Source code for cmtklib.config

# Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland, and CMP3 contributors
# All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the open-source license Modified BSD.

""" Module that defines CMTK Config file function."""
import os
import configparser
import json
from import Iterable

[docs]def get_process_detail_ini(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the Global section of the INI config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() # print('Loading config from file: %s' % project_info.config_file) return config.get(section, detail)
[docs]def get_anat_process_detail_ini(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the anatomical INI config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() # print('Loading config from file: %s' % project_info.config_file) res = None if detail == "atlas_info": res = eval(config.get(section, detail)) else: res = config.get(section, detail) return res
[docs]def get_dmri_process_detail_ini(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the diffusion INI config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() # print('Loading config from file: %s' % project_info.config_file) return config.get(section, detail)
[docs]def get_fmri_process_detail_ini(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the fMRI INI config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() # print('Loading config from file: %s' % project_info.config_file) return config.get(section, detail)
[docs]def get_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the global section of the JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def get_anat_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the anatomical JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.anat_config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) res = None if detail == "atlas_info": res = eval(config[section][detail]) else: res = config[section][detail] return res
[docs]def get_dmri_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the diffusion JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.dmri_config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def get_fmri_process_detail_json(project_info, section, detail): """Get the value for a parameter key (detail) in the stage section of the fMRI JSON config file. Parameters ---------- project_info : Instance(cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info) Instance of :class:`cmp.project.CMP_Project_Info` class section : string Stage section name detail : string Parameter key Returns ------- The parameter value """ with open(project_info.fmri_config_file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) return config[section][detail]
[docs]def anat_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the configuration file of an anatomical pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline) Instance of AnatomicalPipeline config_path : string Path of the configuration file """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('Global') global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: # if key != "subject" and key != "subjects": config.set('Global', key, getattr(pipeline.global_conf, key)) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): config.add_section( stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: keyval = getattr(stage.config, key) if 'config' in key: # subconfig stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( keyval.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: config.set(, key + '.' + sub_key, getattr(keyval, sub_key)) else: config.set(, key, keyval) config.add_section('Multi-processing') config.set('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores', pipeline.number_of_cores) with open(config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print('Config file (anat) saved as {}'.format(config_path)) config_json = {} for section in config.sections(): config_json[section] = {} for name, value in config.items(section): if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [x for x in value if x] elif value and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value] elif value and isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value.strip()] else: config_json[section][name] = [] if len(config_json[section][name]) == 1: config_json[section][name] = config_json[section][name][0] elif len(config_json[section][name]) == 0: config_json[section][name] = '' config_json_path = '.'.join([os.path.splitext(config_path)[0], 'json']) with open(config_json_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config_json, outfile, indent=4) print('Config json file (anat) saved as {}'.format(config_json_path))
[docs]def anat_load_config_ini(pipeline, config_path): """Load the configuration file of an anatomical pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline) Instance of AnatomicalPipeline config_path : string Path of the configuration file """ print('>> Load anatomical config file : {}'.format(config_path)) config = configparser.ConfigParser() # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') try: except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: print( '... error : file is a datalad git annex but it has not been retrieved yet.' + ' Please do datalad get ... and reload the dataset (File > Load BIDS Dataset...)' ) global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions": conf_value = config.get('Global', key) setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config.get(, key + '.' + sub_key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config.get(, key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config.get('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores'))) return True
[docs]def anat_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of an anatomical pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.anatomical.anatomical.AnatomicalPipeline) Instance of AnatomicalPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ print('>> Load anatomical config file : {}'.format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions": conf_value = config['Global'][key] setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config[][key + '.' + sub_key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config[][key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config['Multi-processing']['number_of_cores'])) return True
[docs]def dmri_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the INI configuration file of a diffusion pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.diffusion.diffusion.DiffusionPipeline) Instance of DiffusionPipeline config_path : string Path of the INI configuration file """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('Global') global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? print(global_keys) for key in global_keys: # if key != "subject" and key != "subjects": config.set('Global', key, getattr(pipeline.global_conf, key)) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): config.add_section( stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: keyval = getattr(stage.config, key) if 'config' in key: # subconfig stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( keyval.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: config.set(, key + '.' + sub_key, getattr(keyval, sub_key)) else: config.set(, key, keyval) config.add_section('Multi-processing') config.set('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores', pipeline.number_of_cores) with open(config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print('Config file (dwi) saved as {}'.format(config_path)) config_json = {} for section in config.sections(): config_json[section] = {} for name, value in config.items(section): if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [x for x in value if x] elif value and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value] elif value and isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value.strip()] else: config_json[section][name] = [] if len(config_json[section][name]) == 1: config_json[section][name] = config_json[section][name][0] elif len(config_json[section][name]) == 0: config_json[section][name] = '' config_json_path = '.'.join([os.path.splitext(config_path)[0], 'json']) with open(config_json_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config_json, outfile, indent=4) print('Config json file (dwi) saved as {}'.format(config_json_path))
[docs]def dmri_load_config_ini(pipeline, config_path): """Load the INI configuration file of a diffusion pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.diffusion.diffusion.DiffusionPipeline) Instance of DiffusionPipeline config_path : string Path of the INI configuration file """ print('>> Load diffusion config file : {}'.format(config_path)) config = configparser.ConfigParser() # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') try: except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: print('... error : file is a datalad git annex but it has not been retrieved yet.' 'Please do datalad get ... and reload the dataset (File > Load BIDS Dataset...)') global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions" and key != 'modalities': conf_value = config.get('Global', key) setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config.get(, key + '.' + sub_key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config.get(, key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config.get('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores'))) return True
[docs]def dmri_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of a diffusion pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.diffusion.diffusion.DiffusionPipeline) Instance of DiffusionPipeline config_path : string Path of the JSON configuration file """ print('>> Load diffusion config file : {}'.format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions": conf_value = config['Global'][key] setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config[][key + '.' + sub_key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config[][key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config['Multi-processing']['number_of_cores'])) return True
[docs]def fmri_save_config(pipeline, config_path): """Save the INI configuration file of a fMRI pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline) Instance of fMRIPipeline config_path : string Path of the INI configuration file """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('Global') global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: # if key != "subject" and key != "subjects": config.set('Global', key, getattr(pipeline.global_conf, key)) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): config.add_section( stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: keyval = getattr(stage.config, key) if 'config' in key: # subconfig stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( keyval.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: config.set(, key + '.' + sub_key, getattr(keyval, sub_key)) else: config.set(, key, keyval) config.add_section('Multi-processing') config.set('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores', pipeline.number_of_cores) with open(config_path, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print('Config file (fMRI) saved as {}'.format(config_path)) config_json = {} for section in config.sections(): config_json[section] = {} for name, value in config.items(section): if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [x for x in value if x] elif value and not isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value] elif value and isinstance(value, str): config_json[section][name] = [value.strip()] else: config_json[section][name] = [] if len(config_json[section][name]) == 1: config_json[section][name] = config_json[section][name][0] elif len(config_json[section][name]) == 0: config_json[section][name] = '' config_json_path = '.'.join([os.path.splitext(config_path)[0], 'json']) with open(config_json_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config_json, outfile, indent=4) print('Config json file (fMRI) saved as {}'.format(config_json_path))
[docs]def fmri_load_config_ini(pipeline, config_path): """Load the INI configuration file of a fMRI pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline) Instance of fMRIPipeline config_path : string Path of the INI configuration file """ print('>> Load fMRI config file : {}'.format(config_path)) config = configparser.ConfigParser() # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') try: except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: print( '... error : file is a datalad git annex but it has not been retrieved yet.' ' Please do datalad get ... and reload the dataset (File > Load BIDS Dataset...)') global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions": conf_value = config.get('Global', key) setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config.get(, key + '.' + sub_key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config.get(, key) try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config.get('Multi-processing', 'number_of_cores'))) return True
[docs]def fmri_load_config_json(pipeline, config_path): """Load the JSON configuration file of a fMRI pipeline. Parameters ---------- pipeline : Instance(cmp.pipelines.functional.fMRI.fMRIPipeline) Instance of fMRIPipeline config_path : string Path of the INI configuration file """ print('>> Load fMRI config file : {}'.format(config_path)) # datalad_is_available = is_tool('datalad') with open(config_path, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) global_keys = [prop for prop in list(pipeline.global_conf.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in global_keys: if key != "subject" and key != "subjects" and key != "subject_session" and key != "subject_sessions": conf_value = config['Global'][key] setattr(pipeline.global_conf, key, conf_value) for stage in list(pipeline.stages.values()): stage_keys = [prop for prop in list(stage.config.traits( ).keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] # possibly dangerous..? for key in stage_keys: if 'config' in key: # subconfig sub_config = getattr(stage.config, key) stage_sub_keys = [prop for prop in list( sub_config.traits().keys()) if 'trait' not in prop] for sub_key in stage_sub_keys: try: conf_value = config[][key + '.' + sub_key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(sub_config, sub_key, conf_value) except Exception: pass else: try: if key != 'modalities': conf_value = config[][key] try: conf_value = eval(conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(stage.config, key, conf_value) except Exception: pass setattr(pipeline, 'number_of_cores', int( config['Multi-processing']['number_of_cores'])) return True