Source code for cmtklib.config

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

""" Module that defines methods for handling CMP3 configuration files."""
import os
from pathlib import Path
import configparser
import json
from import Iterable
from ast import literal_eval

from import __version__
from cmtklib.util import BColors, print_warning, print_error, print_blue

[docs]def check_configuration_version(config): """Check the version of CMP3 used to generate a configuration. Parameters ---------- config : Dict Dictionary of configuration parameters loaded from JSON file Returns ------- is_same : bool `True` if the version used to generate the configuration matches the version currently used (``). """ is_same = False if "version" in config["Global"].keys(): if config["Global"]["version"] == __version__: print( BColors.OKGREEN + " .. INFO: Generated with the same CMP3 version" + BColors.ENDC ) is_same = True else: conf_version = config["Global"]["version"] print_warning( " .. WARNING: CMP3 version used to generate the " + f"configuration files ({conf_version}) " + f" and version of CMP3 used ({__version__}) differ" ) is_same = False return is_same
[docs]def check_configuration_format(config_path): """Check format of the configuration file. Parameters ---------- config_path : string Path to pipeline configuration file Returns ------- ext : '.ini' or '.json' Format extension of the pipeline configuration file """ ext = None if ".ini" in config_path: ext = ".ini" elif ".json" in config_path: ext = ".json" return ext
[docs]def save_configparser_as_json(config, config_json_path, ini_mode=False, debug=False): """Save a ConfigParser to JSON file. Parameters ---------- config : Instance(configparser.ConfigParser) Instance of ConfigParser config_json_path : string Output path of JSON configuration file ini_mode : bool If `True`, handles all content stored in strings debug : bool If `True`, show additional prints """ config_json = {} # In the case of anatomical pipeline if "segmentation_stage" in config.sections(): segmentation_tool = config["segmentation_stage"].get("seg_tool") if "parcellation_stage" in config.sections(): parcellation_scheme = config["parcellation_stage"].get("parcellation_scheme") # In the case of diffusion pipeline if "diffusion_stage" in config.sections(): recon_processing_tool = config["diffusion_stage"].get("recon_processing_tool") tracking_processing_tool = config["diffusion_stage"].get( "tracking_processing_tool" ) for section in config.sections(): config_json[section] = {} for name, value in config.items(section): # Keep only parameters that are used by the diffusion stage # of the diffusion pipeline. This simplifies the reading of # its configuration file if "diffusion_stage" in section: # Skip adding diffusion reconstruction parameters if recon_processing_tool == "Dipy": if "mrtrix_recon_config" in name: continue elif recon_processing_tool == "MRtrix": if "dipy_recon_config" in name: continue # Skip adding tracking parameters if tracking_processing_tool == "Dipy": if "mrtrix_tracking_config" in name: continue elif tracking_processing_tool == "MRtrix": if "dipy_tracking_config" in name: continue if "segmentation_stage" in section: if segmentation_tool == "Custom segmentation": if "custom" not in name and "seg_tool" not in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue else: if "custom" in name or "freesurfer_subjects_dir" in name or "freesurfer_subject_id" in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue if "parcellation_stage" in section: if parcellation_scheme == "Custom": if "custom" not in name and "parcellation_scheme" not in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue else: if "custom" in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue if "_editor" in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue if "log_visualization" in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue if "circular_layout" in name: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: Skip parameter {section} / {name}") continue is_iterable = False if ini_mode: try: if not(section == 'parcellation_stage' and name == 'ants_precision_type'): value = literal_eval(value) if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: String {value} evaluated") else: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG: String {value} not evaluated") except Exception: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_error( f" .. EXCEPTION: String {value} COULD NOT BE evaluated" ) if isinstance(value, dict): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as dict" ) config_json[section][name] = value is_iterable = True elif isinstance(value, list): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as list" ) config_json[section][name] = value is_iterable = True elif isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as iterable" ) config_json[section][name] = [x for x in value if x] is_iterable = True elif isinstance(value, bool): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as boolean" ) config_json[section][name] = [value] elif value and not isinstance(value, str): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as not a string" ) config_json[section][name] = [value] elif value and isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip() if value.isnumeric(): if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as number" ) value = float(value) if value.is_integer(): value = int(value) config_json[section][name] = [value] else: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( f" .. DEBUG: Processing {section} / {name} / {value} as string" ) config_json[section][name] = [value] else: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning(f" .. DEBUG : Type: {type(value)} / value : {value}") config_json[section][name] = "" if not is_iterable: if len(config_json[section][name]) == 1: config_json[section][name] = config_json[section][name][0] elif len(config_json[section][name]) == 0: config_json[section][name] = "" if config_json[section][name] == "": del config_json[section][name] config_json["Global"]["version"] = __version__ if debug: # pragma: no cover print_blue(f" .. DEBUG: {config_json}") with open(config_json_path, "w") as outfile: json.dump(config_json, outfile, indent=4)
[docs]def convert_config_ini_2_json(config_ini_path): """Convert a configuration file in old INI format to new JSON format. Parameters ---------- config_ini_path : string Path to configuration file in old INI format Returns ------- config_json_path : string Path to converted configuration file in new JSON format """ print(">> Load config file : {}".format(config_ini_path)) config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: print_error( " .. ERROR : file is a datalad git annex but it has not been retrieved yet." + " Please do datalad get ... and reload the dataset (File > Load BIDS Dataset...)" ) config_json_path = ".".join([os.path.splitext(config_ini_path)[0], "json"]) save_configparser_as_json(config, config_json_path, ini_mode=True) print(f" .. Config file converted to JSON and saved as {config_json_path}") return config_json_path
[docs]def create_subject_configuration_from_ref( project, ref_conf_file, pipeline_type, multiproc_number_of_cores=1 ): """Create the pipeline configuration file for an individual subject from a reference given as input. Parameters ---------- project : cmp.project.ProjectInfo Instance of `cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` ref_conf_file : string Reference configuration file pipeline_type : 'anatomical', 'diffusion', 'fMRI' Type of pipeline multiproc_number_of_cores : int Number of threads used by Nipype Returns ------- subject_conf_file : string Configuration file of the individual subject """ subject_derivatives_dir = os.path.join(project.output_directory) # print('project.subject_session: {}'.format(project.subject_session)) if project.subject_session != "": # Session structure # print('With session : {}'.format(project.subject_session)) subject_conf_file = os.path.join( subject_derivatives_dir, f"cmp-{__version__}", project.subject, project.subject_session, "{}_{}_{}_config.json".format( project.subject, project.subject_session, pipeline_type ), ) else: # print('With NO session ') subject_conf_file = os.path.join( subject_derivatives_dir, f"cmp-{__version__}", project.subject, "{}_{}_config.json".format(project.subject, pipeline_type), ) if os.path.isfile(subject_conf_file): print_warning( " .. WARNING: rewriting config file {}".format(subject_conf_file) ) os.remove(subject_conf_file) # Change relative path to absolute path if needed (required when using singularity) if not os.path.isabs(ref_conf_file): ref_conf_file = os.path.abspath(ref_conf_file) with open(ref_conf_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) config["Global"]["subject"] = project.subject config["Global"]["subjects"] = project.subjects if "subject_sessions" in config["Global"].keys(): config["Global"]["subject_sessions"] = project.subject_sessions if "subject_session" in config["Global"].keys(): config["Global"]["subject_session"] = project.subject_session config["Multi-processing"]["number_of_cores"] = multiproc_number_of_cores subject_conf_file_dir = Path(subject_conf_file).parent if not os.path.isdir(str(subject_conf_file_dir)): os.makedirs(str(subject_conf_file_dir), exist_ok=True) with open(subject_conf_file, "w") as outfile: json.dump(config, outfile, indent=4) return subject_conf_file
[docs]def get_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the global section of the JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.ProjectInfo) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.ProjectInfo` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def get_anat_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the anatomical JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.ProjectInfo) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.ProjectInfo` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.anat_config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) res = None if detail == "atlas_info": res = literal_eval(config[section][detail]) else: res = config[section][detail] return res
[docs]def get_dmri_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the diffusion JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.ProjectInfo) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.ProjectInfo` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.dmri_config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def get_fmri_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the fMRI JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.ProjectInfo) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.ProjectInfo` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.fmri_config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def set_pipeline_attributes_from_config(pipeline, config, debug=False): """Set the pipeline stage attributes given a configuration. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(Pipeline) Instance of pipeline config : Dict Dictionary of configuration parameter loaded from the JSON configuration file debug : bool If `True`, show additional prints """ global_keys = [ prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if ( key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions" ): if key in config["Global"].keys(): conf_value = config["Global"][key] setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [ prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if "config" in key or key in ['custom_brainmask', 'custom_wm_mask', 'custom_gm_mask', 'custom_csf_mask', 'custom_aparcaseg', 'custom_parcellation']: # subconfig or custom inputs sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [ prop for prop in list(sub_config.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: if in config.keys(): tmp_key = key + "." + sub_key if tmp_key in config[].keys(): conf_value = config[][tmp_key] try: # Convert parameter to proper expected type if isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), tuple): conf_value = tuple(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), bool): conf_value = bool(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), list): conf_value = list(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), dict): conf_value = dict(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), int): conf_value = int(float(conf_value)) elif isinstance(getattr(sub_config, sub_key), float): conf_value = float(conf_value) setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) if debug: # pragma: no cover print( f" .. DEBUG: Set {sub_config}.{sub_key} to {conf_value}" ) except Exception as e: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( " .. EXCEPTION raised while setting " + f"{sub_config}.{sub_key} to {conf_value}" ) print_error(f" {e}") else: if in config.keys(): if key in config[].keys(): conf_value = config[][key] try: # Convert parameter to proper expected type if isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), tuple): conf_value = tuple(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), bool): conf_value = bool(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), list): conf_value = list(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), dict): conf_value = dict(conf_value) elif isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), int): conf_value = int(float(conf_value)) elif isinstance(getattr(stage.config, key), float): conf_value = float(conf_value) setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) if debug: # pragma: no cover print( f" .. DEBUG: Set {stage.config}.{key} to {conf_value}" ) except Exception as e: if debug: # pragma: no cover print_warning( " .. EXCEPTION raised while setting " + f"{stage.config}.{key} to {conf_value}" ) print_error(f" {e}") setattr( pipeline, "number_of_cores", int(config["Multi-processing"]["number_of_cores"]) )
[docs]def create_configparser_from_pipeline(pipeline, debug=False): """Create a `ConfigParser` object from a Pipeline instance. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(Pipeline) Instance of pipeline debug : bool If `True`, show additional prints Returns ------- config : Instance(`configparser.ConfigParser`) Instance of ConfigParser """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # Add global section and corresponding parameters config.add_section("Global") global_keys = [ prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] # possibly dangerous..? if debug: # pragma: no cover print(global_keys) for key in global_keys: # if key != "subject" and key != "subjects": config.set("Global", key, getattr(pipeline.global_conf, key)) # Add stage section and corresponding parameters for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): config.add_section( stage_keys = [ prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: keyval = getattr(stage.config, key) if "config" in key or key in ['custom_brainmask', 'custom_wm_mask', 'custom_gm_mask', 'custom_csf_mask', 'custom_aparcaseg', 'custom_parcellation']: # subconfig or custom inputs stage_sub_keys = [ prop for prop in list(keyval.traits().keys()) if "trait" not in prop ] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: config.set(, key + "." + sub_key, getattr(keyval, sub_key) ) else: config.set(, key, keyval) config.add_section("Multi-processing") config.set("Multi-processing", "number_of_cores", pipeline.number_of_cores) if debug: # pragma: no cover print(config) return config
[docs]def anat_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the configuration file of an anatomical pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline) Instance of AnatomicalPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ config = create_configparser_from_pipeline(pipeline) save_configparser_as_json(config, config_path) print_blue(" .. SAVE: Config json file (anat) saved as {}".format(config_path))
[docs]def anat_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of an anatomical pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline) Instance of AnatomicalPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ print_blue(" .. LOAD: Load anatomical config file : {}".format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) check_configuration_version(config) set_pipeline_attributes_from_config(pipeline, config) return True
[docs]def dmri_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the INI configuration file of a diffusion pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.diffusion.diffusion.DiffusionPipeline) Instance of DiffusionPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ config = create_configparser_from_pipeline(pipeline) save_configparser_as_json(config, config_path) print_blue( " .. SAVE: Config json file (diffusion) saved as {}".format(config_path) )
[docs]def dmri_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of a diffusion pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.diffusion.diffusion.DiffusionPipeline) Instance of DiffusionPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ print_blue(" .. LOAD: Load diffusion config file : {}".format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) check_configuration_version(config) set_pipeline_attributes_from_config(pipeline, config) return True
[docs]def fmri_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the INI configuration file of a fMRI pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline) Instance of fMRIPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ config = create_configparser_from_pipeline(pipeline) save_configparser_as_json(config, config_path) print_blue(" .. SAVE: Config json file (fMRI) saved as {}".format(config_path))
[docs]def fmri_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of a fMRI pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline) Instance of fMRIPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ print_blue(" .. LOAD: Load fMRI config file : {}".format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) check_configuration_version(config) set_pipeline_attributes_from_config(pipeline, config) return True