Source code for cmp.cli.visualize_eeg_pipeline_outputs

# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

"""This module defines the `visualize_eeg_pipeline_outputs` script that loads and displays the different MNE outputs of the EEG pipeline.


Here are a few usage examples:

    1. Show all electrode epochs

        .. code-block:: bash

            $ python cmp/cli/ \
                --epo_file /path/to/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_epo.fif

    2. Carpet plot of ROI time series when using Cartool for ESI

        .. code-block:: bash

            $ python cmp/cli/ \
                --epo_file /path/to/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_epo.fif \
                --rtc_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_atlas-L2018_res-scale1_timeseries.npy \
                --atlas_annot lausanne2018.scale1 \
                --fs_subject sub-01 \
                --fs_subjects_dir /path/to/derivatives/freesurfer-7.1.1 \
                --roi_tsv_file /path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_res-scale1_dseg.tsv

    3. Carpet plot of ROI time series when using MNE for ESI

        .. code-block:: bash

            $ python cmp/cli/ \
                --epo_file /path/to/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_epo.fif \
                --rtc_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_atlas-L2018_res-scale1_timeseries.npy \
                --atlas_annot lausanne2018.scale1 \
                --fs_subject sub-01 \
                --fs_subjects_dir /path/to/derivatives/freesurfer-7.1.1 \
                --roi_tsv_file /path/to/sub-01_atlas-L2018_res-scale1_dseg.tsv

    4. Display BEM surfaces only on T1w

        .. code-block:: bash

            $ python cmp/cli/ \
                 --bem_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_bem.fif \
                 --fs_subject sub-01 \
                 --fs_subjects_dir /path/to/derivatives/freesurfer-7.1.1

    5. Display BEM surfaces and source position on T1w

    .. code-block:: bash

        $ python cmp/cli/ \
             --bem_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_bem.fif \
             --fs_subject sub-01 \
             --fs_subjects_dir /path/to/derivatives/freesurfer-7.1.1 \
             --src_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_src.fif

    6. Plot the noise covariance

    .. code-block:: bash

        $ python cmp/cli/ \
             --epo_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_epo.fif \
             --fs_subject sub-01 \
             --fs_subjects_dir /path/to/derivatives/freesurfer-7.1.1 \
             --noisecov_file /path/to/sub-01_task-faces_noisecov.fif

import sys
import argparse

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne

from import __version__

[docs]def create_parser(): """Create the argument parser of `visualize_eeg_pipeline_outputs` python script. Returns ------- p : argparse.ArgumentParser Argument parser """ p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to visualize outputs of the EEG pipeline.") p.add_argument( "--fs_subject", help="Freesurfer subject directory.", ) p.add_argument( "--fs_subjects_dir", help="Freesurfer subjects directory.", ) p.add_argument( "--epo_file", help="Epochs file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "--bem_file", help="BEM file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "--src_file", help="Source space file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "--noisecov_file", help="Noise covariance file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "--rtc_file", help="ROI time courses file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "--atlas_annot", help="Parcellation annotation file used to extract ROI labels.", ) p.add_argument( "--roi_tsv_file", help="Parcellation index/label mapping file used to extract ROI labels.", ) p.add_argument( "--trans_file", help="ROI time courses file in fif format.", ) p.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"Connectome Mapper version {__version__}", ) return p
[docs]def create_roi_labels(mean_rtc, fs_subject, fs_subjects_dir, atlas_annot, roi_tsv_file=None): """Create list of labels depending on the employed EEG pipeline (Cartool vs. MNE). Parameters ---------- mean_rtc : numpy.Array Numpy array containing the ROI time-series fs_subject : str Freesurfer subject directory fs_subjects_dir : str Freesurfer subjects directory atlas_annot : str Basename of parcellation annotation file roi_tsv_file : str Path to parcellation index/label mapping TSV file Returns ------- mean_rtc : numpy.Array Numpy array containing the ROI time-series roi_labels : list List of ROI labels in the order of the rows of `mean_rtc` """ # Get number of ROIs (rows) in the ROI time-series array nb_rois = mean_rtc.shape[0] # Get parcellation labels from the annotation file # used by MNE labels_parc = mne.read_labels_from_annot( subject=fs_subject, parc=atlas_annot, subjects_dir=fs_subjects_dir ) roi_labels = [ for label in labels_parc] print(f'nb_rois: {nb_rois}') print(f'roi_labels (length): {len(roi_labels)}') # Special handle of labels for Cartool as it includes # all cortical and sub-cortical rois if len(roi_labels) < nb_rois: if roi_tsv_file is not None: # Cartool is also using sub-cortical df_labels = pd.read_csv(roi_tsv_file, delimiter="\t") roi_labels = [lab for lab in list(df_labels["name"]) if "brainstem" not in lab] print(f'new roi_labels (length): {len(roi_labels)}') else: raise ValueError("Number of ROI labels and number of ROIs in the time series are not corresponding." "A parcellation index/label mapping file in TSV must be provided with option flag " "--roi_tsv_file.") else: # Special handle of labels for MNE (cortical-only) # Sort labels by hemisphere as they are alternating otherwise sorting = list(np.arange(0, nb_rois, 2)) + list(np.arange(1, nb_rois, 2)) # Update list of ROI names labels_list_left = [lab for lab in roi_labels if '-lh' in lab] labels_list_right = [lab for lab in roi_labels if '-rh' in lab] roi_labels = labels_list_left + labels_list_right mean_rtc = mean_rtc[sorting, :] return mean_rtc, roi_labels
[docs]def plot_roi_time_series(mean_rtc, roi_labels, t_min, t_max, title=None): """Display ROI time series as a carpet plot. Parameters ---------- mean_rtc : numpy.array Numpy array containing ROI time series roi_labels : list List of ROI labels t_min : float Relative start time in sec. (x-axis) t_max : float Relative end time in sec. (x-axis) title : str Title of the figure """ # Get maximum absolute value for the colormap vminmax = np.max(abs(mean_rtc)) # Set figure size plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6.67) # Display ROI time series as a carpet plot plt.imshow( mean_rtc, aspect='auto', extent=[1e3 * t_min, 1e3 * t_max, 0, mean_rtc.shape[0]], interpolation='None', vmin=-vminmax, vmax=vminmax, cmap='magma' ) # Set label of x- and y- axis plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('ROIs') # Add colorbar legend cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label('Source activity (a.u.)') # Show ROI labels only for parcellation that has less than 100 ROIS # i.e. NativeFreesurfer and scale 1 of Lausanne2018 if mean_rtc.shape[0] < 100: locs = np.arange(0, mean_rtc.shape[0]) + 0.5 _ = plt.yticks(locs, roi_labels, rotation=0, fontsize=6) # Set figure title plt.title(title) # Adjust figure margins plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def main(): """Main function that load and display different outputs of the EEG pipeline using MNE visualization features. Returns ------- exit_code : {0, 1} An exit code given to `sys.exit()` that can be: * '0' in case of successful completion * '1' in case of an error """ # Parse script arguments parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.epo_file: epo = mne.read_epochs(args.epo_file) if args.noisecov_file: noisecov = mne.read_cov(args.noisecov_file) mne.viz.plot_cov(noisecov, elif args.rtc_file: # Load ROI time series # shape: (#trials x #rois x time) rtc = np.load(args.rtc_file) # Compute mean over trials # shape: (#rois x time) mean_rtc = np.mean(rtc, axis=0) mean_rtc, roi_labels = create_roi_labels( mean_rtc=mean_rtc, fs_subject=args.fs_subject, fs_subjects_dir=args.fs_subjects_dir, atlas_annot=args.atlas_annot, roi_tsv_file=args.roi_tsv_file ) plot_roi_time_series( mean_rtc=mean_rtc, roi_labels=roi_labels, t_min=epo.times.min(), t_max=epo.times.max(), title=f"ROI time-series for {args.fs_subject}" ) else: fig = plt.figure() mne.viz.plot_epochs(epo, title=f"Epochs for {args.fs_subject}") plt.close(fig) elif args.bem_file: # bem_solution = mne.read_bem_solution(args.bem_file) plot_bem_kwargs = dict( subject=args.fs_subject, subjects_dir=args.fs_subjects_dir, brain_surfaces='white', orientation='coronal', slices=[50, 100, 150, 200] ) if args.src_file: src = mne.read_source_spaces(args.src_file) fig = plt.figure() fig_bem = mne.viz.plot_bem( src=src, **plot_bem_kwargs ) fig_bem.canvas.set_window_title(f"BEM surfaces and sources for {args.fs_subject}") plt.tight_layout() plt.close(fig) else: fig = plt.figure() fig_bem = mne.viz.plot_bem( **plot_bem_kwargs ) fig_bem.canvas.set_window_title(f"BEM surfaces for {args.fs_subject}") plt.tight_layout() plt.close(fig) else: print('INVALID USAGE. Please enter the command: visualize_eeg_pipeline_outputs -h to get a list of possible options.') return 1 return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())