Source code for cmtklib.connectome

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Module that defines CMTK functions and Nipype interfaces for connectome mapping."""

from os import path as op
import csv
import glob
import os
import copy

from traits.api import *

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

import as sio

from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from nipype.interfaces import cmtk
from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename

from .util import mean_curvature, length
from .parcellation import get_parcellation

[docs]def group_analysis_sconn(output_dir, subjects_to_be_analyzed): """Perform group level analysis of structural connectivity matrices.""" print("Perform group level analysis ...")
[docs]def compute_curvature_array(fib): """Computes the curvature array.""" print("Compute curvature ...") n = len(fib) pc = -1 meancurv = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i, fi in enumerate(fib): # Percent counter pcN = int(round(float(100 * i) / n)) if pcN > pc and pcN % 1 == 0: pc = pcN print("%4.0f%%" % pc) meancurv[i, 0] = mean_curvature(fi[0]) return meancurv
[docs]def create_endpoints_array(fib, voxelSize, print_info): """Create the endpoints arrays for each fiber. Parameters ---------- fib: the fibers data voxelSize: 3-tuple It contains the voxel size of the ROI image print_info : bool If True, print extra information Returns ------- (endpoints: matrix of size [#fibers, 2, 3] containing for each fiber the index of its first and last point in the voxelSize volume endpointsmm) : endpoints in milimeter coordinates """ if print_info: print("========================") print("create_endpoints_array") # Init n = len(fib) endpoints = np.zeros((n, 2, 3)) endpointsmm = np.zeros((n, 2, 3)) pc = -1 # Computation for each fiber for i, fi in enumerate(fib): # Percent counter if print_info: pcN = int(round(float(100 * i) / n)) if pcN > pc and pcN % 20 == 0: pc = pcN print("%4.0f%%" % pc) f = fi[0] # store startpoint endpoints[i, 0, :] = f[0, :] # store endpoint endpoints[i, 1, :] = f[-1, :] # store startpoint endpointsmm[i, 0, :] = f[0, :] # store endpoint endpointsmm[i, 1, :] = f[-1, :] # print 'endpoints (mm) : ',endpoints[i, 0, :],' ; ',endpoints[i, 1, :] # Translate from mm to index endpoints[i, 0, 0] = int(endpoints[i, 0, 0] / float(voxelSize[0])) endpoints[i, 0, 1] = int(endpoints[i, 0, 1] / float(voxelSize[1])) endpoints[i, 0, 2] = int(endpoints[i, 0, 2] / float(voxelSize[2])) endpoints[i, 1, 0] = int(endpoints[i, 1, 0] / float(voxelSize[0])) endpoints[i, 1, 1] = int(endpoints[i, 1, 1] / float(voxelSize[1])) endpoints[i, 1, 2] = int(endpoints[i, 1, 2] / float(voxelSize[2])) # print 'endpoints : ',endpoints[i, 0, :],' ; ',endpoints[i, 1, :] # Return the matrices return endpoints, endpointsmm
[docs]def save_fibers(oldhdr, oldfib, fname, indices): """Stores a new trackvis file fname using only given indices. Parameters ---------- oldhdr : the tractogram header Tractogram header to use as reference oldfib : the fibers data Input fibers fname : string Output tractogram filename indices : list Indices of fibers included """ hdrnew = oldhdr.copy() outstreams = [] for i in indices: outstreams.append(oldfib[i]) n_fib_out = len(outstreams) hdrnew["n_count"] = n_fib_out print("Writing final no orphan fibers: %s" % fname) nib.trackvis.write(fname, outstreams, hdrnew)
[docs]def cmat( intrk, roi_volumes=None, roi_graphmls=None, parcellation_scheme=None, compute_curvature=True, additional_maps=None, output_types=None, atlas_info=None, ): """Create the connection matrix for each resolution using fibers and ROIs. Parameters ---------- intrk : TRK file Reconstructed tractogram roi_volumes : list List of parcellation files for a given parcellation scheme roi_graphmls : list List of graphmls files that describes parcellation nodes parcellation_scheme : ['NativeFreesurfer', 'Lausanne2018', 'Custom'] compute_curvature : Boolean additional_maps : dict A dictionary of key/value for each additional map where the value is the path to the map output_types : ['gPickle','mat','graphml'] atlas_info : dict Dictionary storing information such as path to files related to a parcellation atlas / scheme. """ if additional_maps is None: additional_maps = {} if atlas_info is None: atlas_info = {} if output_types is None: output_types = ["gPickle"] print("================================================") print(" > Creation of connectome maps") print(" .. tractogram :" + intrk) print(" .. parcellation : %s" % parcellation_scheme) print("================================================") # create the endpoints for each fibers en_fname = "endpoints.npy" en_fnamemm = "endpointsmm.npy" curv_fname = "meancurvature.npy" fib, hdr =, False) n = len(fib) # number of fibers if parcellation_scheme != "Custom": if parcellation_scheme != "Lausanne2018": resolutions = get_parcellation(parcellation_scheme) else: resolutions = get_parcellation(parcellation_scheme) for parkey, parval in list(resolutions.items()): for vol, graphml in zip(roi_volumes, roi_graphmls): if parkey in vol: roi_fname = vol if parkey in graphml: roi_graphml_fname = graphml roi = nib.load(roi_fname) roiData = roi.get_data() resolutions[parkey]["number_of_regions"] = roiData.max() resolutions[parkey]["node_information_graphml"] = op.abspath( roi_graphml_fname ) del roi, roiData else: resolutions = atlas_info # Previously, load_endpoints_from_trk() used the voxel size stored # in the track hdr to transform the endpoints to ROI voxel space. # This only works if the ROI voxel size is the same as the DSI/DTI # voxel size. In the case of DTI, it is not. # We do, however, assume that all of the ROI images have the same # voxel size, so this code just loads the first one to determine # what it should be firstROIFile = roi_volumes[0] firstROI = nib.load(firstROIFile) roiVoxelSize = firstROI.get_header().get_zooms() (endpoints, endpointsmm) = create_endpoints_array(fib, roiVoxelSize, True), endpoints), endpointsmm) # Only compute curvature if required if compute_curvature: meancurv = compute_curvature_array(fib), meancurv) streamline_wrote = False for parkey, parval in list(resolutions.items()): print("------------------------------------------------") print("Resolution = " + parkey) print("------------------------------------------------") # create empty fiber label array fiberlabels = np.zeros((n, 2)) final_fiberlabels = [] final_fibers_idx = [] # Open the corresponding ROI: # scale1 for lausanne2008/18 # first volume for nativefreesurfer for vol in roi_volumes: if (parkey in vol) or (len(roi_volumes) == 1): roi_fname = vol roi = nib.load(roi_fname) roiData = roi.get_data() # Create the matrix print( " >> Create the connection matrix (%s rois)" % parval["number_of_regions"] ) nROIs = parval["number_of_regions"] G = nx.Graph() # Add node information from parcellation gp = nx.read_graphml(parval["node_information_graphml"]) n_nodes = len(gp) pc = -1 cnt = -1 for u, d in gp.nodes(data=True): # Percent counter cnt += 1 pcN = int(round(float(100 * cnt) / n_nodes)) if pcN > pc and pcN % 10 == 0: pc = pcN print("%4.0f%%" % pc) G.add_node(int(u)) for key in d: G.nodes[int(u)][key] = d[key] # compute a position for the node based on the mean position of the # ROI in voxel coordinates (segmentation volume ) G.nodes[int(u)]["dn_position"] = tuple( np.mean(np.where(roiData == int(d["dn_multiscaleID"])), axis=1) ) G.nodes[int(u)]["roi_volume"] = np.sum( roiData == int(d["dn_multiscaleID"]) ) dis = 0 # Prepare: compute the measures t = [c[0] for c in fib] h = np.array(t, dtype=np.object) mmap = additional_maps mmapdata = {} print(" >> Maps to be processed :") for k, v in list(mmap.items()): print(" - %s map" % k) da = nib.load(v) mdata = da.get_data() print(mdata.max()) mdata = np.nan_to_num(mdata) print(mdata.max()) mmapdata[k] = (mdata, da.get_header().get_zooms()) print(" ************************") print(" >> Processing fibers and computing metrics (%s fibers)" % n) pc = -1 for i in range(n): # n: number of fibers # Percent counter pcN = int(round(float(100 * i) / n)) if pcN > pc and pcN % 10 == 0: pc = pcN print("%4.0f%%" % pc) # ROI start => ROI end try: startvox = np.zeros((3, 1)).astype(int) startvox[0] =[i, 0, 0]) startvox[1] =[i, 0, 1]) startvox[2] =[i, 0, 2]) endvox = np.zeros((3, 1)).astype(int) endvox[0] =[i, 1, 0]) endvox[1] =[i, 1, 1]) endvox[2] =[i, 1, 2]) # Endpoints from create_endpoints_array startROI = int(roiData[startvox[0], startvox[1], startvox[2]]) endROI = int(roiData[endvox[0], endvox[1], endvox[2]]) except IndexError: print(" .. ERROR: An index error occured for fiber %s. " % i) print(" This means that the fiber start or endpoint is outside the volume. Continue.") print(" Continue.") continue # Filter if startROI == 0 or endROI == 0: dis += 1 fiberlabels[i, 0] = -1 continue if startROI > nROIs or endROI > nROIs: print(" .. ERROR: Start or endpoint of fiber terminate in a voxel which is labeled higher") print(" than is expected by the parcellation node information.") print(" Start ROI: %i, End ROI: %i" % (startROI, endROI)) print(" This needs bugfixing!") print(" Continue.") continue # Switch the rois in order to enforce startROI < endROI if endROI < startROI: tmp = startROI startROI = endROI endROI = tmp # TODO: Refine fibers ending in thalamus # if (startROI in thalamic_labels) or (endROI in thalamic_labels): # Extract all thalamic nuclei the fiber is passing through # Refine start/endROI connecting to the most probable nucleus # Update fiber label fiberlabels[i, 0] = startROI fiberlabels[i, 1] = endROI final_fiberlabels.append([startROI, endROI]) final_fibers_idx.append(i) # Add edge to graph if G.has_edge(startROI, endROI): G[startROI][endROI]["fiblist"].append(i) else: G.add_edge(startROI, endROI, fiblist=[i]) print( " ... INFO - Found %i (%f percent out of %i fibers) fibers " % (dis, dis * 100.0 / n, n) + "that start or terminate in a voxel which is not labeled. (orphans)" ) print( " ... INFO - Valid fibers: %i (%f percent)" % (n - dis, 100 - dis * 100.0 / n) ) # create a final fiber length array finalfiberlength = [] for idx in final_fibers_idx: # compute length of fiber finalfiberlength.append(length(fib[idx][0])) # convert to array final_fiberlength_array = np.array(finalfiberlength) # make final fiber labels as array final_fiberlabels_array = np.array(final_fiberlabels, dtype=np.int32) total_fibers = 0 total_volume = 0 u_old = -1 for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): total_fibers += len(d["fiblist"]) if u != u_old: total_volume += G.nodes[int(u)]["roi_volume"] u_old = u G_out = copy.deepcopy(G) # Update edges # New connectivity measures can be added here # FIXME treat case of self-connection that gives di['fiber_length_mean'] = 0.0 for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): # Check for diagonal elements that raise an error when the edge is visited a second time G_out.remove_edge(u, v) if len(list(G[u][v].keys())) == 1: di = {"number_of_fibers": len(G[u][v]["fiblist"])} # additional measures # compute mean/std of fiber measure if u <= v: idx = np.where( (final_fiberlabels_array[:, 0] == int(u)) & (final_fiberlabels_array[:, 1] == int(v)) )[0] else: idx = np.where( (final_fiberlabels_array[:, 0] == int(v)) & (final_fiberlabels_array[:, 1] == int(u)) )[0] di["fiber_length_mean"] = float( np.nanmean(final_fiberlength_array[idx]) ) di["fiber_length_median"] = float( np.nanmedian(final_fiberlength_array[idx]) ) di["fiber_length_std"] = float(np.nanstd(final_fiberlength_array[idx])) di["fiber_proportion"] = float( 100.0 * (di["number_of_fibers"] / float(total_fibers)) ) # Compute density # Formula: density = (#fibers / mean_fibers_length) * (2 / (area_roi_u + area_roi_v)) if di["fiber_length_mean"] > 0.0: di["fiber_density"] = float( (float(di["number_of_fibers"]) / float(di["fiber_length_mean"])) * float( 2.0 / ( G.nodes[int(u)]["roi_volume"] + G.nodes[int(v)]["roi_volume"] ) ) ) di["normalized_fiber_density"] = float( ( (float(di["number_of_fibers"]) / float(total_fibers)) / float(di["fiber_length_mean"]) ) * ( (2.0 * float(total_volume)) / ( G.nodes[int(u)]["roi_volume"] + G.nodes[int(v)]["roi_volume"] ) ) ) else: di["fiber_density"] = 0.0 di["normalized_fiber_density"] = 0.0 # This is indexed into the fibers that are valid in the sense of touching start # and end roi and not going out of the volume if u <= v: idx_valid = np.where( (fiberlabels[:, 0] == int(u)) & (fiberlabels[:, 1] == int(v)) )[0] else: idx_valid = np.where( (fiberlabels[:, 0] == int(v)) & (fiberlabels[:, 1] == int(u)) )[0] for k, vv in list(mmapdata.items()): val = [] for i in idx_valid: # retrieve indices try: idx2 = (h[i] / vv[1]).astype(np.uint32) val.append(vv[0][idx2[:, 0], idx2[:, 1], idx2[:, 2]]) except IndexError as e: print( " ... ERROR - Index error occured when trying extract scalar values for measure", k, ) print( " ... ERROR - Discard fiber with index ", i, "Exception: ", e, ) if len(val) > 0: da = np.concatenate(val) if k == "shore_rtop": di[k + "_mean"] = da.astype(np.float64).mean() di[k + "_std"] = da.astype(np.float64).std() di[k + "_median"] = np.median(da.astype(np.float64)) else: di[k + "_mean"] = da.mean().astype(np.float) di[k + "_std"] = da.std().astype(np.float) di[k + "_median"] = np.median(da).astype(np.float) del da del val G_out.add_edge(u, v) for key in di: G_out[u][v][key] = di[key] del G print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Save structural connectome maps as :") # Get the edge attributes/keys/weights from the first edge and then break. # Change w.r.t networkx2 edge_keys = [] for u, v, d in G_out.edges(data=True): edge_keys = list(d.keys()) break # Storing network/graph in TSV format (by default to be BIDS compliant) print(" - connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey) # Write header fields with open("connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey, "w") as out_file: tsv_writer = csv.writer(out_file, delimiter="\t") header = ["source", "target"] header = header + [key for key in edge_keys] tsv_writer.writerow(header) # Write list of graph edges with all connectivity metrics (edge_keys) with open("connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey, "ab") as out_file: nx.write_edgelist( G_out, out_file, comments="#", delimiter="\t", data=edge_keys, encoding="utf-8", ) # Storing network/graph in other formats that might be prefered by the user if "gPickle" in output_types: print(" - connectome_%s.gpickle" % parkey) nx.write_gpickle(G_out, "connectome_%s.gpickle" % parkey) if "mat" in output_types: edge_struct = {} for edge_key in edge_keys: if edge_key != "fiblist": edge_struct[edge_key] = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G_out, weight=edge_key) # nodes size_nodes = len(list(G_out.nodes(data=True))) # Get the node attributes/keys from the first node and then break. # Change w.r.t networkx2 for u, d in G_out.nodes(data=True): node_keys = list(d.keys()) break node_struct = {} for node_key in node_keys: if node_key == "dn_position": node_arr = np.zeros([size_nodes, 3], dtype=np.float) else: node_arr = np.zeros(size_nodes, dtype=np.object_) node_n = 0 for _, node_data in G_out.nodes(data=True): node_arr[node_n] = node_data[node_key] node_n += 1 node_struct[node_key] = node_arr print(" - connectome_%s.mat" % parkey) sio.savemat( "connectome_%s.mat" % parkey, long_field_names=True, mdict={"sc": edge_struct, "nodes": node_struct}, ) if "graphml" in output_types: g2 = nx.Graph() for u_gml, v_gml, d_gml in G_out.edges(data=True): g2.add_edge(u_gml, v_gml) for key in d_gml: g2[u_gml][v_gml][key] = d_gml[key] for u_gml, d_gml in G_out.nodes(data=True): g2.add_node(u_gml) g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_multiscaleID"] = d_gml["dn_multiscaleID"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_fsname"] = d_gml["dn_fsname"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_hemisphere"] = d_gml["dn_hemisphere"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_name"] = d_gml["dn_name"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_x"] = d_gml["dn_position"][0] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_y"] = d_gml["dn_position"][1] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_z"] = d_gml["dn_position"][2] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_region"] = d_gml["dn_region"] print(" - connectome_%s.graphml" % parkey) nx.write_graphml(g2, "connectome_%s.graphml" % parkey) # Storing final fiber length array fiberlabels_fname = "final_fiberslength_%s.npy" % str(parkey), final_fiberlength_array) # Storing all fiber labels (with orphans) fiberlabels_fname = "filtered_fiberslabel_%s.npy" % str(parkey) fiberlabels_fname, np.array(fiberlabels, dtype=np.int32), ) # Storing final fiber labels (no orphans) fiberlabels_noorphans_fname = "final_fiberlabels_%s.npy" % str(parkey), final_fiberlabels_array) if not streamline_wrote: print(" > Filtering tractography - keeping only no orphan fibers") finalfibers_fname = "streamline_final.trk" save_fibers(hdr, fib, finalfibers_fname, final_fibers_idx) print("Done.") print("========================")
class DmriCmatInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): track_file = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="Tractography result", mandatory=True ) roi_volumes = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="ROI volumes registered to diffusion space" ) parcellation_scheme = traits.Enum( "Lausanne2018", ["Lausanne2018", "NativeFreesurfer", "Custom"], desc="Parcellation scheme", usedefault=True, ) roi_graphmls = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="GraphML description of ROI volumes (Lausanne2018)" ) atlas_info = Dict(mandatory=False, desc="custom atlas information") compute_curvature = traits.Bool(True, desc="Compute curvature", usedefault=True) additional_maps = traits.List( File, desc="Additional calculated maps (ADC, gFA, ...)" ) output_types = traits.List(Str, desc="Output types of the connectivity matrices") voxel_connectivity = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="ProbtrackX connectivity matrices (# seed voxels x # target ROIs)", ) class DmriCmatOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): endpoints_file = File(desc="Numpy files storing the list of fiber endpoint") endpoints_mm_file = File( desc="Numpy files storing the list of fiber endpoint in mm" ) final_fiberslength_files = OutputMultiPath(File(), desc="List of fiber length") filtered_fiberslabel_files = OutputMultiPath( File(), desc="List of fiber start end ROI parcellation label after filtering" ) final_fiberlabels_files = OutputMultiPath( File(), desc="List of fiber start end ROI parcellation label" ) streamline_final_file = File( desc="Final tractogram of fibers considered in the creation of connectivity matrices" ) connectivity_matrices = OutputMultiPath(File(), desc="Connectivity matrices") class DmriCmat(BaseInterface): """Creates the structural connectivity matrices for a given parcellation scheme. Examples -------- >>> from cmtklib.connectome import DmriCmat >>> cmat = DmriCmat() >>> cmat.inputs.base_dir = '/my_directory' >>> cmat.inputs.track_file = '/path/to/sub-01_tractogram.trk' >>> cmat.inputs.roi_volumes = ['/path/to/sub-01_space-DWI_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-DWI_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-DWI_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-DWI_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-DWI_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.nii.gz'] >>> cmat.inputs.roi_graphmls = ['/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.graphml'] >>> cmat.inputs.parcellation scheme = 'Lausanne2018' >>> cmat.inputs.output_types = ['gPickle','mat','graphml'] >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = DmriCmatInputSpec output_spec = DmriCmatOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): if isdefined(self.inputs.additional_maps): additional_maps = dict( (split_filename(add_map)[1], add_map) for add_map in self.inputs.additional_maps if add_map != "" ) else: additional_maps = {} cmat( intrk=self.inputs.track_file[0], roi_volumes=self.inputs.roi_volumes, roi_graphmls=self.inputs.roi_graphmls, parcellation_scheme=self.inputs.parcellation_scheme, atlas_info=self.inputs.atlas_info, compute_curvature=self.inputs.compute_curvature, additional_maps=additional_maps, output_types=self.inputs.output_types, ) return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs["endpoints_file"] = os.path.abspath("endpoints.npy") outputs["endpoints_mm_file"] = os.path.abspath("endpointsmm.npy") outputs["final_fiberslength_files"] = glob.glob( os.path.abspath("final_fiberslength*") ) outputs["filtered_fiberslabel_files"] = glob.glob( os.path.abspath("filtered_fiberslabel*") ) outputs["final_fiberlabels_files"] = glob.glob( os.path.abspath("final_fiberlabels*") ) outputs["streamline_final_file"] = os.path.abspath("streamline_final.trk") outputs["connectivity_matrices"] = glob.glob(os.path.abspath("connectome*")) return outputs class RsfmriCmatInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): func_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="fMRI volume") roi_volumes = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="ROI volumes registered to functional space" ) roi_graphmls = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="GraphML description file for ROI volumes (used only if parcellation_scheme == Lausanne2018)", ) parcellation_scheme = traits.Enum( "Lausanne2018", ["Lausanne2018", "NativeFreesurfer", "Custom"], desc="Parcellation scheme", usedefault=True, ) atlas_info = Dict(mandatory=False, desc="custom atlas information") apply_scrubbing = Bool(False, desc="Apply scrubbing") FD = File(exists=True, desc="FD file if scrubbing is performed") FD_th = Float(desc="FD threshold") DVARS = File(exists=True, desc="DVARS file if scrubbing is performed") DVARS_th = Float(desc="DVARS threshold") output_types = traits.List(Str, desc="Output types of the connectivity matrices") class RsfmriCmatOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): avg_timeseries = OutputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc="ROI average timeseries") scrubbed_idx = File(exists=True, desc="Scrubbed indices") connectivity_matrices = OutputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc="Functional connectivity matrices" ) class RsfmriCmat(BaseInterface): """Creates the functional connectivity matrices for a given parcellation scheme. It applies scrubbing (if enabled), computes the average GM ROI time-series and computes the Pearson's correlation coefficient between each GM ROI time-series poir. Examples -------- >>> from cmtklib.connectome import RsfmriCmat >>> cmat = RsfmriCmat() >>> cmat.inputs.base_dir = '/my_directory' >>> cmat.inputs.func_file = '/path/to/sub-01_task-rest_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz' >>> cmat.inputs.roi_volumes = ['/path/to/sub-01_space-meanBOLD_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-meanBOLD_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-meanBOLD_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-meanBOLD_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.nii.gz', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_space-meanBOLD_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.nii.gz'] >>> cmat.inputs.roi_graphmls = ['/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale1_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale2_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale3_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale4_dseg.graphml', >>> '/path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_desc-scale5_dseg.graphml'] >>> cmat.inputs.parcellation scheme = 'Lausanne2018' >>> cmat.inputs.apply_scrubbing = False >>> cmat.inputs.output_types = ['gPickle','mat','graphml'] >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = RsfmriCmatInputSpec output_spec = RsfmriCmatOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): print("================================================") print(" > Creation of rs-fMRI connectome maps") print(" .. BOLD file :" + self.inputs.func_file) print(" .. parcellation : %s" % self.inputs.parcellation_scheme) print("================================================") fdata = nib.load(self.inputs.func_file).get_data() tp = fdata.shape[3] if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme != "Custom": if self.inputs.parcellation_scheme == "NativeFreesurfer": resolutions = get_parcellation(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme) else: # Lausanne2018 resolutions = get_parcellation(self.inputs.parcellation_scheme) for parkey, parval in list(resolutions.items()): for vol, graphml in zip(self.inputs.roi_volumes, self.inputs.roi_graphmls): if parkey in vol: roi_fname = vol if parkey in graphml: roi_graphml_fname = graphml roi = nib.load(roi_fname) roiData = roi.get_data() resolutions[parkey]["number_of_regions"] = roiData.max() resolutions[parkey]["node_information_graphml"] = os.path.abspath(roi_graphml_fname) del roi, roiData else: resolutions = self.inputs.atlas_info # loop throughout all the resolutions ('scale33', ..., 'scale500') for parkey, parval in list(resolutions.items()): print("------------------------------------------------") print("Resolution = " + parkey) print("------------------------------------------------") # Open the corresponding ROI for vol in self.inputs.roi_volumes: if (parkey in vol) or (len(self.inputs.roi_volumes) == 1): roi_fname = vol roi = nib.load(roi_fname) mask = roi.get_data() # Compute average time-series print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Compute average rs-fMRI signal for each cortical ROI ") nROIs = parval["number_of_regions"] # number of ROIs for current resolution # matrix number of rois vs timepoints ts = np.zeros((nROIs, tp), dtype=np.float32) # loop throughout all the ROIs (current resolution) for i in range(1, nROIs + 1): ts[i - 1, :] = fdata[mask == i].mean(axis=0) # Save average roi time-series"averageTimeseries_%s.npy" % parkey), ts) sio.savemat(os.path.abspath("averageTimeseries_%s.mat" % parkey), {"ts": ts}) # Create graph, add node information from parcellation and recover ROI indexes print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Load %s to initialize graph " % parval["node_information_graphml"]) G = nx.Graph() gp = nx.read_graphml(parval["node_information_graphml"]) ROI_idx = [] for u, d in gp.nodes(data=True): G.add_node(int(u)) for key in d: G.nodes[int(u)][key] = d[key] # Compute a position for the node based on the mean position of the # ROI in voxel coordinates (segmentation volume ) G.nodes[int(u)]["dn_position"] = tuple( np.mean(np.where(mask == int(d["dn_multiscaleID"])), axis=1) ) ROI_idx.append(int(d["dn_multiscaleID"])) # Apply scrubbing (if enabled) if self.inputs.apply_scrubbing: print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Apply scrubbing") # Load scrubbing FD and DVARS series FD = np.load(self.inputs.FD) DVARS = np.load(self.inputs.DVARS) # Evaluate scrubbing mask FD_th = self.inputs.FD_th DVARS_th = self.inputs.DVARS_th FD_mask = np.array(np.nonzero(FD < FD_th))[0, :] DVARS_mask = np.array(np.nonzero(DVARS < DVARS_th))[0, :] index = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate((FD_mask, DVARS_mask)))) + 1 index = np.concatenate(([0], index)) log_scrubbing = ( " .. INFO: DISCARDED time points after scrubbing: " + str(FD.shape[0] - index.shape[0] + 1) + " over " + str(FD.shape[0] + 1) ) print(log_scrubbing)"tp_after_scrubbing.npy"), index) sio.savemat(os.path.abspath("tp_after_scrubbing.mat"), {"index": index}) ts_after_scrubbing = ts[:, index] os.path.abspath( "averageTimeseries_%s_after_scrubbing.npy" % parkey ), ts_after_scrubbing, ) sio.savemat( os.path.abspath( "averageTimeseries_%s_after_scrubbing.mat" % parkey ), {"ts": ts_after_scrubbing}, ) ts = ts_after_scrubbing # Compute pairwise ROI time-series correlation print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Compute pairwise ROI time-series correlation") nnodes = ts.shape[0] i = -1 for i_signal in ts: i += 1 for j in range(i, nnodes): j_signal = ts[j, :] value = np.corrcoef(i_signal, j_signal)[0, 1] G.add_edge(ROI_idx[i], ROI_idx[j]) G[ROI_idx[i]][ROI_idx[j]]["corr"] = value # Get the edge attributes/keys/weights from the first edge and then break. # Change w.r.t networkx2 edge_keys = [] for _, _, d in G.edges(data=True): edge_keys = list(d.keys()) break # Save the computed connectivity matrix print(" ************************************************") print(" >> Save functional connectome map as:") print(" - connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey) with open("connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey, "w") as out_file: tsv_writer = csv.writer(out_file, delimiter="\t") header = ["source", "target"] header = header + [key for key in edge_keys] tsv_writer.writerow(header) with open("connectome_%s.tsv" % parkey, "ab") as out_file: nx.write_edgelist( G, out_file, comments="#", delimiter="\t", data=edge_keys, encoding="utf-8", ) # storing network if "gPickle" in self.inputs.output_types: print(" - connectome_%s.gpickle" % parkey) nx.write_gpickle(G, "connectome_%s.gpickle" % parkey) if "mat" in self.inputs.output_types: print(" - connectome_%s.mat" % parkey) edge_struct = {} for edge_key in edge_keys: edge_struct[edge_key] = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, weight=edge_key) # Number of ROIs (nodes) size_nodes = len(list(G.nodes())) # Get the node attributes/keys from the first node and then break. # Change w.r.t networkx2 for u, d in G.nodes(data=True): node_keys = list(d.keys()) break node_struct = {} for node_key in node_keys: if node_key == "dn_position": node_arr = np.zeros([size_nodes, 3], dtype=np.float) else: node_arr = np.zeros(size_nodes, dtype=np.object_) node_n = 0 for _, node_data in G.nodes(data=True): node_arr[node_n] = node_data[node_key] node_n += 1 node_struct[node_key] = node_arr sio.savemat("connectome_%s.mat" % parkey, mdict={"sc": edge_struct, "nodes": node_struct}) if "graphml" in self.inputs.output_types: print(" - connectome_%s.graphml" % parkey) g2 = nx.Graph() # Create graph nodes for u_gml, d_gml in G.nodes(data=True): g2.add_node(u_gml) g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_multiscaleID"] = d_gml["dn_multiscaleID"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_fsname"] = d_gml["dn_fsname"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_hemisphere"] = d_gml["dn_hemisphere"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_name"] = d_gml["dn_name"] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_x"] = d_gml["dn_position"][0] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_y"] = d_gml["dn_position"][1] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_position_z"] = d_gml["dn_position"][2] g2.nodes[u_gml]["dn_region"] = d_gml["dn_region"] # Create graph edges for u_gml, v_gml, d_gml in G.edges(data=True): g2.add_edge(u_gml, v_gml) g2[u_gml][v_gml]["corr"] = float(d_gml["corr"]) # Save the graph nx.write_graphml(g2, "connectome_%s.graphml" % parkey) print("[ DONE ]") return runtime def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs["connectivity_matrices"] = glob.glob(os.path.abspath("connectome*")) outputs["avg_timeseries"] = glob.glob(os.path.abspath("averageTimeseries_*")) if self.inputs.apply_scrubbing: outputs["scrubbed_idx"] = os.path.abspath("tp_after_scrubbing.npy") return outputs