Source code for cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.bidsapp

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""Connectome Mapper BIDS App Interface Window."""

# General imports
import os
import sys
import logging

import pkg_resources
from subprocess import Popen
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import shutil
import time
import glob
from pathlib import Path

from codecarbon import EmissionsTracker
from pyface.api import ImageResource
from traitsui.qt4.extra.qt_view import QtView
from traitsui.api import *
from traits.api import *

from bids import BIDSLayout

# Own imports
import cmp.project
from import __version__

from import (
    __cmp_directory__, __freesurfer_directory__
from cmtklib.util import (
from cmtklib.carbonfootprint import (
    create_html_carbon_footprint_report, create_carbon_footprint_message

import cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.handlers
import cmp.bidsappmanager.project as project
from cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.traits import MultiSelectAdapter
from cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.globals import get_icon, modal_width

# Remove warnings visible whenever you import scipy (or another package)
# that was compiled against an older numpy than is installed.
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

[docs]class BIDSAppInterfaceWindow(HasTraits): """Class that defines the Window of the BIDS App Interface. Attributes ---------- project_info : ProjectInfo Instance of :class:`CMP_Project_Info` that represents the processing project bids_root : traits.Directory BIDS root dataset directory output_dir : traits.Directory Output directory subjects : traits.List List of subjects (in the form ``sub-XX``) present in the dataset number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel : traits.Range Number of participants / subjects to be processed in parallel that takes values in the [1, # of CPUs - 1] range number_threads_max : traits.Int Maximal number of threads to be used by OpenMP programs (4 by default) number_of_threads : traits.Range Number of threads to be used by OpenMP programs that takes values in the [1, ``number_threads_max``] range fs_file : traits.File Path to Freesurfer license file list_of_subjects_to_be_processed : List(Str) Selection of subjects to be processed from the ``subjects`` list dmri_inputs_checked : traits.Bool True if dMRI data is available in the dataset fmri_inputs_checked : traits.Bool rue if fMRI data is available in the dataset anat_config : traits.File Configuration file for the anatomical MRI pipeline dmri_config : traits.File Configuration file for the diffusion MRI pipeline fmri_config : traits.File Configuration file for the functional MRI pipeline run_anat_pipeline : traits.Bool If True, run the anatomical pipeline run_dmri_pipeline : traits.Bool If True, run the diffusion pipeline run_fmri_pipeline : traits.Bool If True, run the functional pipeline bidsapp_tag : traits.Enum Selection of BIDS App version to use data_provenance_tracking : traits.Bool If set and if ``datalad_is_available`` is True run the BIDS App using datalad (False by default) datalad_update_environment : traits.Bool If True and ``data_provenance_tracking`` is True, tell to datalad to update the BIDS App container image if there was a previous execution (True by default) datalad_is_available : traits.Bool Boolean used to store if datalad is available in the computing environment (False by default) track_carbon_footprint : traits.Bool Track carbon footprint if `True` (True by default) carbon_emission_msg : traits.Str Carbon footprint reporting message check : traits.ui.Button Button to check if all parameters are properly set for execution of the BIDS App start_bidsapp : traits.ui.Button Button to run the BIDS App traits_view : QtView TraitsUI QtView that describes the content of the window """ project_info = Instance(cmp.project.ProjectInfo) bids_root = Directory() output_dir = Directory() subjects = List(Str) # multiproc_number_of_cores = Int(1) number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel = Range( low=1, high=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, desc="Number of participants to be processed in parallel", ) number_of_threads_max = Int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) number_of_threads = Range( low=1, high="number_of_threads_max", mode="spinner", desc="Number of OpenMP threads used by Dipy, FSL, MRtrix, " "and Freesurfer recon-all", ) fix_ants_random_seed = Bool( False, desc="Fix MRtrix3 random generator seed for tractography" ) ants_random_seed = Int(1234, desc="MRtrix random generator seed value") fix_mrtrix_random_seed = Bool( False, desc="Fix ANTs random generator seed for registration" ) mrtrix_random_seed = Int(1234, desc="ANTs random generator seed value") fix_ants_number_of_threads = Bool( False, desc="Fix independently number of threads used by ANTs registration" ) ants_number_of_threads = Range( low=1, high="number_of_threads_max", mode="spinner", desc="Number of ITK threads used by ANTs registration", ) fs_license = File(desc="Path to your FREESURFER license.txt") # fs_average = Directory(os.path.join(os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'],'subjects','fsaverage')) list_of_subjects_to_be_processed = List(Str) list_of_processing_logfiles = List(File) anat_config = File(desc="Path to the configuration file of the anatomical pipeline") dmri_config = File(desc="Path to the configuration file of the diffusion pipeline") fmri_config = File(desc="Path to the configuration file of the fMRI pipeline") run_anat_pipeline = Bool(True, desc="Run the anatomical pipeline") run_dmri_pipeline = Bool(False, desc="Run the diffusion pipeline") run_fmri_pipeline = Bool(False, desc="Run the fMRI pipeline") dmri_inputs_checked = Bool(False) fmri_inputs_checked = Bool(False) settings_checked = Bool(False) docker_running = Bool(False) bidsapp_tag = Enum("{}".format(__version__), ["latest", "{}".format(__version__)]) data_provenance_tracking = Bool( False, desc="Use datalad to execute CMP3 and record dataset changes" ) datalad_update_environment = Bool( True, desc="Update the container if datalad run-container has been run already once", ) datalad_is_available = Bool(False, desc="True if datalad is available") track_carbon_footprint = Bool( True, desc="Track carbon footprint with `codecarbon <>`_, and save results in " "a CSV file called ``emissions.csv`` in the ``<bids_dir>/code`` directory." ) carbon_emission_msg = Str('Results not yet available!') update_selection = Button() check = Button() start_bidsapp = Button() # stop_bidsapp = Button() traits_view = QtView( Group( VGroup( VGroup( Item("bidsapp_tag", style="readonly", label="Tag"), label="BIDS App Version", ), HGroup( Item( "track_carbon_footprint", label="Track carbon footprint", ), label="Environmental impact", ), VGroup( Item("bids_root", style="readonly", label="Input directory"), Item( "output_dir", style="simple", label="Output directory", enabled_when="not(data_provenance_tracking)", ), label="BIDS dataset", ), VGroup( HGroup( UItem( "subjects", editor=TabularEditor( show_titles=True, selected="list_of_subjects_to_be_processed", editable=False, multi_select=True, adapter=MultiSelectAdapter( columns=[("Available labels", "myvalue")] ), ), ), UItem( "list_of_subjects_to_be_processed", editor=TabularEditor( show_titles=True, editable=False, adapter=MultiSelectAdapter( columns=[("Labels to be processed", "myvalue")] ), ), ), ), label="Participant labels to be processed", ), HGroup( Item( "number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel", label="Number of participants processed in parallel", ), label="Parallel processing", ), VGroup( HGroup( VGroup( Item("number_of_threads", label="Number of OpenMP threads"), Item( "fix_ants_number_of_threads", label="Set number of threads used by ANTs", ), Item( "ants_number_of_threads", label="Number of ITK threads used by ANTs registration", enabled_when="fix_ants_number_of_threads", ), label="Multithreading", ), VGroup( Item( "fix_ants_random_seed", label="Set seed of ANTS random number generator", ), Item( "ants_random_seed", label="Seed", enabled_when="fix_ants_random_seed", ), Item( "fix_mrtrix_random_seed", label="Set seed of MRtrix random number generator", ), Item( "mrtrix_random_seed", label="Seed", enabled_when="fix_mrtrix_random_seed", ), label="Random number generators", ), ), label="Advanced execution settings for each participant process", ), VGroup( Group( Item( "anat_config", editor=FileEditor(dialog_style="open"), label="Configuration file", visible_when="run_anat_pipeline", ), label="Anatomical pipeline", ), Group( Item("run_dmri_pipeline", label="Run processing stages"), Item( "dmri_config", editor=FileEditor(dialog_style="open"), label="Configuration file", visible_when="run_dmri_pipeline", ), label="Diffusion pipeline", visible_when="dmri_inputs_checked==True", ), Group( Item("run_fmri_pipeline", label="Run processing stages"), Item( "fmri_config", editor=FileEditor(dialog_style="open"), label="Configuration file", visible_when="run_fmri_pipeline", ), label="fMRI pipeline", visible_when="fmri_inputs_checked==True", ), label="Configuration of processing pipelines", ), VGroup( Item( "fs_license", editor=FileEditor(dialog_style="open"), label="LICENSE", ), label="Freesurfer configuration", ), VGroup( Item("data_provenance_tracking", label="Use Datalad"), Item( "datalad_update_environment", visible_when="data_provenance_tracking", label="Update the computing environment (if existing)", ), label="Data Provenance Tracking / Data Lineage", enabled_when="datalad_is_available", ), orientation="vertical", springy=True, ), spring, HGroup( spring, Item( "check", style="custom", width=152, height=35, resizable=False, label="", show_label=False, style_sheet=return_button_style_sheet( ImageResource( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "resources", os.path.join("buttons", "bidsapp-check-settings.png"), ) ).absolute_path ), ), spring, Item( "start_bidsapp", style="custom", width=152, height=35, resizable=False, label="", show_label=False, style_sheet=return_button_style_sheet( ImageResource( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "resources", os.path.join("buttons", "bidsapp-run.png") ) ).absolute_path, ImageResource( pkg_resources.resource_filename( "resources", os.path.join("buttons", "bidsapp-run-disabled.png"), ) ).absolute_path, ), enabled_when="settings_checked==True and docker_running==False", ), spring, show_labels=False, label="", ), orientation="vertical", springy=True, ), title="Connectome Mapper 3 BIDS App GUI", handler=cmp.bidsappmanager.gui.handlers.BIDSAppInterfaceWindowHandler(), buttons=[], width=0.6, height=0.8, scrollable=True, # , resizable=True # icon=get_icon("bidsapp.png") ) log_view = QtView( Group( Item("list_of_processing_logfiles"), orientation="vertical", springy=True ), title="Connectome Mapper 3 BIDS App Progress", buttons=[], width=0.5, height=0.8, resizable=True, # , scrollable=True, resizable=True # icon=get_icon("bidsapp.png") ) carbon_footprint_view = View( Group( Item("carbon_emission_msg", editor=HTMLEditor(), show_label=False), ), title="Carbon Footprint Report", kind="modal", width=2.2*modal_width, height=770, resizable=True, scrollable=False, buttons=["OK"], ) def __init__( self, project_info=None, bids_root="", subjects=None, anat_config="", dmri_config="", fmri_config="", ): """Constructor of an :class:``BIDSAppInterfaceWindow`` instance. Parameters ---------- project_info : cmp.project.ProjectInfo :class:`CMP_Project_Info` object (Default: None) bids_root : traits.Directory BIDS dataset root directory (Default: \'\') subjects : List of string List of subjects in the dataset (Default: None) anat_config : string Path to anatomical pipeline configuration file (Default: \'\') dmri_config : string Path to diffusion pipeline configuration file (Default: \'\') fmri_config : string Path to functional pipeline configuration file (Default: \'\') """ print("> Initialize window...") if multiprocessing.cpu_count() < 4: self.number_of_threads_max = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self.project_info = project_info self.bids_root = bids_root # Create a BIDSLayout for checking availability of dMRI and fMRI data try: bids_layout = BIDSLayout(self.bids_root) except Exception: print_error(" .. Exception : Raised at BIDSLayout") sys.exit(1) # Check if sMRI data is available in the dataset smri_files = bids_layout.get( datatype="anat", suffix="T1w", extension="nii.gz", return_type="file" ) if not smri_files: anat_inputs_checked = False else: anat_inputs_checked = True print(f" .. T1w available: {anat_inputs_checked}") # Check if dMRI data is available in the dataset dmri_files = bids_layout.get( datatype="dwi", suffix="dwi", extension="nii.gz", return_type="file" ) if not dmri_files: self.dmri_inputs_checked = False self.run_dmri_pipeline = False else: self.dmri_inputs_checked = True self.run_dmri_pipeline = True print(f" .. DWI available: {self.dmri_inputs_checked}") # Check if fMRI data is available in the dataset fmri_files = bids_layout.get( task="rest", datatype="func", suffix="bold", extension="nii.gz", return_type="file", ) if not fmri_files: self.fmri_inputs_checked = False self.run_fmri_pipeline = False else: self.fmri_inputs_checked = True self.run_fmri_pipeline = True print(f" .. rsfMRI available: {self.fmri_inputs_checked}") # Initialize output directory to be /bids_dir/derivatives self.output_dir = os.path.join(bids_root, "derivatives") self.subjects = subjects self.anat_config = anat_config self.dmri_config = dmri_config self.fmri_config = fmri_config if 'FREESURFER_HOME' in os.environ: self.fs_license = os.path.join( os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'], 'license.txt') elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bids_root, 'code', 'license.txt')): self.fs_license = os.path.join(bids_root, 'code', 'license.txt') else: print_error('.. ERROR: Environment variable $FREESURFER_HOME not found and no Freesurfer license file ' 'found in local code-folder ') self.fs_license = '' print_warning('Freesurfer license unset ({})'.format(self.fs_license)) self.datalad_is_available = project.is_tool("datalad") self.on_trait_change(self.update_run_dmri_pipeline, "run_dmri_pipeline") self.on_trait_change(self.update_run_fmri_pipeline, "run_fmri_pipeline") self.on_trait_change( self.number_of_parallel_procs_updated, "number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel", ) self.on_trait_change( self.update_checksettings, "list_of_subjects_to_be_processed" ) self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "anat_config") self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "run_dmri_pipeline") self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "dmri_config") self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "run_fmri_pipeline") self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "fmri_config") self.on_trait_change(self.update_checksettings, "fs_license")
[docs] def number_of_parallel_procs_updated(self, new): """Callback function when ``number_of_parallel_procs`` is updated.""" number_of_threads_max = int((multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) / new) if number_of_threads_max > 4: self.number_of_threads_max = 4 else: self.number_of_threads_max = number_of_threads_max print(" .. INFO : Update number of threads max to : {}".format(self.number_of_threads_max))
[docs] def update_run_anat_pipeline(self, new): """Callback function when ``run_anat_pipeline`` is updated.""" if new is False: print_warning(" .. WARNING: At least anatomical pipeline should be run!") self.run_anat_pipeline = True
[docs] def update_run_dmri_pipeline(self, new): """Callback function when ``run_dmri_pipeline`` is updated.""" self.run_anat_pipeline = True
[docs] def update_run_fmri_pipeline(self, new): """Callback function when ``run_fmri_pipeline`` is updated.""" self.run_anat_pipeline = True
[docs] def update_checksettings(self, new): """Function that reset ``settings_checked`` attribute to False.""" self.settings_checked = False
def _data_provenance_tracking_changed(self, new): """Callback function `data_provenance_tracking` attribute is updated.""" if new is True: self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.bids_root, "derivatives") self.data_provenance_tracking = new def _update_selection_fired(self): """Callback function when the list of selected subjects is updated.""" self.configure_traits(view="select_subjects_to_be_processed_view") def _check_fired(self): """Callback function when the Check Setting button is clicked.""" self.check_settings() def _start_bidsapp_fired(self): """Callback function when the Run BIDS App button is clicked.""" self.start_bids_app()
[docs] def check_settings(self): """Checks if all the parameters of the BIDS App run are properly set before execution.""" print_warning("\n-----------------------------------------") print_warning("BIDS App execution settings check summary") print_warning("-----------------------------------------") self.settings_checked = True if os.path.isdir(self.bids_root): print(f"* BIDS root directory : {self.bids_root}") else: print_error("Error: BIDS root invalid!") self.settings_checked = False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, __cmp_directory__)): print(f"* Output directory (existing) : {self.output_dir}") else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.output_dir, __cmp_directory__)) print_warning(f"Output directory (created) : {self.output_dir}") if len(self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed) > 0: print( f"* Participant labels to be processed : {self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed}" ) else: print_error( "Error: At least one participant label to be processed should selected!" ) self.settings_checked = False if os.path.isfile(self.anat_config): print(f"* Anatomical configuration file : {self.anat_config}") else: print_error( "Error: Configuration file for anatomical pipeline not existing!" ) self.settings_checked = False if os.path.isfile(self.dmri_config): print(f"* Diffusion configuration file : {self.dmri_config}") else: print_warning( "Warning: Configuration file for diffusion pipeline not existing!" ) if os.path.isfile(self.fmri_config): print(f"* fMRI configuration file : {self.fmri_config}") else: print_warning("Warning: Configuration file for fMRI pipeline not existing!") if os.path.isfile(self.fs_license): print(f"* Freesurfer license : {self.fs_license}") else: print_error(f"Error: Invalid Freesurfer license ({self.fs_license})!") self.settings_checked = False print(f"Valid inputs for BIDS App : {self.settings_checked}") print(f"BIDS App Version Tag: {self.bidsapp_tag}") print(f"Data provenance tracking (datalad) : {self.data_provenance_tracking}") print(f"Update computing environment (datalad) : {self.datalad_update_environment}") print( f"Number of participant processed in parallel : {self.number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel}" ) print(f"Number of OpenMP threads / participant : {self.number_of_threads}") print(f"Fix number of ITK threads : {self.fix_ants_number_of_threads}") if self.fix_ants_number_of_threads: print(f"Number of ITK threads (ANTs) / participant : {self.ants_number_of_threads}") print(f"Fix seed in ANTS random number generator : {self.fix_ants_random_seed}") if self.fix_ants_random_seed: print(f"Seed value : {self.ants_random_seed}") print(f"Fix seed in MRtrix random number generator : {self.fix_mrtrix_random_seed}") if self.fix_ants_random_seed: print(f"Seed value : {self.mrtrix_random_seed}") print("-----------------------------------------\n") return True
[docs] def start_bidsapp_participant_level_process(self, bidsapp_tag, participant_labels): """Create and run the BIDS App command. Parameters ---------- bidsapp_tag : traits.Str Version tag of the CMP 3 BIDS App participant_labels : traits.List List of participants labels in the form ["01", "03", "04", ...] """ # fmt: off cmd = [ "docker", "run", "-it", "--rm", "-v", f"{self.bids_root}:/bids_dir", "-v", f"{self.output_dir}:/output_dir", "-v", f"{self.fs_license}:/bids_dir/code/license.txt", "-v", f"{self.anat_config}:/code/ref_anatomical_config.json", ] # fmt: on if self.run_dmri_pipeline: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(f"{self.dmri_config}:/code/ref_diffusion_config.json") if self.run_fmri_pipeline: cmd.append("-v") cmd.append(f"{self.fmri_config}:/code/ref_fMRI_config.json") cmd.append("-u") cmd.append(f"{os.geteuid()}:{os.getegid()}") cmd.append(f"sebastientourbier/connectomemapper-bidsapp:{bidsapp_tag}") cmd.append("/bids_dir") cmd.append("/output_dir") cmd.append("participant") cmd.append("--participant_label") for label in participant_labels: cmd.append(f"{label}".format()) cmd.append("--anat_pipeline_config") cmd.append("/code/ref_anatomical_config.json") if self.run_dmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--dwi_pipeline_config") cmd.append("/code/ref_diffusion_config.json") if self.run_fmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--func_pipeline_config") cmd.append("/code/ref_fMRI_config.json") cmd.append("--fs_license") cmd.append("/bids_dir/code/license.txt") cmd.append("--number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel") cmd.append(f"{self.number_of_participants_processed_in_parallel}") cmd.append("--number_of_threads") cmd.append(f"{self.number_of_threads}") if self.fix_ants_number_of_threads: cmd.append("--ants_number_of_threads") cmd.append(f"{self.ants_number_of_threads}") if self.fix_ants_random_seed: cmd.append("--ants_random_seed") cmd.append(f"{self.ants_random_seed}") if self.fix_mrtrix_random_seed: cmd.append("--mrtrix_random_seed") cmd.append(f"{self.mrtrix_random_seed}") print_blue(f'... BIDS App execution command: {" ".join(cmd)}') proc = Popen(cmd) return proc
[docs] def start_bidsapp_participant_level_process_with_datalad( self, bidsapp_tag, participant_labels ): """Create and run the BIDS App command with Datalad. Parameters ---------- bidsapp_tag : traits.Str Version tag of the CMP 3 BIDS App participant_labels : traits.List List of participants labels in the form ["01", "03", "04", ...] """ # fmt: off cmd = [ "datalad", "containers-run", "--container-name", f'connectomemapper-bidsapp-{"-".join(bidsapp_tag.split("."))}', "-m", f"Processing with connectomemapper-bidsapp {bidsapp_tag}", "--input", f"{self.anat_config}", ] # fmt: on if self.run_dmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--input") cmd.append(f"{self.dmri_config}") if self.run_fmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--input") cmd.append(f"{self.fmri_config}") cmd.append("--output") cmd.append(f"{self.output_dir}") cmd.append("/bids_dir") cmd.append("/output_dir") cmd.append("participant") cmd.append("--participant_label") for label in participant_labels: cmd.append(f"{label}") # Counter to track position of config file as --input i = 0 cmd.append("--anat_pipeline_config") cmd.append(f"/{{inputs[{i}]}}") i += 1 if self.run_dmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--dwi_pipeline_config") cmd.append(f"/{{inputs[{i}]}}") i += 1 if self.run_fmri_pipeline: cmd.append("--func_pipeline_config") cmd.append(f"/{{inputs[{i}]}}") print_blue("... Datalad cmd : {}".format(" ".join(cmd))) proc = Popen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(self.bids_root)) return proc
[docs] @classmethod def manage_bidsapp_procs(cls, proclist): """Manage parallelized process at the participant level Parameters ---------- proclist : List of subprocess.Popen List of Popen processes """ for proc in proclist: if proc.poll() is not None: proclist.remove(proc)
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, command, env=None, cwd=os.getcwd()): """Function to run datalad commands. It runs the command specified as input via ````. Parameters ---------- command : string String containing the command to be executed (required) env : os.environ Specify a custom os.environ cwd : os.path Specify a custom current working directory Examples -------- >>> cmd = 'datalad save -m my dataset change message' >>> run(cmd) # doctest: +SKIP """ merged_env = os.environ if env is not None: merged_env.update(env) process = Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, env=merged_env, cwd=cwd, ) while True: line = process.stdout.readline() # Remove the "b'" prefix and the "'" at the end return by datalad line = str(line)[2:-1] print(line) if line == "" and process.poll() is not None: break if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception( f"{BColors.FAIL}Non zero return code: {process.returncode}{BColors.ENDC}" )
[docs] def start_bids_app(self): """Function executed when the Run BIDS App button is clicked. It implements all steps in the creation and execution of the BIDS App with or without datalad. """ print_blue("[Run BIDS App]") # Copy freesurfer license into dataset/code directory at the location # the BIDS app expects to find it. license_dst = os.path.join(self.bids_root, "code", "license.txt") if not os.access(license_dst, os.F_OK): dst = os.path.join(self.bids_root, "code", "license.txt") print("> Copy FreeSurfer license (BIDS App Manager) ") print("... src : {}".format(self.fs_license)) print("... dst : {}".format(dst)) shutil.copy2(src=self.fs_license, dst=dst) else: print_warning( "> FreeSurfer license copy skipped as it already exists(BIDS App Manager) " ) print("> Datalad available: {}".format(self.datalad_is_available)) # self.datalad_is_available = False if self.datalad_is_available and self.data_provenance_tracking: # Detect structure subject/session session_structure = False res = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.bids_root, "sub-*/*/anat")) # print(res) if len(res) > 0: session_structure = True print(" INFO : Subject/Session structure detected!") else: print(" INFO : Subject structure detected!") # Equivalent to: # >> datalad create derivatives # >> cd derivatives # >> datalad containers-add connectomemapper-bidsapp-{} --url dhub://sebastientourbier/connectomemapper-bidsapp:{} if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.bids_root, ".datalad")): cmd = [ "datalad", "create", "--force", "-D", f'"Creation of datalad dataset to be processed by the connectome mapper bidsapp (tag:{self.bidsapp_tag})"', "-c", "text2git", "-c", "bids", "-d", f"{self.bids_root}", ] cmd = " ".join(cmd) try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) print( " INFO: A datalad dataset has been created with success at the root directory!" ) msg = ("Add all files to datalad. " "Dataset ready to be linked with the BIDS App.") except Exception: msg = "Save state after error at datalad dataset creation" print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to create the datalad dataset") else: msg = "Datalad dataset up-to-date and ready to be linked with the BIDS App." print(" INFO: A datalad dataset already exists!") # log_filename = os.path.join(self.bids_root,'derivatives','cmp','main-datalad_log-cmpbidsapp.txt') # # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.bids_root,'derivatives','cmp')): # os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.bids_root,'derivatives','cmp')) # create an empty log file to be tracked by datalad # f = open(log_filename,"w+") # f.close() cmd = f'datalad save -d . -m "{msg}"' try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to add changes to dataset") datalad_container = os.path.join( self.bids_root, ".datalad", "environments", f'connectomemapper-bidsapp-{"-".join(self.bidsapp_tag.split("."))}', "image", ) if os.path.isdir(datalad_container): if self.datalad_update_environment: print( " INFO: Container already listed in the datalad dataset and will be updated!" ) shutil.rmtree(datalad_container) add_container = True else: add_container = False print( " INFO: Container already listed in the datalad dataset and will NOT be updated!" ) else: add_container = True print( " INFO: Add a new computing environment (container image) to the datalad dataset!" ) if add_container: # Define the docker run command executed by Datalad. # It makes the assumption that the license.txt and the configuration files # are located in the code/ directory. # fmt: off docker_cmd = [ "docker", "run", "--rm", "-t", "-v", '"$(pwd)":/bids_dir', "-v", '"$(pwd)"/derivatives:/output_dir', "-v", '"$(pwd)"/code/license.txt:/bids_dir/code/license.txt', "-v", f'"$(pwd)"/code/{os.path.basename(self.anat_config)}:/code/ref_anatomical_config.json', ] # fmt: on if self.run_dmri_pipeline: docker_cmd.append("-v") docker_cmd.append( f'"$(pwd)"/code/{os.path.basename(self.dmri_config)}:/code/ref_diffusion_config.json' ) if self.run_fmri_pipeline: docker_cmd.append("-v") docker_cmd.append( f'"$(pwd)"/code/{os.path.basename(self.fmri_config)}:/code/ref_fMRI_config.json' ) docker_cmd.append("-u") docker_cmd.append("{}:{}".format(os.geteuid(), os.getegid())) docker_cmd.append(f"sebastientourbier/connectomemapper-bidsapp:{self.bidsapp_tag}") docker_cmd.append("{cmd}") # Define and run the command to add the container image to datalad version_tag = "-".join(self.bidsapp_tag.split(".")) # fmt: off cmd = [ "datalad", "containers-add", f"connectomemapper-bidsapp-{version_tag}", "--url", f"dhub://sebastientourbier/connectomemapper-bidsapp:{self.bidsapp_tag}", "-d", ".", "--call-fmt", ] # fmt: on cmd = " ".join(cmd) docker_cmd = " ".join(docker_cmd) cmd = f'{cmd} "{docker_cmd}"' if self.datalad_update_environment: cmd = f"{cmd} --update" try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.join(self.bids_root)) print(" INFO: Container image has been linked to dataset with success!") except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to link the container image to the dataset") # Create a list of files to be retrieved by datalad get datalad_get_list = [self.anat_config] if self.run_dmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append(self.dmri_config) if self.run_dmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append(self.fmri_config) if session_structure: for label in self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/ses-*/anat/sub-{}*_T1w.*".format(label, label) ) datalad_get_list.append( "derivatives/{}/sub-{}*/*".format(__freesurfer_directory__, label) ) if self.run_dmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/ses-*/dwi/sub-{}*_dwi.*".format(label, label) ) if self.run_fmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/ses-*/func/sub-{}*_bold.*".format(label, label) ) else: for label in self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/anat/sub-{}*_T1w.*".format(label, label) ) datalad_get_list.append( "derivatives/{}/sub-{}/*".format(__freesurfer_directory__, label) ) if self.run_dmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/dwi/sub-{}*_dwi.*".format(label, label) ) if self.run_fmri_pipeline: datalad_get_list.append( "sub-{}/func/sub-{}*_bold.*".format(label, label) ) cmd = ( 'datalad save -d . -m "Dataset state after adding the container image. ' 'Datasets ready to get files via datalad run."' ) try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to add existing files to dataset") cmd = 'datalad run -d . -m "Get files for sub-{}" bash -c "datalad get {}"'.format( self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed, " ".join(datalad_get_list) ) try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error( " DATALAD ERROR: Failed to get files (cmd: datalad get {})".format( " ".join(datalad_get_list) ) ) cmd = ( 'datalad save -d . -m "Dataset state after getting the files. Dataset ready for connectome mapping." ' "--version-tag ready4analysis-{}".format(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) ) try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to commit changes to dataset") cmd = "datalad status -d ." try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to run datalad rev-status") # Create and start the carbon footprint tracker if self.track_carbon_footprint: logging.basicConfig() tracker = create_emissions_tracker(bids_root=self.bids_root) tracker.start() # maxprocs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() processes = [] self.docker_running = True if self.datalad_is_available and self.data_provenance_tracking: proc = self.start_bidsapp_participant_level_process_with_datalad( self.bidsapp_tag, self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed ) else: proc = self.start_bidsapp_participant_level_process( self.bidsapp_tag, self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed ) processes.append(proc) while len(processes) > 0: self.manage_bidsapp_procs(processes) if self.datalad_is_available and self.data_provenance_tracking: # Clean remaining cache files generated in tmp/ of the docker image # project.clean_cache(self.bids_root) cmd = 'datalad save -d . -m "Dataset processed by the connectomemapper-bidsapp:{}" --version-tag processed-{}'.format( self.bidsapp_tag, time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") ) try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error( " DATALAD ERROR: Failed to commit derivatives to datalad dataset" ) cmd = "datalad diff -t HEAD~1" try: print_blue(f"... cmd: {cmd}"), env={}, cwd=os.path.abspath(self.bids_root)) except Exception: print_error(" DATALAD ERROR: Failed to run datalad diff -t HEAD~1") print("Processing with BIDS App Finished\n") self.docker_running = False if self.track_carbon_footprint: # Stop the carbon tracker tracker.stop() # Output the carbon footprint message to the terminal carbonfootprint_msg = create_carbon_footprint_message( bids_dir=self.bids_root, emissions_csv_file=str(Path(self.bids_root) / 'code' / 'emissions.csv'), nb_of_subjects_processed=len(self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed) ) print(carbonfootprint_msg) # Display the carbon footprint report in a Dialog Window self.carbon_emission_msg = create_html_carbon_footprint_report( emissions_csv_file=str(Path(self.bids_root) / "code" / "emissions.csv"), nb_of_subjects_processed=len(self.list_of_subjects_to_be_processed) ) self.configure_traits(view='carbon_footprint_view') return True
# def stop_bids_app(self, ui_info): # print("Stop BIDS App") # #self.docker_process.kill() # self.docker_running = False # return True