cmtklib.interfaces.eeg module

Module that defines CMTK Nipype interfaces for EEG.


Link to code

Bases: nipype.interfaces.base.core.BaseInterface

Create Cartool-reconstructed sources / parcellation ROI mapping files.


>>> from cmtklib.interfaces.eeg import CreateRois
>>> createrois = CreateRois()
>>> createrois.inputs.subject = 'sub-01'
>>> createrois.inputs.bids_dir = '/path/to/bids_dataset'
>>> createrois.inputs.parcellation = {'label':'L2008', 'desc':'scale1'}'
>>> createrois.inputs.cartool_dir = 'Cartool-v3.80'
>>> createrois.inputs.cmp3_dir = 'cmp-v3.0.3'
>>> createrois.inputs.output_query = {}
>>> createrois.inputs.derivative_list = []
bids_dira string

Base directory.

cartool_dira string

Cartool directory.

cmp3_dira string

CMP3 directory.

derivative_lista list of items which are any value

List of derivatives to add to the datagrabber.

output_querya dictionary with keys which are any value and with values which are any value

BIDSDataGrabber output_query.

parcellationa string

Parcellation scheme.

subjecta string


derivative_lista list of items which are any value

List of derivatives to add to the datagrabber.

output_querya dictionary with keys which are any value and with values which are any value

BIDSDataGrabber output_query.


Link to code

Bases: nipype.interfaces.base.core.BaseInterface

Create Cartool-reconstructed sources / parcellation ROI mapping files.


>>> from cmtklib.interfaces.eeg import EEGLoader
>>> eeg_loader = EEGLoader()
>>> eeg_loader.inputs.base_directory = '/path/to/bids_dataset'
>>> eeg_loader.inputs.subject = 'sub-01'
>>> eeg_loader.inputs.invsol_format = 'Cartool-LAURA'
>>> eeg_loader.inputs.output_query = {
...                 "rois" : {"extension": ["pickle.rois"]},
...                 "src" : {"extension": ["spi"]},
...                 "invsol" = {"extension": [""]}
... }
>>> eeg_loader.inputs.derivative_list = ['/path/to/cartool/derivatives']
base_directorya string or os.PathLike object referring to an existing directory

BIDS data directory.

derivative_lista list of items which are any value

List of derivatives to add to the datagrabber.

output_querya dictionary with keys which are any value and with values which are any value

Output query for BIDSDataGrabber.

subjecta string


invsol_format‘Cartool-LAURA’ or ‘Cartool-LORETA’ or ‘mne-sLORETA’

Cartool vs mne.

verbose_modea boolean

Print extra information.

EEGa list of items which are any value

Eeg * epochs in .fif format.

bema list of items which are any value

Boundary surfaces for MNE head model.

invsola list of items which are any value

Inverse solution (.is file loaded with pycartool).

roisa list of items which are any value

Parcellation scheme.

srca list of items which are any value

Src (spi loaded with pycartool or source space created with MNE).