (asegd == 14) | (asegd == 15) | (asegd == 24) | (asegd == 44) | (asegd == 72) | (asegd == 75) | (asegd == 76) | (asegd == 213) | (asegd == 221)) # 43 ??, 4?? 213?, 221? # more to discuss. for i in [5, 14, 15, 24, 44, 72, 75, 76, 213, 221]: idx = np.where(asegd == i) csfB[idx] = 1 # do not remove the subthalamic nucleus for now from the wm mask # 23, 60 # would stop the fiber going to the segmented "brainstem" # grey nuclei, either with or without erosion if v:" > Grey nuclei, either with or without erosion") gr_ncl = np.zeros(asegd.shape) # with erosion for i in [10, 11, 12, 49, 50, 51]: idx = np.where(asegd == i) # temporary volume tmp = np.zeros(asegd.shape) tmp[idx] = 1 tmp = imerode(tmp, se) idx = np.where(tmp == 1) gr_ncl[idx] = 1 # without erosion for i in [13, 17, 18, 26, 52, 53, 54, 58]: idx = np.where(asegd == i) gr_ncl[idx] = 1 # remove remaining structure, e.g. brainstem if v:" > Remove remaining structure, e.g. brainstem") remaining = np.zeros(asegd.shape) idx = np.where(asegd == 16) remaining[idx] = 1 # now remove all the structures from the white matter idx = np.where((csfA != 0) | (csfB != 0) | (gr_ncl != 0) | (remaining != 0)) wmmask[idx] = 0 if v: " > Removing lateral ventricles and eroded grey nuclei and brainstem from white matter mask") # ADD voxels from 'cc_unknown.nii.gz' dataset # ccun = ni.load(op.join(fs_dir, 'label', 'cc_unknown.nii.gz')) # ccund = ccun.get_data() # idx = np.where(ccund != 0) #"Add corpus callosum and unknown to wm mask") # wmmask[idx] = 1 # XXX add unknown dilation for connecting corpus callosum? # se2R = zeros(15,3,3); se2R(8:end,2,2)=1; # se2L = zeros(15,3,3); se2L(1:8,2,2)=1; # temp = (cc_unknown.img==1 | cc_unknown.img==2); # fsmask.img(imdilate(temp,se2R)) = 1; # fsmask.img(imdilate(temp,se2L)) = 1; # fsmask.img(cc_unknown.img==3) = 1; # fsmask.img(cc_unknown.img==4) = 1; # output white matter mask. crop and move it afterwards # wm_out = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm_all.nii.gz') # img = ni.Nifti1Image(wmmask, fsmask.get_affine(), fsmask.get_header() ) #"Save white matter mask: %s" % wm_out) #, wm_out) # Extract cortical gray matter mask # remove remaining structure, e.g. brainstem gmmask = np.zeros(asegd.shape) # XXX: subtracting wmmask from ROI. necessary? # for parkey, parval in get_parcellation('Lausanne2018').items(): # # print parkey # # # check if we should subtract the cortical rois from this parcellation # if parval.has_key('subtract_from_wm_mask'): # if not bool(int(parval['subtract_from_wm_mask'])): # continue # else: # continue # #"Loading %s to subtract cortical ROIs from white matter mask" % ('ROI_%s.nii.gz' % parkey) ) # roi = ni.load(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROIv_%s.nii.gz' % parkey)) # roid = roi.get_data() # # assert roid.shape[0] == wmmask.shape[0] # # pg = nx.read_graphml(parval['node_information_graphml']) # # for brk, brv in pg.nodes(data=True): # # if brv['dn_region'] == 'cortical': # #"Subtracting region %s with intensity value %s" % (brv['dn_region'], brv['dn_multiscaleID'])) # # idx = np.where(roid == int(brv['dn_multiscaleID'])) # wmmask[idx] = 0 # gmmask[idx] = 1 # output white matter mask. crop and move it afterwards wm_out = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz') img = ni.Nifti1Image(wmmask, fsmask.get_affine(), fsmask.get_header()) if v:" > Save white matter mask: %s" % wm_out), wm_out) del img gm_out = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'gmmask.nii.gz') img = ni.Nifti1Image(gmmask, fsmask.get_affine(), fsmask.get_header()) if v:" > Save gray matter mask: %s" % gm_out), gm_out) del img # Redirect ouput if low verbose FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') # Convert whole brain mask mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')] if v == 2: status =' '.join(mri_cmd), shell=True) else: status = ' '.join(mri_cmd), shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) mri_cmd = ['fslmaths', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz'), '-bin', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')] if v == 2: status =' '.join(mri_cmd), shell=True) else: status = ' '.join(mri_cmd), shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
[docs]def crop_and_move_datasets(subject_id, subjects_dir): """Convert Freesurfer images back to original native space when Lausanne2018 parcellation schemes are used. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) """ print("Cropping datasets") fs_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id) # datasets to crop and move: (from, to) ds = [ (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz'), 'aseg.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.nii.gz'), 'ribbon.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz'), 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz'), 'csf_mask.nii.gz'), # (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'gmmask.nii.gz'), 'gmmask.nii.gz'), ] for p in list(get_parcellation('Lausanne2018').keys()): # ds.append( (op.join(fs_dir, 'label', 'ROI_%s.nii.gz' % p), 'ROI_HR_th_%s.nii.gz' % p) ) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROI_%s_Lausanne2018.nii.gz' % p), 'ROI_Lausanne2018_%s.nii.gz' % p)) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROIv_%s_Lausanne2018.nii.gz' % p), 'ROIv_Lausanne2018_%s.nii.gz' % p)) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'gmmask.nii.gz'), 'T1w_class-GM.nii.gz')) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz'), 'aparc+aseg.native.nii.gz')) orig = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'rawavg.mgz') for d in ds: print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) # does it exist at all? if not op.exists(d[0]): raise Exception('File %s does not exist.' % d[0]) # reslice to original volume because the roi creation with freesurfer # changed to 256x256x256 resolution # mri_cmd = 'mri_convert -rl "%s" -rt nearest "%s" -nc "%s"' % (orig, d[0], d[1]) # runCmd( mri_cmd,log ) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'nearest', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) ds = [(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm_eroded.nii.gz'), 'wm_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask_eroded.nii.gz'), 'csf_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask_eroded.nii.gz'), 'brain_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz'), 'brain_mask.nii.gz')] for d in ds: if op.exists(d[0]): print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'nearest', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) ds = [(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'T1.nii.gz'), 'T1.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brain.nii.gz'), 'brain.nii.gz'), ] for d in ds: if op.exists(d[0]): print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'cubic', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd)
[docs]def generate_WM_and_GM_mask(subject_id, subjects_dir): """Generates the white-matter and gray-matter masks when NativeFreesurfer parcellation is used. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) """ fs_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id) print("Create the wm_labels and GM mask") # need to convert mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) fout = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.nii.gz') nii_apar_cimg = ni.load(fout) nii_apar_cdata = nii_apar_cimg.get_data() # mri_convert aparc+aseg.mgz aparc+aseg.nii.gz wm_out = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz') # %% label mapping # Using FreesurferColorLUT.txt # mappings are stored in mappings.ods # CORTICAL = {1 : [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34], # 2 : [31,13, 9,21,27,25,19,29,15,23, 1,24, 4,30,26,11, 6, 2, 5,22,16,14,10,20,12, 7, 8,18,30,17, 3,28,33]} # # # SUBCORTICAL = {1:[48,49,50,51,52,53,54,58,59,60, 9,10,11,12,13,17,18,26,27,28], # 2:[34,34,35,36,37,40,41,38,39,39,75,75,76,77,78,81,82,79,80,80]} # # OTHER = {1:[16], # 2:[83]} mapping = [[1, 2012], [2, 2019], [3, 2032], [4, 2014], [5, 2020], [6, 2018], [7, 2027], [8, 2028], [9, 2003], [10, 2024], [11, 2017], [12, 2026], [13, 2002], [14, 2023], [15, 2010], [16, 2022], [ 17, 2031], [18, 2029], [19, 2008], [20, 2025], [21, 2005], [22, 2021], [23, 2011], [24, 2013], [25, 2007], [26, 2016], [27, 2006], [ 28, 2033], [29, 2009], [30, 2015], [31, 2001], [32, 2030], [33, 2034], [34, 2035], [35, 49], [36, 50], [37, 51], [38, 52], [39, 58], [ 40, 53], [41, 54], [42, 1012], [43, 1019], [44, 1032], [45, 1014], [46, 1020], [47, 1018], [48, 1027], [49, 1028], [50, 1003], [51, 1024], [ 52, 1017], [53, 1026], [54, 1002], [55, 1023], [56, 1010], [57, 1022], [58, 1031], [59, 1029], [60, 1008], [61, 1025], [62, 1005], [ 63, 1021], [64, 1011], [65, 1013], [66, 1007], [67, 1016], [68, 1006], [69, 1033], [70, 1009], [71, 1015], [72, 1001], [73, 1030], [ 74, 1034], [75, 1035], [76, 10], [77, 11], [78, 12], [79, 13], [80, 26], [81, 17], [82, 18], [83, 16]] wm_labels = [2, 29, 32, 41, 61, 64, 59, 60, 27, 28] + \ list(range(77, 86 + 1)) + \ list(range(100, 117 + 1)) + \ list(range(155, 158 + 1)) + \ list(range(195, 196 + 1)) + \ list(range(199, 200 + 1)) + \ list(range(203, 204 + 1)) + \ [212, 219, 223] + \ list(range(250, 255 + 1)) # add # 59 Right-Substancia-Nigra # 60 Right-VentralDC # 27 Left-Substancia-Nigra # 28 Left-VentralDC print("wm_labels mask....") # %% create wm_labels mask nii_wm = np.zeros(nii_apar_cdata.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for i in wm_labels: nii_wm[nii_apar_cdata == i] = 1 # we do not add subcortical regions # for i in SUBCORTICAL[1]: # nii_wm[nii_apar_cdata == i] = 1 img = ni.Nifti1Image(nii_wm, nii_apar_cimg.get_affine(), nii_apar_cimg.get_header()) print("Save to: " + wm_out), wm_out) del img print("GM mask....") # %% create GM parcellation (CORTICAL+SUBCORTICAL) # % ------------------------------------- for park in list(get_parcellation('NativeFreesurfer').keys()): print("Parcellation: " + park) gm_out = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROIv_%s.nii.gz' % park) nii_gm = np.zeros(nii_apar_cdata.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for ma in mapping: nii_gm[nii_apar_cdata == ma[1]] = ma[0] # # % 33 cortical regions (stored in the order of "parcel33") # for idx,i in enumerate(CORTICAL[1]): # nii_gm[ nii_apar_cdata == (2000+i)] = CORTICAL[2][idx] # RIGHT # nii_gm[ nii_apar_cdata == (1000+i)] = CORTICAL[2][idx] + 41 # LEFT # # #% subcortical nuclei # for idx,i in enumerate(SUBCORTICAL[1]): # nii_gm[ nii_apar_cdata == i ] = SUBCORTICAL[2][idx] # # # % other region to account for in the GM # for idx, i in enumerate(OTHER[1]): # nii_gm[ nii_apar_cdata == i ] = OTHER[2][idx] print("Save to: " + gm_out) img = ni.Nifti1Image(nii_gm, nii_apar_cimg.get_affine(), nii_apar_cimg.get_header()), gm_out) del img # Create GM mask gm_maskout = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'gmmask.nii.gz') nii_gm_mask = nii_gm.copy() # Remove brainstem (supposed to be the last label 83) nii_gm_mask[nii_gm_mask == nii_gm_mask.max()] = 0 nii_gm_mask[nii_gm_mask > 0] = 1 print("GM mask saved to: " + gm_maskout) img = ni.Nifti1Image( nii_gm_mask, nii_apar_cimg.get_affine(), nii_apar_cimg.get_header()), gm_maskout) del img # Create CSF mask mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) asegfile = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aseg.nii.gz') aseg = ni.load(asegfile).get_data().astype(np.uint32) idx = np.where((aseg == 4) | (aseg == 43) | (aseg == 11) | (aseg == 50) | (aseg == 31) | (aseg == 63) | (aseg == 10) | (aseg == 49)) er_mask = np.zeros(aseg.shape) er_mask[idx] = 1 img = ni.Nifti1Image(er_mask, ni.load( asegfile).get_affine(), ni.load(asegfile).get_header()), op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz')) del img # Convert whole brain mask mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) mri_cmd = ['fslmaths', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz'), '-bin', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-i', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.mgz'), '-o', op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.nii.gz')] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) print("[DONE]")
[docs]def crop_and_move_WM_and_GM(subject_id, subjects_dir): """Convert Freesurfer images back to original native space when NativeFreesurfer parcellation scheme is used. Parameters ---------- subject_id : string Freesurfer subject id subjects_dir : string Freesurfer subjects dir (Typically ``/path/to/output_dir/freesurfer``) """ fs_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject_id) # print("Cropping and moving datasets to %s" % reg_path) # datasets to crop and move: (from, to) ds = [ (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ribbon.nii.gz'), 'ribbon.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz'), 'fsmask_1mm.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'gmmask.nii.gz'), 'gmmask.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask.nii.gz'), 'csf_mask.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'aparc+aseg.mgz'), 'aparc+aseg.native.nii.gz') ] for p in list(get_parcellation('NativeFreesurfer').keys()): if not op.exists(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', p)): os.makedirs(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', p)) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROIv_%s.nii.gz' % p), op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', p, 'ROIv_HR_th.nii.gz'))) ds.append((op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'ROIv_%s.nii.gz' % p), 'ROIv_HR_th_%s.nii.gz' % p)) orig = op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'rawavg.mgz') for d in ds: print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) # does it exist at all? if not op.exists(d[0]): raise Exception('File %s does not exist.' % d[0]) # reslice to original volume because the roi creation with freesurfer # changed to 256x256x256 resolution # mri_cmd = 'mri_convert -rl "%s" -rt nearest "%s" -nc "%s"' % (orig, d[0], d[1]) # runCmd( mri_cmd,log ) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'nearest', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) ds = [(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'fsmask_1mm_eroded.nii.gz'), 'wm_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'csf_mask_eroded.nii.gz'), 'csf_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask_eroded.nii.gz'), 'brain_eroded.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brainmask.nii.gz'), 'brain_mask.nii.gz')] for d in ds: if op.exists(d[0]): print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'nearest', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd) ds = [(op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'T1.nii.gz'), 'T1.nii.gz'), (op.join(fs_dir, 'mri', 'brain.nii.gz'), 'brain.nii.gz'), ] for d in ds: if op.exists(d[0]): print("Processing %s:" % d[0]) mri_cmd = ['mri_convert', '-rl', orig, '-rt', 'cubic', d[0], '-nc', d[1]] subprocess.check_call(mri_cmd)