Source code for cmp.bidsappmanager.project

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Connectome Mapper Controler for handling GUI and non GUI general events."""

# Global imports
import os
import fnmatch
import glob
import shutil

import warnings

# Own imports
from traits.trait_types import Enum, Bool, String, Password, Directory, List, Button
from traitsui.editors import EnumEditor
from import VGroup, HGroup, Group
from traitsui.include import Include
from traitsui.item import Item, spring
from traitsui.qt4.extra.qt_view import QtView
from traitsui.view import View

import cmp.project

from import __cmp_directory__, __nipype_directory__, __freesurfer_directory__
from cmtklib.config import (
from cmtklib.util import (
    print_warning, print_error

from cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.globals import modal_width
from cmp.bidsappmanager.pipelines.anatomical import anatomical as anatomical_pipeline
from cmp.bidsappmanager.pipelines.diffusion import diffusion as diffusion_pipeline
from cmp.bidsappmanager.pipelines.functional import fMRI as fMRI_pipeline

    "ignore", message="No valid root directory found for domain 'derivatives'."

[docs]def clean_cache(bids_root): """Clean cache stored in /tmp. Target issue related to that a dataset directory is mounted into /tmp and used for caching by java/matlab/matplotlib/xvfb-run in the container image. Parameters ---------- bids_root : string BIDS root dataset directory """ print_warning("> Clean generated docker image cache") for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, " hsperfdata_cmp")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, "._java*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(f)) os.remove(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, "mri_segstats.tmp*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(f)) os.remove(f) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, "MCR_*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, "matplotlib*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, "xvfb-run.*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, ".X11*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, ".X11-unix")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(d)) shutil.rmtree(d) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_root, ".X99*")): print_warning("... DEL: {}".format(f)) os.remove(d)
[docs]def is_tool(name): """Check whether `name` is on PATH.""" from distutils.spawn import find_executable return find_executable(name) is not None
[docs]def refresh_folder(derivatives_directory, subject, input_folders, session=None): """Creates (if needed) the folder hierarchy. Parameters ---------- derivatives_directory : string subject : string Subject label (``sub-XX``) for which we create the output folder hierarchy session : string Subject session label (``ses-YY``) input_folders : list of string List of folders to create in ``derivative_directory/sub-XX/(ses-YY)/`` folder for the given ``subject`` """ paths = [] if session is None or session == "": paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __freesurfer_directory__, subject)) paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __cmp_directory__, subject)) paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __nipype_directory__, subject)) for in_f in input_folders: paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __cmp_directory__, subject, in_f)) else: paths.append( os.path.join( derivatives_directory, __freesurfer_directory__, "%s_%s" % (subject, session) ) ) paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __cmp_directory__, subject, session)) paths.append(os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __nipype_directory__, subject, session)) for in_f in input_folders: paths.append( os.path.join(derivatives_directory, __cmp_directory__, subject, session, in_f) ) for full_p in paths: if not os.path.exists(full_p): try: os.makedirs(full_p) except os.error: print_warning(" .. INFO: %s was already existing" % full_p) finally: print(" .. INFO: Created directory %s" % full_p)
[docs]def init_dmri_project(project_info, bids_layout, is_new_project, gui=True): """Create and initialize a :class:`DiffusionPipelineUI` instance Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class bids_layout : bids.BIDSLayout PyBIDS BIDS Layout object describing the BIDS dataset is_new_project : bool If True, this is a new project which has been never processed gui : bool If True, display messages in GUI """ dmri_pipeline = diffusion_pipeline.DiffusionPipelineUI(project_info) derivatives_directory = os.path.join(project_info.base_directory, "derivatives") if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, dmri_pipeline.input_folders, session=project_info.subject_session, ) else: refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, dmri_pipeline.input_folders ) dmri_inputs_checked = dmri_pipeline.check_input(layout=bids_layout, gui=gui) if dmri_inputs_checked: if is_new_project and dmri_pipeline is not None: print("> Initialize dMRI project") if not os.path.exists(derivatives_directory): try: os.makedirs(derivatives_directory) except os.error: print_warning( " .. INFO: %s was already existing" % derivatives_directory ) finally: print(" .. INFO: Created directory %s" % derivatives_directory) if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): project_info.dmri_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_%s_diffusion_config.json" % (project_info.subject, project_info.subject_session), ) else: project_info.dmri_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_diffusion_config.json" % project_info.subject, ) if os.path.exists(project_info.dmri_config_file): warn_res = project_info.configure_traits(view="dmri_warning_view") if warn_res: print( " .. INFO: Read diffusion config file (%s)" % project_info.dmri_config_file ) dmri_save_config(dmri_pipeline, project_info.dmri_config_file) else: return None else: print( " .. INFO: Create diffusion config file (%s)" % project_info.dmri_config_file ) dmri_save_config(dmri_pipeline, project_info.dmri_config_file) else: print("> Load dMRI project") dmri_conf_loaded = dmri_load_config_json( dmri_pipeline, project_info.dmri_config_file ) if not dmri_conf_loaded: return None dmri_pipeline.config_file = project_info.dmri_config_file else: print_error(" .. ERROR: Missing diffusion inputs") return dmri_inputs_checked, dmri_pipeline
[docs]def init_fmri_project(project_info, bids_layout, is_new_project, gui=True): """Create and initialize a :class:`fMRIPipelineUI` instance Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class bids_layout : bids.BIDSLayout PyBIDS BIDS Layout object describing the BIDS dataset is_new_project : bool If True, this is a new project which has been never processed gui : bool If True, display messgae in GUI """ fmri_pipeline = fMRI_pipeline.fMRIPipelineUI(project_info) derivatives_directory = os.path.join(project_info.base_directory, "derivatives") if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, fmri_pipeline.input_folders, session=project_info.subject_session, ) else: refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, fmri_pipeline.input_folders ) fmri_inputs_checked = fmri_pipeline.check_input(layout=bids_layout, gui=gui) if fmri_inputs_checked: if is_new_project and fmri_pipeline is not None: print("> Initialize fMRI project") if not os.path.exists(derivatives_directory): try: os.makedirs(derivatives_directory) except os.error: print(" .. INFO: %s was already existing" % derivatives_directory) finally: print(" .. INFO: Created directory %s" % derivatives_directory) if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): project_info.fmri_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_%s_fMRI_config.json" % (project_info.subject, project_info.subject_session), ) else: project_info.fmri_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_fMRI_config.json" % project_info.subject ) if os.path.exists(project_info.fmri_config_file): warn_res = project_info.configure_traits(view="fmri_warning_view") if warn_res: print( " .. INFO: Read fMRI config file (%s)" % project_info.fmri_config_file ) fmri_load_config_json(fmri_pipeline, project_info.fmri_config_file) else: return None else: print( " .. INFO: Create fMRI config file (%s)" % project_info.fmri_config_file ) fmri_save_config(fmri_pipeline, project_info.fmri_config_file) else: print("> Load fMRI project") fmri_conf_loaded = fmri_load_config_json( fmri_pipeline, project_info.fmri_config_file ) if not fmri_conf_loaded: return None fmri_pipeline.config_file = project_info.fmri_config_file else: print(" .. INFO: Missing fMRI inputs") return fmri_inputs_checked, fmri_pipeline
[docs]def init_anat_project(project_info, is_new_project): """Create and initialize a :class:`AnatomicalPipelineUI` instance Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class is_new_project : bool If True, this is a new project which has been never processed """ anat_pipeline = anatomical_pipeline.AnatomicalPipelineUI(project_info) derivatives_directory = os.path.join(project_info.base_directory, "derivatives") if is_new_project and anat_pipeline is not None: # and dmri_pipelineis not None: print("> Initialize anatomical project") if not os.path.exists(derivatives_directory): try: os.makedirs(derivatives_directory) except os.error: print(" .. INFO: %s was already existing" % derivatives_directory) finally: print(" .. INFO: Created directory %s" % derivatives_directory) if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): project_info.anat_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_%s_anatomical_config.json" % (project_info.subject, project_info.subject_session), ) else: project_info.anat_config_file = os.path.join( derivatives_directory, "%s_anatomical_config.json" % project_info.subject, ) if os.path.exists(project_info.anat_config_file): warn_res = project_info.configure_traits(view="anat_warning_view") if warn_res: anat_save_config(anat_pipeline, project_info.anat_config_file) else: return None else: anat_save_config(anat_pipeline, project_info.anat_config_file) else: print("> Load anatomical project") anat_conf_loaded = anat_load_config_json( anat_pipeline, project_info.anat_config_file ) if not anat_conf_loaded: return None if (project_info.subject_session != "") and ( project_info.subject_session is not None ): refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, anat_pipeline.input_folders, session=project_info.subject_session, ) else: refresh_folder( derivatives_directory, project_info.subject, anat_pipeline.input_folders ) anat_pipeline.config_file = project_info.anat_config_file return anat_pipeline
[docs]def update_anat_last_processed(project_info, pipeline): """Update anatomical pipeline processing information Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class pipeline : AnatomicalPipelineUI Instance of :class:`AnatomicalPipelineUI` """ # last date if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject ) ): # out_dirs = os.listdir(os.path.join( # project_info.base_directory, 'derivatives', 'cmp', project_info.subject)) # for out in out_dirs: # if (project_info.last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or # out > project_info.last_date_processed): # pipeline.last_date_processed = out # project_info.last_date_processed = out if ( project_info.anat_last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or > project_info.anat_last_date_processed ): pipeline.anat_last_date_processed = project_info.anat_last_date_processed = # last stage if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "anatomical_pipeline", ) ): stage_dirs = [] for __, dirnames, _ in os.walk( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "anatomical_pipeline", ) ): for dirname in fnmatch.filter(dirnames, "*_stage"): stage_dirs.append(dirname) for stage in pipeline.ordered_stage_list: if stage.lower() + "_stage" in stage_dirs: pipeline.last_stage_processed = stage project_info.anat_last_stage_processed = stage # last parcellation scheme project_info.parcellation_scheme = pipeline.parcellation_scheme project_info.atlas_info = pipeline.atlas_info
[docs]def update_dmri_last_processed(project_info, pipeline): """Update diffusion pipeline processing information Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class pipeline : DiffusionPipelineUI Instance of :class:`DiffusionPipelineUI` """ # last date if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject ) ): # out_dirs = os.listdir(os.path.join( # project_info.base_directory, 'derivatives', 'cmp', project_info.subject)) # for out in out_dirs: # if (project_info.last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or # out > project_info.last_date_processed): # pipeline.last_date_processed = out # project_info.last_date_processed = out if ( project_info.dmri_last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or > project_info.dmri_last_date_processed ): pipeline.dmri_last_date_processed = project_info.dmri_last_date_processed = # last stage if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "diffusion_pipeline", ) ): stage_dirs = [] for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "diffusion_pipeline", ) ): for dirname in fnmatch.filter(dirnames, "*_stage"): stage_dirs.append(dirname) for stage in pipeline.ordered_stage_list: if stage.lower() + "_stage" in stage_dirs: pipeline.last_stage_processed = stage project_info.dmri_last_stage_processed = stage
[docs]def update_fmri_last_processed(project_info, pipeline): """Update functional MRI pipeline processing information Parameters ---------- project_info : ProjectInfoUI Instance of :class:`ProjectInfoUI` class pipeline : fMRIPipelineUI Instance of :class:`fMRIPipelineUI` """ # last date if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject ) ): # out_dirs = os.listdir(os.path.join( # project_info.base_directory, 'derivatives', 'cmp', project_info.subject)) # for out in out_dirs: # if (project_info.last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or # out > project_info.last_date_processed): # pipeline.last_date_processed = out # project_info.last_date_processed = out if ( project_info.fmri_last_date_processed == "Not yet processed" or > project_info.fmri_last_date_processed ): pipeline.fmri_last_date_processed = project_info.fmri_last_date_processed = # last stage if os.path.exists( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "fMRI_pipeline", ) ): stage_dirs = [] for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk( os.path.join( project_info.base_directory, "derivatives", __cmp_directory__, project_info.subject, "tmp", "fMRI_pipeline", ) ): for dirname in fnmatch.filter(dirnames, "*_stage"): stage_dirs.append(dirname) for stage in pipeline.ordered_stage_list: if stage.lower() + "_stage" in stage_dirs: pipeline.last_stage_processed = stage project_info.dmri_last_stage_processed = stage
[docs]class ProjectInfoUI(cmp.project.ProjectInfo): """Class that extends the :class:`ProjectInfo` with graphical components. It supports graphically the setting of all processing properties / attributes of an :class:`ProjectInfo` instance. Attributes ----------- creation_mode : traits.Enum Mode for loading the dataset. Valid values are 'Load BIDS dataset', 'Install Datalad BIDS dataset' install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh : traits.Bool If set to True install the datalad dataset from a remote server via ssh.(True by default) ssh_user : traits.Str Remote server username. (Required if ``install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh`` is True) ssh_pwd <traits.Password> Remote server password. (Required if ``install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh`` is True) ssh_remote : traits.Str Remote server IP or URL. (Required if ``install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh`` is True) datalad_dataset_path : traits.Directory Path to the datalad dataset on the remote server. (Required if ``install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh`` is True) summary_view_button : traits.ui.Button Button that shows the pipeline processing summary table pipeline_processing_summary_view : traits.ui.VGroup TraitsUI VGroup that contains ``Item('pipeline_processing_summary')`` dataset_view : traits.ui.View TraitsUI View that shows a summary of project settings and modality available for a given subject traits_view : QtView TraitsUI QtView that includes the View 'dataset_view' create_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to create a BIDS Dataset subject_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to select of subject subject_session_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to select the subject session dmri_bids_acq_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to select the diffusion acquisition model anat_warning_view : traits.ui.View View that displays a warning message regarding the anatomical T1w data anat_config_error_view : traits.ui.View Error view that displays an error message regarding the configuration of the anatomical pipeline dmri_warning_view : traits.ui.View View that displays a warning message regarding the diffusion MRI data dmri_config_error_view : traits.ui.View View that displays an error message regarding the configuration of the diffusion pipeline fmri_warning_view : traits.ui.View View that displays a warning message regarding the functional MRI data fmri_config_error_view : traits.ui.View View that displays an error message regarding the configuration of the fMRI pipeline open_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to load a BIDS Dataset anat_select_config_to_load : traits.ui.View Dialog view to load the configuration file of the anatomical pipeline diffusion_imaging_model_select_view : traits.ui.View Dialog view to select the diffusion acquisition model dmri_select_config_to_load : traits.ui.View Dialog view to load the configuration file of the diffusion MRI pipeline fmri_select_config_to_load : traits.ui.View Dialog view to load the configuration file of the fMRI pipeline """ creation_mode = Enum("Load BIDS dataset", "Install Datalad BIDS dataset") install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh = Bool(True) ssh_user = String("remote_username") ssh_pwd = Password("") ssh_remote = String("IP address/ Machine name") datalad_dataset_path = Directory("/shared/path/to/existing/datalad/dataset") anat_runs = List() anat_run = Enum(values="anat_runs") dmri_runs = List() dmri_run = Enum(values="dmri_runs") fmri_runs = List() fmri_run = Enum(values="fmri_runs") summary_view_button = Button("Pipeline processing summary") pipeline_processing_summary_view = VGroup(Item("pipeline_processing_summary")) dataset_view = VGroup( VGroup( HGroup( Item( "base_directory", width=-0.3, style="readonly", label="", resizable=True, ), Item( "number_of_subjects", width=-0.3, style="readonly", label="Number of participants", resizable=True, ), "summary_view_button", ), label="BIDS Dataset", ), spring, HGroup( Group(Item("subject", style="simple", show_label=True, resizable=True)), Group( Item( "subject_session", style="simple", label="Session", resizable=True ), visible_when='subject_session!=""', ), springy=True, ), spring, Group( Item("t1_available", style="readonly", label="T1", resizable=True), HGroup( Item( "dmri_available", style="readonly", label="Diffusion", resizable=True, ), Item( "diffusion_imaging_model", label="Model", resizable=True, enabled_when="dmri_available", ), ), Item("fmri_available", style="readonly", label="BOLD", resizable=True), label="Modalities", ), spring, Group( Item( "anat_last_date_processed", label="Anatomical pipeline", style="readonly", resizable=True, enabled_when="t1_available", ), Item( "dmri_last_date_processed", label="Diffusion pipeline", style="readonly", resizable=True, enabled_when="dmri_available", ), Item( "fmri_last_date_processed", label="fMRI pipeline", style="readonly", resizable=True, enabled_when="fmri_available", ), label="Last date processed", ), spring, Group( Item("number_of_cores", resizable=True), label="Processing configuration" ), "550", spring, springy=True, ) traits_view = QtView(Include("dataset_view")) create_view = View( Item("creation_mode", style="custom"), Group( Group( Item("base_directory", label="BIDS Dataset"), visible_when='creation_mode=="Load BIDS dataset"', ), Group( Item("install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh"), visible_when='creation_mode=="Install Datalad/BIDS dataset"', ), Group( Item( "ssh_remote", label="Remote ssh server", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "ssh_user", label="Remote username", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "ssh_pwd", label="Remote password", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "datalad_dataset_path", label="Datalad/BIDS Dataset Path/URL to be installed", ), Item("base_directory", label="Installation directory"), visible_when='creation_mode=="Install Datalad/BIDS dataset"', ), ), kind="livemodal", title="Data creation: BIDS dataset selection", # style_sheet=style_sheet, width=modal_width, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) subject_view = View( Group(Item("subject", label="Selected Subject")), kind="modal", title="Subject and session selection", # style_sheet=style_sheet, width=modal_width, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) subject_session_view = View( Group( Item("subject", style="readonly", label="Selected Subject"), Item("subject_session", label="Selected Session"), ), kind="modal", title="Session selection", # style_sheet=style_sheet, width=modal_width, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) dmri_bids_acq_view = View( Group( Item("dmri_bids_acq", label="Selected model"), ), kind="modal", title="Selection of diffusion acquisition model", # style_sheet=style_sheet, width=modal_width, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) anat_warning_view = View( Group( Item("anat_warning_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Warning : Anatomical T1w data", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) anat_config_error_view = View( Group( Item("anat_config_error_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Error", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) dmri_warning_view = View( Group( Item("dmri_warning_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Warning : Diffusion MRI data", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) dmri_config_error_view = View( Group( Item("dmri_config_error_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Error", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) fmri_warning_view = View( Group( Item("fmri_warning_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Warning : fMRI data", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) fmri_config_error_view = View( Group( Item("fmri_config_error_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), title="Error", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) open_view = View( Item("creation_mode", label="Mode"), Group( Item("install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh"), Item( "ssh_remote", label="Remote ssh server", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "ssh_user", label="Remote username", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "ssh_pwd", label="Remote password", visible_when="install_datalad_dataset_via_ssh", ), Item( "datalad_dataset_path", label="Datalad/BIDS Dataset Path/URL to be installed", ), Item("base_directory", label="Installation directory"), visible_when='creation_mode=="Install Datalad BIDS dataset"', ), Group( Item("base_directory", label="BIDS Dataset"), visible_when='creation_mode=="Load BIDS dataset"', ), kind="livemodal", title="BIDS Dataset Creation/Loading", # style_sheet=style_sheet, width=600, height=250, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) anat_select_config_to_load = View( Group( Item("anat_config_to_load_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), Item( "anat_config_to_load", style="custom", editor=EnumEditor(name="anat_available_config"), show_label=False, ), ), title="Select configuration for anatomical pipeline", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) anat_custom_map_view = View( Group( Item( "anat_custom_last_stage", editor=EnumEditor(name="anat_stage_names"), style="custom", show_label=False, ), ), title="Select until which stage to process the anatomical pipeline.", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) diffusion_imaging_model_select_view = View( Group( Item("diffusion_imaging_model", label="Diffusion MRI modality"), ), title="Please select diffusion MRI modality", kind="modal", width=modal_width, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) dmri_select_config_to_load = View( Group( Item("dmri_config_to_load_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), Item( "dmri_config_to_load", style="custom", editor=EnumEditor(name="dmri_available_config"), show_label=False, ), title="Select configuration for diffusion pipeline", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) dmri_custom_map_view = View( Group( Item( "dmri_custom_last_stage", editor=EnumEditor(name="dmri_stage_names"), style="custom", show_label=False, ), ), title="Select until which stage to process the diffusion pipeline.", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) fmri_select_config_to_load = View( Group( Item("fmri_config_to_load_msg", style="readonly", show_label=False), ), Item( "fmri_config_to_load", style="custom", editor=EnumEditor(name="fmri_available_config"), show_label=False, ), title="Select configuration for fMRI pipeline", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) fmri_custom_map_view = View( Group( Item( "fmri_custom_last_stage", editor=EnumEditor(name="fmri_stage_names"), style="custom", show_label=False, ), ), title="Select until which stage to process the fMRI pipeline.", kind="modal", width=modal_width, # style_sheet=style_sheet, buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], ) def _summary_view_button_fired(self): self.configure_traits(view="pipeline_processing_summary_view")